SCO Detractors - Academia - SCO vs. IBM

2003-03-07   SCO / Caldera suing IBM  More  More  More
2003-04-26   IBM LTC - See document  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  [PDF]  More  [PDF]
2003-05-31   BYU NewsNet Returns Awards for Plagiarized Web Designs - See document  More  More  More  More
2003-06-16   SCO Protest  More  More  More  Flyer  [PDF]  More  Photos  More  More  More  More  More
2003-06-20   Darl McBride answers questions  [WMA]  More  Photos
2003-08-04   Moglen on SCO's FUD  More  [PDF]
2003-09-02   BYU - See document  More  More  More  More  More  More
2003-09-06   BYU, Groklaw, SCO lawsuit  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  More  More

2003-11-11   SCO v IBM project - See document  More  More
2003-11-12   SCO v IBM  [YouTube]  More  More
2003-11-14   SCO v. IBM, The Filter - See document  More 
2003-12-04   More SCO fud, this time insulting the constitution

2004-01-07   BYU - See document  More  More
2004-01-23   SCO v IBM, The Filter - See document  More  More  More
2004-01-22   Darl FUDs again  More
2004-02-02   Defending Intellectual Property Rights - Darl McBride  [YouTube]  More
2004-02-02   Free as in Maaah  More  More 
2004-02-05   Questioning the Kernel  More  More  More
2004-02-23   The Legal Future of Free Software - See document  [YouTube]  More
2004-04-12   Lawrence Lessig elected to FSF Board of Directors - See document
2004-04-22   Free Culture - See document  [PDF]

2005-03-11   Free Software Foundation Leadership - See document
2005-03-28   BYU  More  More
2005-11-29   Darl McBride at UVSC  More  More

2006-08-01   Salt Lake City, Utah people love Groklaw  More
2006-09-22   Free Software Foundation Leadership - See document

2007-10-11   Free Software Foundation Leadership - See document

2008-04-28   Free Software Foundation Leadership - See document

2009-12-24   Defining the contours of freedom - Watch video  [YouTube]  More