Petrofsky's SCO trading history

Here's a table of all of my (Al Petrofsky's) trades, through settlement on 2008-04-15, of the common stock of The SCO Group, Inc. (Delaware Corp. file #3266987, IRS Employer ID 87-0662823, CUSIP 78403A106, NASDAQ ticker symbol SCOX or SCOXE, OTC symbol SCOXQ). The dollar amounts shown are the amounts that changed hands between my brokers and the other parties to the trades (i.e., the amounts match the way the trades were reported on NASDAQ, rather than matching the slightly different post-commission amounts that were received or paid by me):

Trade Date Shares Bought (Dollars Paid) Dollars / Share (Shares Sold) Dollars Received Dollars / Share Position: Shares Long (Short) Net Proceeds (Outlays)
2003-08-19 (100) 1,047.00 10.47 (100) 1,047.00
2004-02-18 (200) 2,834.00 14.17 (300) 3,881.00
2004-02-19 (100) 1,401.00 14.01 (400) 5,282.00
2004-02-23 (200) 2,626.00 13.13 (600) 7,908.00
2004-02-24 (200) 2,598.00 12.99 (800) 10,506.00
2004-02-26 (200) 2,344.00 11.72 (1,000) 12,850.00
2004-03-04 (400) 4,596.00 11.49 (1,400) 17,446.00
2004-03-09 (300) 3,105.00 10.35 (1,700) 20,551.00
2004-03-10 (300) 2,817.00 9.39 (2,000) 23,368.00
2004-03-17 (1,000) 9,070.00 9.07 (3,000) 32,438.00
2004-03-23 (1,000) 7,890.00 7.89 (4,000) 40,328.00
2004-04-16 (3,000) 26,780.00 8.93 (7,000) 67,108.00
2004-04-20 (1,000) 7,334.00 7.33 (8,000) 74,442.00
2004-04-21 (600) 3,966.00 6.61 (8,600) 78,408.00
2004-04-26 (1,400) 10,724.00 7.66 (10,000) 89,132.00
2004-05-03 (2,000) 12,520.00 6.26 (12,000) 101,652.00
2004-08-04 700 (3,353.00) 4.79 (11,300) 98,299.00
2004-08-18 (2,000) 8,030.00 4.02 (13,300) 106,329.00
2004-09-03 (1,000) 3,890.00 3.89 (14,300) 110,219.00
2005-08-26 91 (414.05) 4.55 (14,209) 109,804.95
2005-08-31 909 (4,135.95) 4.55 (13,300) 105,669.00
2005-09-08 1,000 (4,240.00) 4.24 (12,300) 101,429.00
2005-10-12 400 (1,648.00) 4.12 (11,900) 99,781.00
2005-10-14 1,000 (4,070.00) 4.07 (10,900) 95,711.00
2005-10-19 2,000 (7,570.00) 3.79 (8,900) 88,141.00
2005-11-08 1,500 (5,550.00) 3.70 (7,400) 82,591.00
2005-11-09 888 (3,181.28) 3.58 (6,512) 79,409.72
2005-12-12 1,190 (4,617.70) 3.88 (5,322) 74,792.02
2005-12-13 810 (3,102.30) 3.83 (4,512) 71,689.72
2005-12-27 640 (2,451.20) 3.83 (3,872) 69,238.52
2005-12-28 824 (3,141.44) 3.81 (3,048) 66,097.08
2005-12-29 178 (679.38) 3.82 (2,870) 65,417.70
2006-01-18 158 (601.98) 3.81 (2,712) 64,815.72
2006-03-13 612 (2,521.44) 4.12 (2,100) 62,294.28
2006-03-27 1,000 (4,120.00) 4.12 (1,100) 58,174.28
Totals: 13,900 (55,397.72) 3.99 (15,000) 113,572.00 7.57 (1,100) 58,174.28

Note: I acquired one hundred shares (see the stock certificate [ ]) on 2004-05-19 by way of a stock loan. That transaction does not appear in the table because it was not a trade, and it did not change my net position (both my assets and liabilities increased by one hundred shares). As shown in the table, I did not make my first purchase of SCOX until 2004-08-04.

For some (much less complete) information about the trading activity of other short sellers, see my SCOX short interest page [] .

Scofacts [ ] is not endorsed by the "SCO Group" Delaware corporation, nor by any of the registered owners of "SCO" trademarks.

$Id: scox-trades.html,v 1.19 2008/04/24 23:07:02 al Exp $

Copyright 2008