SCO Delisted as of Today
By Anonymous
December 27 2007
I check SCO stock almost every day. The thing I could never understand, with
price hovering as high as $.20, the one year project was $5.00 (Yahoo). Who
makes these forecasts, and how can anyone take them seriously since it was
pretty easy to see that SCO couldn't continue for a year?
09:48 AM EST
The stock scam is dead, but not the FUD
By vb
December 27 2007
I think that we can all agree that this announcement puts an end to the stock
scam portion of the SCO lawsuits. The pump and dump was a big success. Can
anyone give a figure - what was the % increase of SCO stock value from this
March 2003 announcement to the highest stock value. Actually we should go back
to about November of 2002, because by time of the March announcement, all of the
insiders had already been buying stock for months in preparation for the scam.
The FUD machine is not dead. The lawsuits are not over. Specifically, the IBM
lawsuit is not over. There are plenty of MS senior salespeople talking to
CIO's, CTO's, and CEO's of fortune 1000 companies pounding on the fact that
Linux is still under a legal cloud because the IBM suit is on-going. Keep in
mind that for most people who are not following the SCO lawsuits, IBM is the
main show. Novell, like Chrysler, AutoZone and Red Hat, is a side show. We at
Groklaw all know the effect that the Novell rulings have on the IBM lawsuit, but
most people have no idea.
11:18 AM EST
The stock scam is dead, but not the FUD
By vb
December 27 2007
Also, I wonder what is the % loss of a fool who bought SCO at the market high
and is still holding the stock as of today.
There had to have been plenty of fools who thought that SCO was on the gravy
train to collect BILLIONS from IBM, and threw down loads of cash for a stock
that looked like it was going to the moon.
11:26 AM EST
The stock scam is dead, but not the FUD
By digger53
December 27 2007
I'm not sure what the actual high was--interestingly the SCOX charts have
disappeared from Yahoo, and Excite, and MSN money seems to have no record
of SCOX whatsoever-- but assuming $20.00 as a "minimum high," the loss is 100-(.12/20)
= -99.4%. Nice going, Darl. Seems like when Darl moved in SCO/Caldera was about
$4.00, which still works out to a drop of -97.0%.
Reminds me of this quote attributed to Euripides:
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
12:37 PM EST
Proportional owners
By Anonymous
December 27 2007
From a few days ago:
Barclays_Global_Invest ors,_N.A._____592,08____2.8%____09-30-07
Eton_Park_Capital_Management,_L.L.C ._____289,89____1.4%____09-30-07
Jet_Capital_Investors,_L.P._____206,4____1. 0%____09-30-07
Californ ia_Public_Employees'_Retirement_System_____73,4____0.4%____09-30-07
Deutsche _Asset_Management_Americas_____46,6____0.2%____09-30-07
Northern_Trust_Inves tments,_N.A._____24,29____0.1%____09-30-07
State_Street_Global_Advisors_(US) _____18,02____1.1%____09-30-07
J._Goldman_&_Co.,_L.P._____14,13____2.1%_ ___09-30-07
Northern_Trust_Global_Investments_____14,13____3.1%____09-30-07< br>
UBS_Securities _LLC_____10,67____6.1%____09-30-07
Are these normal percenteages?
I never really quite understood why all these investors, like Credit Suisse
Asset Management, hang on to a subsubsubdollar listed company. Pure speculation,
with _their_ share holder's money?
Back to the subject line question - will these companies remain proportional
owners of what is left? Proportional to their share, that is.
12:48 PM EST
The stock scam is dead, but not the FUD
By Peter H. Salus
December 27 2007
I've come across this many times, but have been unable to find anything like
in Euripides. There is a Latin proverb that
is similar, but I don't know its source either.
I have a feeling that this is like the "dwarves on the shoulders of
giants" that Merton had such a good time with
(R.K. Merton, On the shoulders of giants [1965, 1985, 1993]).
Peter H. Salus
01:29 PM EST
SCO Delisted as of Today
By Peter H. Salus
December 27 2007
And down to a dime ($0.10) with an hour
to go!
Peter H. Salus
03:41 PM EST
SCO price at 3:24PM ET: $0.105
By JesseW
December 27 2007
Down even further... let's see if it reaches single digits today!
(Contact me for comment licensing, e.g. GPL, CC, PD, etc.)
04:09 PM EST
SCO price at 3:24PM ET: $0.105
By JamesK
December 28 2007
I saw 6.5 cents this morning, but it has since soared to 7.5 at the moment.
May the source be with you.
02:21 PM EST
SCO price at 3:24PM ET: $0.105
By Peter H. Salus
December 28 2007
and we can all sing together now:
"seven-and-a-half cents doesn't mean a heck of a lot"
-- "Pajama Game"
Peter H. Salus
03:11 PM EST
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