Message ID: 258641
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2005-04-22 11:01:00
Subject: Why does scox support 2 Unix versions?
If scox wanted to merge something,
why not merge unixware and openserver? I believe scox would have every right to
do that. And I don't think it would be that difficult.
It would make a lot
of sense from a business perspective. It would be a clear upgrade for both unixware
and openserver customers, and scox would only have one version to support. Plus,
from a marketing perspective, the product would have a new name to distingish it
from old SCO and Novell products. Such a "new" product would get a lot of press,
i.e. free publicity.
But then, there I go again, acting as if scox were a
real business.
Message ID: 258647
Posted By: peragirn
Posted On: 2005-04-22 11:12:00
Subject: Re: Why does scox support 2 Unix versio
Um noone has been able to
pull it off.
For whatever reason it's never been possible. The Open Server
people want Open Server, and Unixware guys want Unixware.
The Santa Cruz
Org tried it and failed.
Caldera tried a few years later and failed.
My only thought is now the products are only for backwards compatible systems, and
if you don't provide 100% backwards compatiblity they break old software and that
old software can't be upgraded any longer(damn closed systems).
Do you really
think Darl could pull it off? legend will flop if they try it again.
Message ID: 258649
Posted By: ruidhmurphy
Posted On: 2005-04-22 11:13:00
Subject: Re: Why does scox support 2 Unix version
>> If scox wanted to merge
something, why not merge unixware and openserver? I believe scox would have every
right to do that. And I don't think it would be that difficult. <<
They tried
to migrate their OS clients to Unixware and they even announced the end of liife
for Openserver, but their clients vociferously objected. The problem for SCOX is
that if you are going to force people into a migration, they are going to migrate
to Linux, not Unixware. There are significant operational differences between Openserver
and Unixware that one product with both personalities would be as difficult to support
as two seperate products.
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