Salt Lake City, Utah people love Groklaw


August 1, 2006

Ok, I don't know whether they are really loving Groklaw. But they are the winners when it comes to  searching for Groklaw at Google [ ].

Who could that be? LOL.

(found here [ address recording&type=article&order=&hideanonymous=0&pid=467241#c467450 ] at Groklaw )

1:01:17 PM

Salt Lake City, Utah people love Groklaw


August 1, 2006

1. Salt Lake City, UT, USA

  2. Phoenix, AZ, USA

  3. Portland, OR, USA

  4. Austin, TX, USA

  5. San Francisco, CA, USA

  6. Vancouver, Canada

  7. Dallas, TX, USA

  8. Denver, CO, USA

  9. Stockholm, Sweden

  10. Minneapolis, MN, USA

I think I know who might be searching from Austin, TX, USA ;) . But who might be those other seekers?

1:28:40 PM

Source: Investor Village SCOX [ ]

Copyright 2006