From emcnabb at Fri Jun 20 19:13:52 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Fri Jun 20 18:34:25 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest Summary
Message-ID: <20030621001352.GC4878@medusa>
You've read some stuff already so I don't want to repeat too much. It
turned out 10x better than I thought it would. Thanks to everyone
who was there and helping out. We had 60-70 protesters in all and a 100+
people from the buildings around us out watching.
Some highlights include the penguin costume, protesting down by the
highway, having the reporter get sick (too much heat, not enough water)
having about 7-8 cops tell us that the cop that spoke with me didn't set
it up right (we actually were supposed to have a permit, but by the time
they got there it was over), and having a group talk (on video) with
McBride afterwards.
Here are the plans: Send any pictures that you have to Jayce (
or I and we'll make some webpages about the event. Then we'll need some mirrors
to put the pages on and in a day or two we'll announce it to slashdot.
We'll be putting the "chat" with McBride on bittorrent in the next
few days (as soon as we can get it digitized).
Thanks again everyone; I think we did a good job. :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From jason at Sat Jun 21 02:21:44 2003
From: jason at (Jason Holt)
Date: Fri Jun 20 19:39:50 2003
Subject: [uug] SCO Protest Summary
In-Reply-To: <20030621001352.GC4878@medusa>
Message-ID: <>
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Evan McNabb wrote:
> We'll be putting the "chat" with McBride on bittorrent in the next
> few days (as soon as we can get it digitized).
I've got a capture card and mencoder. Not exactly broadcast quality, but
adequate for this sort of thing.
From emcnabb at Sat Jun 21 06:43:20 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Sat Jun 21 06:04:13 2003
Subject: [uug] Any more pictures?
Message-ID: <>
The SCO protest page should be up pretty soon. Does anyone have any other
pictures they would like posted? If so, e-mail them to Jason or me.
The only other thing left to do is to get the movie digitized and to make
a bittorrent file. Slashdotters will like that. :-)
Thanks again to everyone who showed up and battled SCO (and the heat).
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5
From jason at Sat Jun 21 19:43:40 2003
From: jason at (Jayce^)
Date: Sat Jun 21 19:02:21 2003
Subject: [uug] Sneek Peek before it's /. ed :)
Message-ID: <>
Ok, pretty soon we hope to see a link to our official 'protest' summary page
on /., but Utah LUG folks can look first, while we are in the final stages of
completion. is the official mirror (some hefty servers at work).
You can use wget if you want a mirror, or as soon as we get the last video
content, I'll make a tarball you can download.
I'd would like to give thanks to Evan and Soren who did most all the work in
getting this all arranged and promoted. Also Art and Alex for their
wonderful work on the videos. They have really put in some great work today
to get those to us. Also thanks to all those that showed up, carried signs,
and had fun.
Again, if anybody else has footage/links/video, please forward it to me or
evan so we can add it to the page.
-- Jayce^
From emcnabb at Sun Jun 22 18:19:02 2003
From: emcnabb at (Evan McNabb)
Date: Sun Jun 22 17:40:22 2003
Subject: [uug] we're on slashdot...
Message-ID: <>
... and getting quite a few comments. Most of the interest is about the
signs the SCO people made...
P.S. Now we have fame and glory, and that's all I ever wanted... :-)
Evan McNabb: <> <>
System Administrator, CS Department, BYU
GnuPG Fingerprint: 53B5 EDCA 5543 A27A E0E1 2B2F 6776 8F9C 6A35 6EA5