Message ID: 391432
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-07-15 14:32:00
Subject: Loon Panic
The news of SCO's appeal seems to have sent the Loons
into a state of panic. They were seen reciting to each other all the reasons why
SCO *should* lose in court. Actually, mutual Loon reassurance seems to be the primary
function of this forum. You get scared, you let a fellow Loon reassure you that
SCO has no chance. After you hear somebody tell you why McBride is going to jail,
you are no longer afraid that SCO will win this lawsuit.
Unfortunately for
the Loons, reality is unaffected by their wishful thinking. I come here daily to
point this out, despite strong objections from the Loons. The new message board
format is going to make this more difficult for me. Several Thuggish Loons seem
to be acting in concert to rate my messages low, so they will disappear from *everyone's*
default view.
I will be sure to come back here to rub it in after SCO wins
this case.
Message ID: 391453
Posted By: piskozub
Posted On: 2006-07-15 15:59:00
Subject: A modest proposal
We've already killed all the trolls with the one-star
ratings. We can do then same to all postings except the on-topic ones that tell
us something important about the company we love to hate.
The rest should
be spared only if it is organized in few well named threads:
a) US political
postings (yawn)
b) Microsoft bashing
c) Grokwars
d) WAGs
e) etc.
Let's kill all the noise plankton!!!
Message ID: 392027
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-07-17 12:35:00
Subject: Thanks Loons
Thanks Loons, for keeping my latest post above the
2-star threshold. I see you are weakening in your resolve. It will be no time before
you start agreeing with me (enthusiastically, I might add) that IBM has no chance
of prevailing and it should be referred to as what is known in these circles as
Message ID: 392028
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-07-17 12:39:00
Subject: Re: Thanks Loons
Well, well, well. You're back to your bad ways
again, huh, Loons? No matter. You'll come around.
Message ID: 392190
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2006-07-18 08:30:00
Subject: Trolls are long gone
That's one good thing about the board change
- the trolls are gone. The bad thing, so are those who brought this board to over
360,000+ posts (for the most part). I am not leaving, though I do keep my nym here
and elsewhere.
There is only one of me - and I have been posting here for
a long time. The facts have not and will not change. The only thing now, is when
do the bills come due for the SCOX and their scheming buds? It's not over until
they are finished in court, and I am not worried, I'm just waiting for Justice to
arrive and be applied.
Have a nice day all. Don't worry, be happy.
Message ID: 392195
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2006-07-18 08:58:00
Subject: Re: Trolls are long gone
I think this format is actually helpful
to trolls on other boards.
Some determined trolls have multiple nyms, they
rec up the troll posts and rec down other posts. Take a look at the gtw board, and
to a lesser extent, the msft board.
Message ID: 392198
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2006-07-18 09:17:00
Subject: Re: Trolls are long gone
on another board the trolls have effectively
taken over.
yahoo boards suck
Message ID: 392222
Posted By: zapfbran
Posted On: 2006-07-18 12:17:00
Subject: Troll reduction quantified
For one troll in particular
Average recent postings per day before the board change
34. Average recent postings per day since the board change 7.
What is
more important, but much harder to quantify is the headlines/hour count that
deep had on the old board. There usually wasn't a time you couldn't get on the
board and see headlines about "linux loons" or "SCOX has a chance", started by
him. Now, if he does squeeze out a new headline, it's usually dropped rather
His only other option is to try and resurect old headlines, but
the problem with that is for every old headline he attempts to resurrect, there
are multiple people on this board willing to wash him out as well.
the new format is tough getting used to, kudos to Yahoo.
As others have
pointed out, click on message board settings -> view settings -> topic display
view ->(Expanded). It makes the board much more bearable.
Message ID: 392243
Posted By: peragirn
Posted On: 2006-07-18 14:56:00
Subject: Re: Trolls are long gone br3n
Well some of us are bouncing back
and forth.
I can't stand this format. As the joke with OSX was when it
was first released.
Because making unix look sexy was easier than fixing
now turns into
because fixing the flaws in investor
village will be easier than yahoo's expensive hooker
Message ID: 392244
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-07-18
Subject: Re: Trolls are long gone
I hate it. Loons don't
fight fair. And now, Yahoo is aiding and abetting them.
Message ID: 392245
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2006-07-18 15:07:00
Subject: Re: Trolls are long gone br3n
i have 3 reasons for not going to
investor village.
1)i started my battle right here in aug 2003 and will be
here till i am dead or the board is gone.
2)i dont have working email
dont want to sign up for another board because this battle with yahoo has been
fought before and i hope we win it.recall when they changed the rules about
using peoples web pages a few years ago.a bunch deserted yahoo that time and
yahoo backed down and changed their rules.
all my artists lists were irate
and we flooded yahoo.
number 1 is my main reason tho
Message ID: 392254
Posted By: schmidt3492003
Posted On: 2006-07-18
Subject: Kill Biff Threads!
Hi all,
Remember that Biff
threads only die if they get moderated down to one star. That includes every
post in the thread. So get cracking and he'll disappear!
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "deepdistrust", "piskozub", "freecode_99", "walterbyrd", "b29651", "zapfbran", "peragirn", "schmidt3492003" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
Copyright 2006 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.