By Peter H. Salus

March 22 2007

Here we go again! Nearly an hour left to trade.
Nearly 200K shares traded. Still at $0.95.

Peter H. Salus

03:17 PM EDT



March 23 2007

I'm no stock guru, but how can anyone short a stock
that is below a dollar already. Does that actually
happen? It seems counterintuitive.

05:00 AM EDT

SCOX. Two weeks under $1

By Anonymous

March 27 2007

Last trade at $1 was on March 13. Two weeks more and it will get delisted.

03:21 PM EDT

Two weeks under $1

By Peter H. Salus

March 27 2007

I'm still not clear on the NASDAQ rule. While folks
refer to "last trade at $1 or more," I'm under the
impression that it should be "last close at $1 or more."
Does anyone actually know?

Peter H. Salus

03:42 PM EDT

SCOX. Two weeks under $1

By Peter H. Salus

March 28 2007

With all the discussion concerning delisting and the
time-periods involved, I thought a bit of data might
be helpful. This is from a NASDAQ document.

If a NASDAQ-listed company trades below the applicable
MVPHS requirement ($5,000,000 and $15,000,000 for
Global Select Market and GlobalMarket companies
under Maintenance Standard 1 and 2, respectively, and $1,000,000 for Capital
Market companies) for 30 consecutive business days, it will be notified of the
deficiency and afforded a 90 calendar day compliance period to regain compliance
with the applicable standard.

I don't know whether SCOX is "Select" or not, but its
current market cap is just under $20M. So it would have
to lose either 75% or 25% of its current value to come
under this clause.

Peter H. Salus

10:56 AM EDT

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