Message ID: 393852
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2006-08-03 23:47:20
Subject: Congratulations Wally

Or should I address you by your other nym, DDT?

Either way, congratulations, you got Zen's account deleted. That is quite an accomplishment, to get them to completely wipe all of his posts, you must be filled with pride, bravo.

As far as I am concerned your veil has been lifted.

Message ID: 393861
Posted By: wallyebass
Posted On: 2006-08-04 04:43:00
Subject: Re: Congratulations Wally

> you got Zen's account deleted.<

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

First, I'll take you at your word that his account has been deleted. I have no direct knowledge as to whether that is the case.

If you mean that the spam issue that I raised some time ago, and which was again raised by "stop_zen's_spam" (or whatever the nym was) eventually resulted in his account deleted, then what you say is probably true.

But if your are implying that I has some direct dealings with yahoo, other than the messages that I posted in the debate, then what you say is false.

Wally Bass

Message ID: 393875
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2006-08-04 07:01:00
Subject: Re: Zen spam cleaned up

Deepdistrust say

"Nobody seems to have noticed in all the hubbub, but Yahoo finally seems to have acted on the numerous complaints bickering Loons have been making against Retard Zen. His today's spam messages are gone."

Do I understand you correctly? Are you saying that ddt, and his 40 nyms, got all pissy about having the ddt account deleted, so he went after Zen?

I just about imagine the flood of complaints that yahoo endured.

Message ID: 393906
Posted By:
Posted On: 2006-08-04 10:26:14
Subject: There's a *Lot of Love* in This Room!!!

BahDuhBahDuh Dump BadahBump BadahBump BadahBump BadahBump etc!


Now Wally is supposed to be DDT?!

I don't mind saying that that is both the most retarded and amusing thing I've read here in a long time!

Also, I haven't heard the "Bar used his *sorcery* to force Andy to change Yahouvre!" bullshit in *ages*!

It must be a Classic Crock Weekend!


Kids: it's a *message board*! You know: little pixels forming vowels, consonants and punctuation!

So Zen got canned. So what? How is Wally suddenly responsible for it, and how does this make him DDT?! That's *idiotic* unfocused acrimony.

Wally didn't even report Zen for abuse. Other people did. Apparently enough that Yahoo stopped him. Big Deal. You've seen them once, you've seen them a hundred times.

I doubt Zen cares nearly as much as some people seem to. He has stated unequivocally that he has "no respect or regard for the community here", and also suggested on IV that people use this place for "internecine battles" out of "charity".

So, like, chillax people!

BahDuhBahDuh Dump BadahBump BadahBump BadahBump BadahBump etc!

Message ID: 393941
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2006-08-04 14:12:34
Subject: ping wallyebass

Is spamsux another ddt nym? I suspect ddt has dozens.

So is ddt trying to hang the deletion of Zen's posts on you?

FWIW: I'll take your word for it.

Message ID: 393944
Posted By: wallyebass
Posted On: 2006-08-04 14:17:09
Subject: Re: ping wallyebass

> Is spamsux another ddt nym? I suspect ddt has dozens.<

I very much doubt that. The personalities are just too different, and I don't think most people can fake that while still maintaining consistency of personalities as much as DDT and spamsux do.

> FWIW: I'll take your word for it.<

Thank you.

Wally Bass

Message ID: 393947
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2006-08-04 14:50:10
Subject: Re: ping wallyebass

In msgid 393301, Wally proclaimed:

"Actually, I do want to thank you for pointing that out. Now that it has been pointed out that Zen violates Yahoo's *explicit* terms of use (and 'only' about 2000 times per year at that), maybe we can get His Zenness banned from the board."

Message ID: 393977
Posted By: wallyebass
Posted On: 2006-08-04 18:47:08
Subject: Re: Zen spam cleaned up

> Do I understand you correctly? Are you saying that ddt, and his 40 nyms, got all pissy about having the ddt account deleted, so he went after Zen?<

In the interest of perhaps reducing all of the finger pointing that is going on as to "who went after Zen," I will indicate that I did get a message via the "send private message" facility at IV. That message indicated one person who filed a complaint, and that person was not DDT, nor was it CDBaric (nor was it me). I don't recall anyone else who has been accused.

Since it was a private message, that is all that I will reveal about it.

Wally Bass

Message ID: 393978
Posted By: wallyebass
Posted On: 2006-08-04 19:10:14
Subject: Re: ping wallyebass

You say here, about as you did on IV:

> In msgid 393301, Wally proclaimed:<

> "Actually, I do want to thank you for pointing that out. Now that it has been pointed out that Zen violates Yahoo's *explicit* terms of use (and 'only' about 2000 times per year at that), maybe we can get His Zenness banned from the board."<

On IV, your post also said:

"So you were lying"

I'll repeat my response from the IV board.

Not at all. That comment makes no claim that I would report him - although it does suggest that I wouldn't be unhappy (and I'm not) if someone did. And, the comment had a certain retorical component to it -- I was trying to drive home the stupidity and counterproductiveness of aguysomewhereok's post (relative to his apparent goal of continuing to enable the Zenspam), where he simply *declared* all previous "netiquette" history of the internet as irrelevant, while then pointing to the "authoritive" (Yahoo) definition of spam, which actually said the same thing (in fact, is was even harsher on the definition of spam) that the netiquette FAQ said (and which he had flipped off).

Wally Bass

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