Groklaw's Eyewitnesses Report From the Courtroom - It Went Well
April 21 2005
Thanks to Chris Brown and PJ.
Mighty speedy!
There is but
one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it
George Washington
09:09 PM EDT
Did they see?
By Anonymous
April 21 2005
Since we probably soon are to see some revelations of how
great the case
goes for SCO and how this was another
victory in court from our friend MoG,
I was just curious
did anyone see here there getting her scoop?
10:40 PM EDT
Not I.
By chrisbrown
April 22 2005
I specifically looked at everyone there to spot her. I thought one person might
have been & verified it wasn't when I got home by looking at Maureen's Pic.
Verdict: Not Present.
12:23 AM EDT
Next Week?
By rsteinmetz70112
April 22 2005
Are you planning to go next week? It promises to be an interesting event.
"I could be wrong now, but I don't think so."
Newman - The Title Theme from Monk
01:31 AM EDT
Question for Chris Brown
By Anonymous
April 22 2005
Question: Did Kimball ask SCO's side how long they need to analyze IBM's
of code????
Why I'm asking (all wild speculation - especially until we see
the transcript,
I'm just guessing semi-randomly)
Assuming you are right
about your prediction of Kimball imposing some deadline
for SCO to identify the
code, I think this will be the issue that controls the
One of
SCO's reasons for not identifying the code, is they need more time to
IBM's production.
So I think Kimball might allow SCO at least as long as
SCO wanted (in SCO's
proposed schedule) assuming they got the full IBM production
on May 3rd (with
IBM's motion denied), and they provided answers on the last
day of fact
discovery on SCO's schedule, i.e. about 6 months.
So let's
say IBM produce on May 3rd + 45 days, which takes us towards late June
get 6 months to analyze (which is what they would have got if their schedule
was accepted), which takes us to end of the year. Before final deadline for
the code (taken from the idea in IBM's schedule)
Now we get 2-3 months discovery
on defenses, which takes us to say March 2006.
Assume all the other expert-discovery
and post-discovery events take about the
same time as in IBM'sor SCO's scheudle,
that's another 7-8 months, which gives
us a trial in November or December 2006.
02:13 AM EDT
I'll Be There
By chrisbrown
April 22 2005
Tuesday, 3pm? I'll be there, and so will Frank Sorenson.
03:35 AM EDT
Answer from Chris Brown
By chrisbrown
April 22 2005
No, their were not comments or discussion that I can remember about how long
would take SCO to evaluate IBM's code production.
For the most part
each side simply handed Judge Kimball their proposed schedules
and didn't discuss
much at all about dates. The majority of the discussion was
about SCO identifying
the alleged infringing code or not.
In fact when Mr. Marriott gave Judge
Kimball his copy of the schedule he
probably only said 3 sentances at most before
sitting down. Judge Kimball asked
him if he had any more to say and wanted to
make sure he could sleep well
tonight and not be thinking of all the things he
wished he'd said. That's when
Mr. Marriott got back up and discussed the need
for SCO to identify the
infringing code before end of discovery.
11:59 AM EDT
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