Week 2, Day 9 of SCO v. Novell Trial - Jury Hears About Kimball's Rulings and Botosan - Updated

By Anonymous

March 20 2010

Why is there nothing on todays events. Were there no reporters there? Or was
this a day off for the court?

12:25 AM EDT

Some behind-the-scenes...

By chrisbrown

March 20 2010

I know how frustrating waiting can be.

The process is generally that I get back to my office around 2pm or so from the

Then I handle work emergencies. Still have a real world.

Then I start writing the report. Since I don't want to submit it in lots of
small chunks, PJ must wait for me to finish a big chunk.

Barring more work interruptions, I might get part of a report out every 4 hours
or so, ending around midnight.

Then, perhaps as late as 2am for PJ, she starts the editor function of
reformatting my report to be suitable to post on-line.

So there's a bit of a pipeline involved along with competing needs for

However, our concern is to publish the best reports rather than the quickest

However, it would be nice to have as many reporters as possible, that each may
provide reports with different levels of detail and perspective.

BTW, my report covering the portion of today I was able to attend, has been
submitted and is in the pipeline.

02:41 AM EDT

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