SCOX today

By Peter H. Salus

November 10 2005

OK. I know I'm an idiot.

Can someone explain why any legitimate
purchaser of NASDAQ shares would purchase
50K shares of SCOX at $0.41 above where
is was yesterday?

This is more than mere "painting" as the
"premium" is over $20K (unless this is a
beard for M$, to whom it is chump change).

Peter H. Salus

02:13 PM EST

OT: SCOX today

By John Hasler

November 10 2005

> Can someone explain why any legitimate purchaser of NASDAQ
> shares would purchase 50K shares of SCOX at $0.41 above
> where is was yesterday?

Because he sold short at $16, needs to wind up his position, and that's the best
price he could get.

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04:49 PM EST

SCOX today

By Peter H. Salus

November 10 2005

Aha! shorted in Jan/Feb 04. What
a rude awakening.

Peter H. Salus

06:05 PM EST

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