Message ID: 252151
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-04-01 18:29:00
Subject: Leddy and pals at play!
It has been a good day today. I finally
found his Texas connection in Richardson too. Not even an April fool's joke. ;)
I found out when and where they met, at a nice little party they held (complete
with photos too).
Remember, never trouble trouble till trouble troubles
you. Oh, and never piss off a geek who knows his way around the tools of the web
either. :P
Have a nice day.
Message ID: 252163
Posted By: slimshady_1901
Posted On: 2005-04-01 18:52:00
Subject: Re: Leddy and pals at play!
>>>> It has been a good day today. I
finally found his Texas connection in Richardson too. Not even an April fool's joke.
You suck man. I dont see the point of posting these teaser messages
about IDing ledite if you are unwilling or unable to share it with us. At the very
least you can tell us more about why you cant talk about ledite -- is it the subject
of some ongoing lawsuit?
Message ID: 252230
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-04-01 21:03:00
Subject: Re: Leddy and pals at play!
"You suck man. I dont see the point
of posting these teaser messages about IDing ledite if you are unwilling or unable
to share it with us. At the very least you can tell us more about why you cant talk
about ledite -- is it the subject of some ongoing lawsuit?"
It's enough that
he knows, and that he knows his friends are known. I already ID'd him to one sharp-eyed
person well enough I believe.
We know ledite was violating SEC rules, promoting
a stock that he owned by disclosing information he could only have obtained from
the inside. That's an SEC Rule 33-7881 violation (full and fair disclosure rules)
for the purposes of insider trading along with manipulating opinion to raise the
price, and is a problem for him to deal with. Ledite has spent nearly two years
pumping this thing for personal gains.
His public statements about "having
an inside connection" at the SEC is a public declaration that he truly believes
that he has the government in his pocket. I wonder if all Federal agencies appreciate
people publicly declaring that they can buy and sell the government?
did he obtain the inside information? Think about Darl's recent blab about the mock
jury (that was later declared not to be about THIS case - yeah, right) - who would
know that? I don't think it was a BSF attorney, they probably wouldn't risk the
problems that would present themselves to their pursuit of the case's financial
payoffs (which apparently have not really been capped after all). Another law firm
that believed it was undercover, or as I believe it to be, just one particular attorney,
believing he could game the market.
It was that second law firm that did
the work behind the scenes AFAIK. They have a talking head who often appeared as
a "disinterested" party in the press - but in reality either had access to the inside
scoop, or was a party to those proceedings - if only as an outsourced contributor.
When companies go into litigation - they often outsource things like mock
jury trials, etc., and if that money was flowing to another firm that wasn't publicly
named anywhere - how could he be caught, right? Also, he would likely know about
litigation, as he often threatened everyone here with lawsuits if he had to defend
himself. I guess I' m just too stubborn to be scared by that.
The clues fit
together, because he hammered us with them every day. Only a subpoena will provide
the final answer, and since his posts are a matter of public record, they can be
used in court. When you lay it on as thick as he did - well, as Bob Mims said, somebody
will figure it out, sooner or later.
Is he a party to a lawsuit? IMHO quite
likely the IBM lawsuit and quite likely as I described above.
My reasons
for not saying his name are that only certain agencies can act in the manner necessary
to deal with people who claim they can buy and sell the government because of their
"relations" with certain parties, and it is best left to them to sort it out. It
is the price of hubris that some people find such arrogance as his reprehensible
and will not forget.
That is why it is best not to mess with a patient man.
In this cause, I can afford patience, for the outcome is what is most important.
the chase is run and only the periphery parties need to be aware that their relations
with him are cause for some concern. He is a known entity, and the claim of "owning
the government" is one that is likely to carry the most long-term resentment from
honest servants of the public.
He knows its true, what he chooses to do from
here is his business, just as it is my business to do what I need to do.
That ought to be enough. If you still think that sucks - well, then I can't offer
you anymore than that. I know what ends I seek here, and I want him to know too.
Have a nice day.
Message ID: 252254
Posted By: cbdudley7
Posted On: 2005-04-02 00:02:00
Subject: Re: Leddy and pals at play!
Thanks for all your efforts, freecode.
I am sure that his identity will come to light at the appropriate time and under
the right circumstances. We will just have to be patient.
In the meantime,
maybe we should start doing the same type of research for BIFF(e). What do you think?
Message ID: 252259
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2005-04-02 00:37:00
Subject: why the interest in Ledite now?
I don't think I've seen a Ledite
post in months.
Why all the interest, all of the sudden?
Message ID: 252265
Posted By: hamjudo2000
Posted On: 2005-04-02 02:55:00
Subject: Re: why the interest in Ledite now?
I'm not one of the people who
knows who Ledite is. Those who do, believe that Ledite broke the law in an easy
to prove way. More people are figuring it out as time goes on (or at least, they
think they are).
Assuming this is true, Ledite only has a brief period of
time to talk to the FBI first. The FBI are rumoured to be so much more friendly
when you go to them. Ledite still has some time to have some interesting conversations
with his co-workers. These conversations may or may not be taped by his new friends
at the FBI. His co-workers may or may not choose to also become friends with the
The result of all this, is that it is no longer safe to talk strategy
around the barbeque.
Thus SCOXe will lose some of its mysterious market
support. It will become much harder to maintain the fiction that SCOXe is an on-going
concern when the stock price doesn't "float".
If the SEC announces an investigation
while SCOXe still has a heartbeat, but is this weak, it will kill SCOXe. So the
SEC can't publicly announce an investigation, until SCOXe is close enough to death
that the SEC won't be blamed.
I hope an SEC investigation will include the
unusual fund behaviour and those confusing trades we don't understand.
Message ID: 252273
Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on
Posted On: 2005-04-02
Subject: Re: why the interest in Ledite now?
Speaking of myself
personally, I went through Warmcat seeing who made comments about $2 billion dollars
(since SCO recently brought that up that's what a mock jury would award them) and
Ledite was the only one to dangle that $2 billion dollar figure.
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