Interesting reading: SEC complaint


July 18, 2006

July 3, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am sending this complaint to the Securities Exchange Commission ( to describe the illegal actions being taken by Jim Allchin, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer, BayStar Capital LP, Baystar Capital II, L.P., BayStar Capital Management, LLC, Boies Schiller & Flexner, The Canopy Group, Brent Christensen, Steven Derby, Bill Gates, Lawrence Goldfarb, Jeff Hunsaker, Steven M. Lamar, Darl McBride, Microsoft Corporation, Morgan Keegan, Darcy Mott, Thomas Raimondi, Royal Bank of Canada, S2 Strategic Consulting, Blake Stowell, The SCO Group, Inc., Vulcan Capital, Ralph Yarro, and Bert Young. These entities have committed numerous crimes centered around the recent activities of The SCO Group, Inc.
< EOM >

Source: Investor Village SCOX [ ]

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