Message ID: 252513
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-04-04 00:21:00
Subject: Looking for mentions of government
Specifically SEC, FBI etc from
Message ID: 252517
Posted By: leclite
Posted On: 2005-04-04 03:14:00
Subject: Re: Looking for mentions of government
BIFF was a bit more outrageous
with his "going sailing" fib, ledite didn't actaully talk much about the SEC except
for complaining about people sending the SEC letters about him.
Message ID: 252541
Posted By: room_one_oh_one
Posted On: 2005-04-04 07:57:00
Subject: Re: Looking for mentions of government
Not exactly what you asked
for, but one of my personal favorite ledite hoof-in-mouths:
msg# 185989
>> "Brent Hatch ibm wishes it had someone like him
It's nto what you
know it's who you know.."<<
Just a stunningly stupid statement.
Message ID: 252542
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-04-04 07:57:00
Subject: Re: Looking for mentions of government
I already have a few, Utah
Senator, SEC and board member of SCO, looking for all such claims.
Message ID: 252544
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-04-04 07:59:00
Subject: Re: Looking for mentions of government
thank you, that's another.
Message ID: 252589
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2005-04-04 12:09:00
Subject: Re: Looking for mentions of government
Recs: 7
Rating: 0
He's quoting an article in 221534, but it ends with:
<< The conflicts
of interest on Wall Street are too prevalent to expect Wall Street to police themselves.
When confronted with an ethical situation Wall Street has repeatedly proven that
their greed for power and money would lead their decision making process. This is
only further exacerbated by a Federal Agency, the SEC, willing to look the other
way due to the contributions this power and money can bring into Washington.>>
221714 has this:
<< Good question? The pumping of ivan etc. got extreme.
And yes the sec just sold it to him for $500,000 i guess.>>
<< It is interesting to note that on SCO's board of directors is an individual
who trains and wrote the book on the SEC.>>
<< Ask the latest
desperado Eric Raymond.
Eric had a little visit by the FBI which crunchie is
Hacking sco site just makes the case for SCO.>>
with the recent hack it is worth reminding the readership of the 500 million reward.
The FBI is closing in. Let's get there first
OT : FBI subpoenas Fyodor
over NMAP>>
<< One one side we have a company SCO. Run by
devout christian mormon. This company is represented by Brent Hatch son of the powerful
Senator Orin Hatch who sits on many of the most powerful comitties. Another of Orin's
sons works for Sco as well. Orin is a republican but sco support crosses party lines.
They have David Boies the lawyer who represented All Gore the democratic contender
for president.
On the other side we have ibm and the linux people. The big
ibm complicit in holcaust abetting, exporting American jobs and other known wrong
doings. We have Richard Stallman involved last weekend in a car accident killing
someone. Who has delusions of being a saint, and document communist sympathies.>>
24061 and 23441 23062:
<< The following is fiction. The setting is SCO
office in Lindon Utah present are the lawyers for IBM and SCO local legal representation
Hatch and various SCO management.
Firstly IBM has offered a $250 million
dollar settlement offer already. This offer has been flatly refused and countered
with a 2 billion dollar offer by SCO or $153 per share. IBM then threatened to put
this $20 dollar per share offer to the shareholders for a vote. SCO then showed
IBM the poison pill provisions on the books and trotted out their new board of directors
nephew. The new board of director works for Price Whaterhouse, his nephew, who he
has every faith in, can update you on Larry Ellison at Oracles and others avid interest
and unsolicited take over overtures. He is not authorized to tell you the price
or the cash stock ratios of these offers, however in the interest of brevity your
offer of 250 million is the lowest of those tabled to date.>>
<< linux distributed peer to peer too.
Senator From Utah same as SCO
I think not.
The Us has much riding on stonger protection on copyright in the
Music and entertainement industry these forces will benifit scox>>
has nothing political, but does have an interesting tidbit:
<< Regarding
your investment banker friends. Tell them i am sorry about the TI thing. I did not
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