SCO vs. IBM					 Tech Insider's Review

From sorenson at  Sat Sep  6 13:14:44 2003
From: sorenson at (Frank Sorenson)
Date: Sat Sep  6 12:14:40 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO lawsuit info
Message-ID: <>

I've been communicating with PJ over at Groklaw (currently, and there are a few documents that she 
doesn't have that may be helpful.  They can be requested from the 
courthouse clerk in SLC, and copies will be provided at $.50 per page.  If 
anyone happens to pass by the courthouse, and could pick up some of the 
documents, that would be great.  If not, I'll schedule a short roadtrip, 
and go get them myself.

They're open 8:30am-5:00pm M-F, and are at 350 S Main (SLC).  Info is
here: If you get the
goods, I'll reimburse you for the copies :)

The case is 2:03CV00294 DAK 

Needed are:

A Copy of the subpoena filed by IBM (served on Ralph Yarro/Yanno) -
Document 31-1

Any paper-only attachments/exhibits to IBM's ammended answer and
counterclaim (if there's anything that was not imaged--we've got the
answer itself) - Document 27-1

Here's what she says:
> If you or any LUGfolk happen to pass by the court house, you might see
if you can get a copy of the subpoena that was just filed by IBM.  Story
about it on Groklaw a few articles ago. Now that'd be great.  If they have
any exhibits that are paper-only attached to IBM's amended answer, that
would be wonderful too.  No rush.  It's open to the public. I don't need
the Novell letter exhibit, because I have it already, but if there is
anything else, I would love to put that info up.  If you are itching to
help, that would really be a true help.


Frank Sorenson - KD7TZK
CSR Computer Science Department
Brigham Young University

From sjansen at  Sat Sep  6 13:30:15 2003
From: sjansen at (Stuart Jansen)
Date: Sat Sep  6 12:30:35 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO lawsuit info
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1062873014.2117.3.camel@patience>

On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 12:14, Frank Sorenson wrote:
> I've been communicating with PJ over at Groklaw (currently 
>, and there are a few documents that she 
> doesn't have that may be helpful.

I've forwarded your request to the SLLUG list and asked that they
contact you if they can help.

Stuart Jansen <, AIM:StuartMJansen>

Interviewer: What do you think anything[sic] is still missing from
the [Linux] kernel?
Andrew Morton: Groupies!

From sorenson at  Mon Sep  8 13:05:28 2003
From: sorenson at (Frank Sorenson)
Date: Mon Sep  8 12:05:14 2003
Subject: [uug] Re: SCO lawsuit info
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to everyone who has responded that they'd be willing to help.  I
think I've got several people who can get the papers, and I should
probably have them later today or tomorrow.

Thanks again,

Frank Sorenson - KD7TZK
CSR Computer Science Department
Brigham Young University

The materials and information included in this review are not to be used 
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