Welcome to any jurors...

By Anonymous

March 30 2010

... wondering who PJ is and what the website they weren't allowed to visit is
all about. :-)

04:03 PM EDT

Welcome to any jurors...

By lsmft

March 30 2010

It would have been nice if Groklaws on site people had told the jurors to look
over Groklaw if they wanted now to see the big picture.

too late for that now, they will have to find Groklaw on their own.

P.S. Glad to know that none of them drank the Utah Kool Aid, though there seems
to be a new highly potent batch of it circulating in the Deleware area!

07:16 PM EDT

I didn't mention Groklaw...

By chrisbrown

March 31 2010

I merely asked if they would be willing to answer some questions about the

None were willing to do so.

Had they been, I would have identified the website.

Shame, though. Their observations would have been fascinating.

01:53 AM EDT

I didn't mention Groklaw...

By Anonymous

March 31 2010


Had you mentioned who you were I probably would have stopped. My curiosity was
piqued during the trial when PJ, O'Gara and Groklaw were brought up during
O'Gara's video deposition and presentation of the "war pay" and
"jab-sending to PJ" emails were brought up.

I spoke to SCO's attorney because he identified himself. I had no idea who you
were, and usually reporters state the publication they work for.

In any case, registrations are closed here, so any comments I've made have been
anonymous, and probably will remain so.

01:27 PM EDT


Contact Methods

By chrisbrown

March 31 2010

We would love to hear any insights you may wish to share.

Email PJ at pj@groklaw.com, I know she would like to hear from you.

Should you wish to contact me (though I was just the reporter on the scene), ask
PJ and she'll forward it to me.

And if you haven't seen on the site already, we're very pleased with your
service and those of the other jurors.

And, of course, we're excited and relieved by your decision.



02:35 PM EDT

Contact Methods

By NigelWhitley

March 31 2010

Welcome. Glad you decided to visit. My thanks to you and your fellow jurors.
Nigel Whitley

12:02 PM EDT

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