TuxRocks.com [ http://sco.tuxrocks.com/About.php ] is managed by me (Frank Sorenson). It hosts my personal web pages as well as a number of other pages, such as legal documents relating to the SCO v. IBM case [ http://sco.tuxrocks.com/ ].
I am a Systems Manager in the Computer Science Department [ http://www.cs.byu.edu/ ] at Brigham Young University (BYU) [ http://www.byu.edu/ ], where I manage the student open computer labs (Linux), the network, and the servers.
I'm also a researcher in the Performance Evaluation Laboratory [ http://pel.cs.byu.edu/ ], where I have performed research [ http://tuxrocks.com/Research/ ] in a number of areas of computer architecture and performance, including hard disk drive performance modeling. Most recently, I've been finishing my Master's Thesis [ http://tuxrocks.com/Research/ ], which deals with the creation of a simple user interface to electronic devices through the use of object-oriented hardware devices.
I graduated from BYU in December 1997, and expect to receive my Masters Degree in Computer Science from BYU in April 2004.
M.S., Computer Science, Brigham Young University, April 2004. Thesis work dealing with computer control of electronic hardware. Additional research working with computer architecture and hardware performance issues.
B.S., Computer Science, Brigham Young University, December 1997.
August 1999 – Present Systems Manager at Brigham Young University Computer Science Department
Duties: Managed department network, servers, help desk, and student open laboratories; supervised (hire/fire) up to 7 student employees; 24x7 support for 12 servers, approximately 50 switches, routers, and firewalls, over 350 university Linux and Windows lab computers in 17 lab locations.
Skills Used: Management skills; Linux/Unix system design and administration; network design, security, and administration; hardware and software evaluation, purchase, configuration, and maintenance; ad-hoc database design and programming; technical resource for employees, department of 30 faculty, students research labs, and other University Systems Managers.
August 1998 – Present Laboratory Systems Manager for the Performance Evaluation Laboratory in the Computer Science Department at BYU
Duties: Managed research laboratory computers, network, and servers; performed research in computer architecture and hardware performance; recommended and purchased laboratory hardware; configured and maintained servers, web site, and laboratory machines.
Skills Used: Network and computer configuration and support; hardware, software, and research equipment evaluation, purchase, configuration, and maintenance.
January 1998 – October 1998 Independent Consultant
Duties: Secondary support and troubleshooting for computers and network at various companies; instructed students at small college, teaching Unix, Networking and Internet, and Windows classes.
Skills Used: Computer and network troubleshooting and maintenance, teaching, testing, and grading.
January 1996 – December 1997 Research and Teacher's Assistant for the Performance Evaluation Laboratory at BYU.
Administered lab machines; performed research; answered questions; improved and managed class web pages; maintained grades for students in undergraduate computer architecture course; trained and directed other Teacher's Assistants.
April 1989 – August 1996 Computer Operations Assistant in the Computer Operations Department for McDonald's Claim Center.
Assisted with network and system administration for Novell Netware, Windows NT server, and IBM AS/400; documented and updated existing production programs; implemented consistent login process and maintenance schedule; investigated and recommended network, hardware, and software packages.
(please see the Research [ http://tuxrocks.com/Research/ ] section for additional information)
Modeling IrDA Performance: The effect of IrLAP Neotiation Parameters on Throughput, 10th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
A System-Assisted Disk I/O Simulation Technique, 7th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Client-Based Web Prefetch Management, The Eighth International World Wide Web Conference
A National Trace Collection and Distribution Resource, 1999 SPEC Workshop
Home | Office | |
email address | sorenson AT byu DOT net | frank AT byu DOT net |
Address | 378 E 1040 N Orem, UT 84057 |
1144 TMCB Provo, UT 84602 |
Telephone | 801 - 223-9427 | 801 - 422-4009 |
PGP Public Key [ http://tuxrocks.com/public_key.txt ] |
Copyright 2003 http://tuxrocks.com/