SCO vs. IBM					 Tech Insider's Review

From mrb23 at  Thu Jun 19 09:24:23 2003
From: mrb23 at (Michael Ryan Byrd)
Date: Thu Jun 19 08:43:12 2003
Subject: [uug] we are on slashdot!

Check it out!

From emcnabb at  Thu Jun 19 10:07:44 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Thu Jun 19 09:27:49 2003
Subject: [uug] More on SCO Demonstration
Message-ID: <>

I hope everyone is exicted about tomorrow. I sure am. :-)

Everything is going forth as planned. The police have been contacted and the
media is being contacted this morning; most of you saw the post on slashdot.

Just so that everyone knows, this event is officially a Provo Linux Users Group
(PLUG) activity. Jason Hall, the PLUG president, is the official contact and is
the one contacting the media. We are all involved in this activity, but the UUG
is not sponsoring this, we just happen to talk about this a lot on the list. :-)

The reason I say this is because I was called into the Dean of Students office
yesterday. He had heard rumors (how I don't know) about the event and was very
concerned about us doing it. He does not want BYU's name attached to this in
anyway. I understand why he feels that way and he was a VERY nice person. When
we're at the activity we should try not to mention BYU. We'll just mention SCO 
a lot. :-)

We'll be posting a little more information later on about tomorrow. I hope we
have a lot of you there so we can show what we believe in; we'll tell a little
more about the rules and the do's and don'ts. 

Tonight I'm going to be making an 8 ft x 4ft sign that says: "Sue me. I use Linux".
If anyone wants to come to my apartment for a sign making party, contact me off 
the list. :-)



       Evan McNabb: <> <>
             System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
 GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5

From mrb23 at  Thu Jun 19 10:59:38 2003
From: mrb23 at (Michael Ryan Byrd)
Date: Thu Jun 19 10:18:09 2003
Subject: [uug] the low-down on the SCO protest ur party

So, to summarize, the protest/demonstration/gathering/informational
session/meeting/chance encounter is from 3-5pm tomorrow (Friday,) right? 

Should we bring cookies and lemonade?

How many people do we estimate will be there? Should we all invite our
coworkers? families? friends? neighbors? wards? 

I was going to write, "honk if you think SCO sucks", but I suppose that wouldn't
look good on national TV. Now I'm thinking about "SCO away!" or "Mindless Evil
Litigators" or "SCO (Spurious, Crooked, Obtuse)"

Maybe I should wear my good suit instead of the shorts and tee-shirts I always
wear. I want legitimacy, darn it!

Any idea of who "ratted" on us to the BYU head-honcho dude? Perhaps our
disgruntled Bob friend? 

From emcnabb at  Thu Jun 19 11:10:01 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Thu Jun 19 10:30:07 2003
Subject: [uug] the low-down on the SCO protest ur party
Message-ID: <>

> So, to summarize, the protest/demonstration/gathering/informational
> session/meeting/chance encounter is from 3-5pm tomorrow (Friday,) right? 


> Should we bring cookies and lemonade?

Sounds good to me. :-)

> How many people do we estimate will be there? Should we all invite our
> coworkers? families? friends? neighbors? wards? 

I'm hoping for atleast 50 people (under that looks too small). Invite as many
people as you want. We will have two or three "official reps" there to talk to the
press, so if anyone gets approached by the media they should direct them to one
of the reps. This will work well for people that have no clue about the lawsuit. :-)

> I was going to write, "honk if you think SCO sucks", but I suppose that wouldn't
> look good on national TV. Now I'm thinking about "SCO away!" or "Mindless Evil
> Litigators" or "SCO (Spurious, Crooked, Obtuse)"

Yeah, try to keep the signs somewhat nice so that we won't be involved in SCO's next 
lawsuit. :-) If you have a sign that is on the border of being too offensive, it's 
probably better to do something else. :-)

> Maybe I should wear my good suit instead of the shorts and tee-shirts I always
> wear. I want legitimacy, darn it!

Number one rule: wear clothes. :-) You can wear what you want but make sure it
looks pretty decent.

> Any idea of who "ratted" on us to the BYU head-honcho dude? Perhaps our
> disgruntled Bob friend? 

Not sure, I should have asked. It's probably good that BYU atleast knows that some
of us will be there. 


       Evan McNabb: <> <>
             System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
 GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5

From emcnabb at  Thu Jun 19 12:28:30 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Thu Jun 19 11:48:38 2003
Subject: [uug] press release
Message-ID: <>

To whom it may concern:


Jason Hall
3793 Butterfield Rd
Eagle Mountain, UT  84043
(801) 789-4956


Provo, Utah (June 19, 2003) -- To voice their opposition to SCO's
lawsuit against IBM and their malignment of the Linux programmers
community, members of the Provo Linux Users Group (PLUG) and other
Utah-based Linux Users Groups will protest in front of SCO's Lindon,
UT office on Friday, June 20, 2003 from 3 to 5 pm.

SCO's lawsuit claims that IBM copied parts of SCO's UNIX computer
operating system into Linux, a freely-distributed operating system
written by an international community of computer programmers.
They have therefore revoked IBM's license to distribute AIX (IBM's
version of UNIX) and are seeking $3 billion in damages for theft of
intellectual property.  Furthermore, they have sent letters to 1500
corporations warning them that Linux contains computer code belonging to
SCO and continued use of Linux may result in SCO taking legal action
against them.

With this suit, SCO has raised the ire of computing professionals
worldwide by overstating its contributions to UNIX operating systems
(which include Linux and AIX), claiming ownership of Linux and denying
past involvement in its development, and making inaccurate and derisive
comments about the Linux development community.  Under the auspices of
the Provo Linux Users Group, Linux users and programmers from northern
Utah will meet on Friday in front of SCO's headquarters in Lindon, UT
to demonstrate the opposition to SCO's actions and to show their support
of IBM, the Linux development community, and any other companies against
which SCO takes legal action.

About the Provo Linux Users Group:
The Provo Linux Users Group (PLUG) is a non-profit, volunteer-run
organization dedicated to helping members to learn the Linux operating
system, offering volunteer technical support, and encouraging the use of
Open Source software.  Membership is free, meetings are held
monthly, and the group mantains an active email list.  For more
information about PLUG, go to

About other Utah-based Linux users groups:
PLUG is only one of a half-dozen Linux users groups in Utah, and one of
thousands of such groups worldwide.  More information about Utah-based
Linux users groups can be found at

From mrb23 at  Thu Jun 19 12:39:37 2003
From: mrb23 at (Michael Ryan Byrd)
Date: Thu Jun 19 11:57:35 2003
Subject: [uug] press release


Well done! Can I say I'm dang excited about this? I sure hope we have a decent
turnout. Come one, come all!

From emcnabb at  Thu Jun 19 12:44:00 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Thu Jun 19 12:04:08 2003
Subject: [uug] press release
Message-ID: <>

> Well done! Can I say I'm dang excited about this? I sure hope we have a decent
> turnout. Come one, come all!

And thanks for your list of news agencies. We've contacted them all
and have been already getting responses.

And if anyone one has any more mod points on slashdot:


       Evan McNabb: <> <>
             System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
 GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5

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