From emcnabb at Mon Jun 16 18:15:18 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Mon Jun 16 17:34:32 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
Message-ID: <20030616231518.GH12655@medusa>
There has been some interest in having a protest (more of a picket) in
front of SCO's office. Most of us are pretty frustrated with what has
happened over the last few months; this might be the best way to get
our opinions out. Plus we would probably make Slashdot and the local news. :-)
If we do it we'll probably want to get the PLUG (and other user groups)
I called up the Lindon police and talked to them about the do's and don't
and they are perfectly fine with us doing it. (The officer I talked to
almost sounded a little shocked; a protest in Lindon? :-)
I was thinking if we do decide to do it, next Friday in the late afternoon
might be good; there aren't any classes and people could probably leave work
an hour or two early.
What are people's opinions about this? If we decide to do it, that's fine with
me. If not, that's fine too. :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From sjansen at Mon Jun 16 18:22:48 2003
From: sjansen at (Stuart Jansen)
Date: Mon Jun 16 17:40:39 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: <20030616231518.GH12655@medusa>
References: <20030616231518.GH12655@medusa>
Message-ID: <1055805767.1112.2.camel@patience>
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 17:15, Evan McNabb wrote:
> What are people's opinions about this? If we decide to do it, that's fine with
> me. If not, that's fine too. :-)
Off the top of my head, if we okay it with the govt. they only problem
left is BYUSA. It'd be easier to not associate this with the club too
much. Make it a Plug activity instead. No official arrangement for
transportation and I think we're okay.
Stuart Jansen <, AIM:StuartMJansen>
"What hole did you dig that up from?"
-- my roommate commenting on my taste in music
From emcnabb at Mon Jun 16 18:53:52 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Mon Jun 16 18:13:09 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20030616231518.GH12655@medusa>
Message-ID: <20030616235352.GI12655@medusa>
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 05:47:43PM -0600, Andrew McNabb wrote:
> You mean this coming Friday (the 20th), right? There are classes the
> Friday after that.
Hum, guess that's true. Pretty much we just need to see how many people
are interested first. I'm hoping for atleast 50. We'll work the date out
eventally if the response is good.
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From emcnabb at Mon Jun 16 19:00:51 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Mon Jun 16 18:20:07 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: < 1055805767.1112.2.camel@patience>
References: < 20030616231518.GH12655@medusa> < 1055805767.1112.2.camel@patience>
Message-ID: < 20030617000051.GJ12655@medusa>
> Off the top of my head, if we okay it with the govt. they only problem
> left is BYUSA. It'd be easier to not associate this with the club too
> much. Make it a Plug activity instead. No official arrangement for
> transportation and I think we're okay.
Yeah, We'll probably have to do something like that. Here are a few things the
officer said we can't do:
1) Go onto their property
2) Talk to ANY customers entering and leaving the premise
3) Disturb normal business activities
4) Block traffic or people on the sidewalk
Once we have a date we just need to call them up and tell them. Then we're
ready to go.
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From wpage at Mon Jun 16 18:24:01 2003
From: wpage at (William Page)
Date: Mon Jun 16 17:41:50 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: <20030616231518.GH12655@medusa>
Message-ID: <001501c3345e$5f809ba0$0400000a@earth>
I'm interested. Anybody have/have access to big vans for carpooling?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Evan McNabb
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 5:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
> There has been some interest in having a protest (more of a
> picket) in
> front of SCO's office. Most of us are pretty frustrated with what has
> happened over the last few months; this might be the best way to get
> our opinions out. Plus we would probably make Slashdot and
> the local news. :-) If we do it we'll probably want to get
> the PLUG (and other user groups) involved.
> I called up the Lindon police and talked to them about the
> do's and don't
> and they are perfectly fine with us doing it. (The officer I
> talked to
> almost sounded a little shocked; a protest in Lindon? :-)
> I was thinking if we do decide to do it, next Friday in the
> late afternoon might be good; there aren't any classes and
> people could probably leave work an hour or two early.
> What are people's opinions about this? If we decide to do it,
> that's fine with me. If not, that's fine too. :-)
> -Evan
> --
> /********************************************************************\
> Evan McNabb: <> <>
> System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
> GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C
> 6A35 6EA5
> \********************************************************************/
From soren at Mon Jun 16 21:34:00 2003
From: soren at (Soren Harward)
Date: Mon Jun 16 20:50:51 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest - sound and fury but let's make it signify
Message-ID: <>
[For those of you just joining us, those of us who are sick of SCO's
stupidity and "reckless endangerment" of the Open Source world are going
to picket outside their offices.]
Okay, looks like a decent response for the picket lines. Those that
have work on the 20th will also have it on the 27th, but those BYU
students that have classes on the 27th will not have them on the 20th.
Therefore, I propose the 20th -- the sooner the better, while the issue
is still hot. We need to be there when the traffic is the highest
(think 7-Up and "high traffic areas"), so that means starting around 3pm
and going until 5pm, all the employees are gone, our interest is gone,
or we've all been arrested :)
We're going to look really stupid picketing without any large signs. I
personally am going to bring some posterboard and markers, but if you're
coming, do the same. Don't count on borrowing someone else's paper or
holding their signs. If you feel motivated to make flyers/handbills,
feel free to do so. But *please* make your presentation professional,
avoid name-calling, and ensure that your information is accurate. As
has been previously posted to this list, an excellent summary of the
case is at:
Also, keep up on the Slashdot articles (but not necessarily the
comments). It would also be nice if we could get someone with a boom
box pumping out "the Free Software song."
It's also likely to be warm and very sunny in the afternoon, and there
isn't a tree over 8 feet tall anywhere near the SCO building. Bring
plenty of drinking water (or liquid refreshment of choice) and sunscreen
so your monitor tan doesn't turn into a bright red. There's also
nothing but office buildings around, so I imagine that Altiris and
Comdex will get annoyed if some picketer is running into their building
every 10 minutes to use the bathroom.
As for transportation, the facility is in Lindon. SCO's site has a nice
little map for how to get there:
If you don't want to show up on your own, we will meet at 2:30 pm at one
of two locations:
- Provo High School parking lot, in front of the main entrance
- Parking lot of Home Depot in Lindon (right off the I-15 entrance).
I will be at the former location, Evan McNabb at the latter. If you
live south of BYU campus in Provo and don't want to walk to Provo High,
I can come get you around 2:00. Email me.
To close, let me re-iterate that this needs to stay legal:
1) Go onto their property
2) Talk to ANY customers entering and leaving the premesis
3) Disturb normal business activities
4) Block traffic or people on the sidewalk
It also needs to stay separate from the official UUG domain. There
will likely be press coverage, so remember that the BYU UUG is not
sponsoring, coordinating, organizing, or officially endorsing this
event. Otherwise, it could be our last.
Okay, now that my paranoid side has had its say, let's do this! At the
very least, this is gonna be a lot of fun. Maybe we'll get into
Revolution OS II: The Penguin's Revenge. At the very least, we'll be
representing thousands -- nay, millions -- of geeks world-wide who are
even more upset than we are.
Soren Harward
From jakea at Mon Jun 16 22:06:11 2003
From: jakea at (Jacob Albretsen)
Date: Mon Jun 16 21:23:41 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest - sound and fury but let's make it signify
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
On Monday 16 June 2003 08:34 pm, Soren Harward wrote:
> It also needs to stay separate from the official UUG domain. There
> will likely be press coverage, so remember that the BYU UUG is not
> sponsoring, coordinating, organizing, or officially endorsing this
> event. Otherwise, it could be our last.
Warning, RANT. Feel free to delete.
So you're saying that the UUG being affiliated with a perfectly legal and
given right by the U.S. constitution, ie free speech, can be a bad thing? Do
we need to reserve the sidewalk with scheduling or something? Do they need
to send out someone to make sure we have enough people to take up the
sidewalk? I mean, as long as we are not starting fires and overturning cars,
what's the big deal?
I know, I know, BYUSA. It just seems odd to me that we are supposedly
fighting a war to help protect our country and what it stand for, and the
rights that it gives us, only to be scared to actually exercise those rights.
Go figure.
End of rant. Crapfully crapfully yours, deleted.
Jacob Albretsen
From emcnabb at Mon Jun 16 22:29:55 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Mon Jun 16 21:49:15 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest - sound and fury but let's make it signify
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20030617032955.GM12655@medusa>
> So you're saying that the UUG being affiliated with a perfectly legal and
> given right by the U.S. constitution, ie free speech, can be a bad thing? Do
> we need to reserve the sidewalk with scheduling or something? Do they need
> to send out someone to make sure we have enough people to take up the
> sidewalk? I mean, as long as we are not starting fires and overturning cars,
> what's the big deal?
We have called and let the police know. Why? Because that's what you're supposed
to do, just so they know what's going on if they get a phone call Friday afternoon.
We have the freedom of speech, but there are laws about what you can say and do as
you exercise your rights.
> I know, I know, BYUSA. It just seems odd to me that we are supposedly
> fighting a war to help protect our country and what it stand for, and the
> rights that it gives us, only to be scared to actually exercise those rights.
> Go figure.
It's more than just BYUSA, it's BYU. At the university I used to attend they
had this type of stuff all the time; BYU is a little different. Someone (I believe)
got kicked out of BYU for being a little to strong in their protesting up in
Salt Lake.
We just want to make sure that we obey the law and atleast act professional. I
hope that's not too much to ask. :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From matthew at Tue Jun 17 00:46:57 2003
From: matthew at (Matt W.)
Date: Tue Jun 17 00:04:41 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
References: < 001501c3345e$5f809ba0$0400000a@earth>
Message-ID: < 00b701c33493$ddc7c6c0$0809560c@beast>
From: "William Page" <>
> I'm interested. Anybody have/have access to big vans for carpooling?
I of course won't be there. I'd definitely like to see photos though. If
we're really shunning this as a BYU UUG activity, probably won't be able to
post pics on; I'd still really like to see photos though.
Matt W.
PS Assuming that it is actually someone's job to find out if doing such a
protest under the name BYU UUG would endager BYUSA membership, I ask, "Is
that person going to find out?"
From emcnabb at Tue Jun 17 00:54:28 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Tue Jun 17 00:13:50 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: < 00b701c33493$ddc7c6c0$0809560c@beast>
References: < 001501c3345e$5f809ba0$0400000a@earth>
< 00b701c33493$ddc7c6c0$0809560c@beast>
Message-ID: < 20030617055428.GO12655@medusa>
> PS Assuming that it is actually someone's job to find out if doing such a
> protest under the name BYU UUG would endager BYUSA membership, I ask, "Is
> that person going to find out?"
"It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" :-)
This is just a bunch of us getting together for a "celebration". I'm not too
worried about our BYUSA membership. I value a lot of things in life more than
that. :-)
I'm not to concerned; as long as we don't have an announcement on our webpage
it isn't an "official" activity. :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From bob at Tue Jun 17 02:15:04 2003
From: bob at (Bob Weaver)
Date: Tue Jun 17 01:32:39 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
References: <001501c3345e$5f809ba0$0400000a@earth>
Message-ID: <011e01c334a0$5ca9a7e0$8a00a8c0@johngalt>
: ----- Original Message -----
: From: "Evan McNabb" <>
: To: "BYU Unix Users Group" <>
: Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 23 54
: Subject: Re: [uug] SCO Protest
: This is just a bunch of us getting together for a "celebration". I'm not too
: worried about our BYUSA membership. I value a lot of things in life more than
: that. :-)
Wow, this whole thing sounds pretty sad.. It sounds like what you value more than
BYUSA membership is fame..
"Plus we would probably make Slashdot and the local news. :-)"
From emcnabb at Tue Jun 17 09:11:24 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Tue Jun 17 08:30:48 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: <011e01c334a0$5ca9a7e0$8a00a8c0@johngalt>
References: <20030617055428.GO12655@medusa>
Message-ID: <20030617141124.GP12655@medusa>
> Wow, this whole thing sounds pretty sad.. It sounds like what you value more than
> BYUSA membership is fame..
> <quote>
> "Plus we would probably make Slashdot and the local news. :-)"
> </quote>
Yeah Bob, I'm doing everything for fame and glory. What I am saying is that
this is our chance to get the local media aware of how we feel (well, all of
us except you) and tell the slashdotters that not all of us out here are fans
of SCO (well, most of us that is). :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From art at Tue Jun 17 09:46:38 2003
From: art at (Arthur Moore)
Date: Tue Jun 17 09:05:05 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest
In-Reply-To: <00b701c33493$ddc7c6c0$0809560c@beast>
References: <001501c3345e$5f809ba0$0400000a@earth>
Message-ID: <>
Matt W. wrote:
>From: "William Page" <>
>>I'm interested. Anybody have/have access to big vans for carpooling?
>I of course won't be there. I'd definitely like to see photos though. If
>we're really shunning this as a BYU UUG activity, probably won't be able to
>post pics on; I'd still really like to see photos though.
>Matt W.
>PS Assuming that it is actually someone's job to find out if doing such a
>protest under the name BYU UUG would endager BYUSA membership, I ask, "Is
>that person going to find out?"
>BYU Unix Users Group
>List Info:
a SCO protest on the campus by a BYU club would definately make national
From art at Tue Jun 17 09:43:43 2003
From: art at (Arthur Moore)
Date: Tue Jun 17 09:02:10 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest - sound and fury but let's make it signify
In-Reply-To: <20030617032955.GM12655@medusa>
References: <>
<> <20030617032955.GM12655@medusa>
Message-ID: <>
>>It's more than just BYUSA, it's BYU. At the university I used to attend they
>>had this type of stuff all the time; BYU is a little different. Someone (I believe)
>>got kicked out of BYU for being a little to strong in their protesting up in
>>Salt Lake.
>>We just want to make sure that we obey the law and atleast act professional. I
>>hope that's not too much to ask. :-)
I actually know the guy who was arrested in Salt Lake and then
discontinued his enrollment at BYU (He didn't get kicked out). What he
was doing was actually illegal. they were blocking the entrance to a
government building, and so were arrested. But if we are legal about it
(i.e. we don't get arrested) BYU cannot do anything against us. In fact
I think that BYU would be in support of this kind of thing. They are
always telling us to get active in the community. We actually may want
to push the issue farther up than BYUSA and see if the club can be
"officially" represented at the protest. Also if there happens to be any
press there (Note: we should call the papers), We should make sure they
talk to an official representative of the club (i.e. one of the club
From mrb23 at Tue Jun 17 10:51:31 2003
From: mrb23 at (Michael Ryan Byrd)
Date: Tue Jun 17 10:10:08 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest (Media Coverage)
press contact info:
From emcnabb at Tue Jun 17 11:15:13 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Tue Jun 17 10:34:36 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest (Media Coverage)
Message-ID: <20030617161513.GS12655@medusa>
Just to let everyone know, we're going to organize some info
and send it out to these people. i.e. don't contact these people yet. :-)
P.S. Thanks for getting all of these addresses...
P.P.S. I'm at work so I can't do much for the next few hours... :-) e-mail
> press contact info:
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +
> ?
> +
> ?
> +
> +
> ____________________
> BYU Unix Users Group
> ___________________________________________________________________
> List Info:
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From bob at Tue Jun 17 12:56:06 2003
From: bob at (Bob Weaver)
Date: Tue Jun 17 12:12:25 2003
Subject: [uug] Later
References: <009001c334f2$ccebeed0$97fd070a@sujan>
Message-ID: <00a201c334f9$ba63ce70$8a00a8c0@johngalt>
It's sad to see that a lot of the members of this list have gone so far off in their desire to gain fame and
notoriety at the expense of another.. I don't like what SCO is doing any more than anyone else. But the fact
of the matter is, if there is any truth to their allegations, the offenders should be prosecuted. If someone
breaks the law, they should be prepared to accept the punishment. This is not my opinion, it is the way things
are. If Microsoft stole GPL'd code and used it in a closed-source project, you would all be furious and
demanding justice. I don't see how this is any different looking at it objectively. If there is in fact no
truth in the case, that will be decided. Either way, it's sad to see that the primary focus of many of the
members of the mailing list has turned to spite and childish attempts to get noticed.
I have better things to do with my time than stage infantile protests just to gain attention and seek out the
fame associated with it. No matter how you try to justify this thing, that is the only reason you are doing
it. It will not change anything in the case. It will not hurt SCO. It is only being done to gain recognition.
Nothing else.
This said, I hope the list can get it's focus back on track and get back to the things that are important. I
wish you all well in your pursuit of Linux and other projects out there that are worth supporting. I've had a
good time helping out with questions on this list and in some of the general discussion. But it's time to move
on to better things now.
I'm sad to see how far down the list has gone. But as Despair, Inc. put it so well:
From emcnabb at Tue Jun 17 13:12:12 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Tue Jun 17 12:31:39 2003
Subject: [uug] Later
In-Reply-To: <00a201c334f9$ba63ce70$8a00a8c0@johngalt>
References: <009001c334f2$ccebeed0$97fd070a@sujan>
Message-ID: <20030617181212.GX12655@medusa>
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 11:56:06AM -0600, Bob Weaver wrote:
> It's sad to see that a lot of the members of this list have gone so far off in their desire to gain fame and
> notoriety at the expense of another.. I don't like what SCO is doing any more than anyone else. But the fact
> of the matter is, if there is any truth to their allegations, the offenders should be prosecuted. If someone
> breaks the law, they should be prepared to accept the punishment. This is not my opinion, it is the way things
> are. If Microsoft stole GPL'd code and used it in a closed-source project, you would all be furious and
> demanding justice. I don't see how this is any different looking at it objectively. If there is in fact no
> truth in the case, that will be decided. Either way, it's sad to see that the primary focus of many of the
> members of the mailing list has turned to spite and childish attempts to get noticed.
I think that if IBM is wrong they should be punished. What I don't agree with is
the FUD that SCO has been saying about Linux.
> I have better things to do with my time than stage infantile protests just to gain attention and seek out the
> fame associated with it. No matter how you try to justify this thing, that is the only reason you are doing
> it. It will not change anything in the case. It will not hurt SCO. It is only being done to gain recognition.
> Nothing else.
If that's what you think, that's ok. I don't think I will hurt SCO, but if I have the
opportunity to advocate what I believe in, I'll do it. By your standards others who
have protested such as Ghandi and Martin Luther King were childish wimps too. They must
have wanted attention too.
> This said, I hope the list can get it's focus back on track and get back to the things that are important. I
> wish you all well in your pursuit of Linux and other projects out there that are worth supporting. I've had a
> good time helping out with questions on this list and in some of the general discussion. But it's time to move
> on to better things now.
And if SCO wins will I have to pay for a licsense of Linux? Will the GPL be valid?
I respect the OLD Caldera. They did a lot of good for the Linux community (you named them all
like: rpm, openoffice, etc). The NEW Caldera (SCO) is sue happy and are threatening everything
they once stood for. We are fighting what THE NEW SCO has done in the last 3 months.
Have fun with your better things.
> I'm sad to see how far down the list has gone. But as Despair, Inc. put it so well:
Despair, Inc. Now that's a company who earns their money. :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5