No Verdict Today, the Final Day, in SCO v. Novell - Deliberations Begin Again Tuesday - Updated

Chris Brown

March 26 2010

I got to the courtroom at about 11:45am and found it standing-room only.

Novell's Sterling Brennan was just winding up his last fifteen minutes of an impassioned, even patriotic, summation to the jury.

I heard SCO's Sterling Singer provide his last rebuttal, a strongly argued request to rule in their favor.

Judge Stewart gave some final direction to the jury, including announcing to them that Juror 13 was the alternate and would not have the privilege of deliberating. When Judge Stewart opined that she'd be sorry to do so, she vigorously shook her head no (drawing a laugh from everyone).

A marshal affirmed an oath to protect the jury, and they left in good spirits.

After they'd departed, Judge Stewart said in his ten years on the bench he's never had a finer, more talented, professional set of lawyers in the room. He thanked them sincerely for their fine work and demeanor.

He thanked Mr. Lee and Mr. Grant for their deft handling of the courtroom technology, saying it almost made it worth its money.

He said if anyone has children at home and is interested in buying their own noise system, to contact Ms. Malley.

He then adjourned the court.

All the lawyers and audience were in high spirits, spending a lot of time chatting in groups before they left.

I chatted with a number of Groklaw people afterwards who'd attended all or part of the day and who promised to get reports in.

06:47 PM EDT

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