Message ID: 247723
Posted By: arthur_ski
Posted On: 2005-03-19 09:49:00
Subject: RIP Val Noorda Kreidel
Maureen O'Gara reports Val Noorda died of
a heart attack.
I don't
always believe what MOG say, but this can be confirmed.
Message ID: 247752
Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on
Posted On: 2005-03-19
Subject: Re: RIP Val Noorda Kreidel
I wrote Bob Mims about it.
Message ID: 247754
Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on
Posted On: 2005-03-19
Subject: Re: RIP Val Noorda Kreidel
I heard back from Bob Mims
and he said that the Noorda family isn't saying a word, so SCO's information is
probably third hand and he's waiting for something official to confirm it.
Message ID: 247774
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2005-03-19 13:58:00
Subject: MOG's transgressions?
Can anybody give me a basic summary of the
times that MOG has really stepped over the line? I don't mean just her usual outragous
spin, but when she has published verifiable lies, or where she has published stuff
she wasn't supposed to publish, such as the court stuff that was suposed to have
been sealed?
Message ID: 247779
Posted By: truth_in_government
Posted On: 2005-03-19
Subject: Re: MOG's transgressions?
She's pitched the proprietary
UNIX line since her Unigram.X and computergram days. The "conflict of interest"
attributed to CSRG staff (other than Saint William) was her prior peak and is easy
to dig up in archives and correlate to USL filings and other "inside" information.
This time the general situation is just more disgusting and it seems to
accentuate the poison that usually drips from her pen. Not that I'm against poison
pen letters, I just write better ones myself IMNSHO.
Message ID: 247990
Posted By: sba9630
Posted On: 2005-03-20 13:50:00
Subject: Val Kreidel death confirmed...
I just got off the phone with an
employee with the Orange County Coroner's Office, she confirmed the death.
Message ID: 248075
Posted By: al_petrofsky
Posted On: 2005-03-20 20:17:00
Subject: Kreidel died Thursday; apparent suicide
A journalist with a paralegal
made a strange comment on,
#c291758 on 2005-03-19 at
20:43 -0500:
> Please don't speculate on this story
> I have never
heard of a journalist
> reporting a death based on a report
> from a third
party. And I won't do
> it. ...
I considered waiting for Kreidel to tell
me herself that she's dead, but I've
decided instead to report that a third
party, Orange County Coroner Watch
Commander Cullen Ellingburgh, has told
me that his office has Kreidel's body,
that her death occurred on Thursday,
March 17, and that it was an apparent
Tomorrow will be two weeks
since the
Yarro v. Kreidel hearing was canceled on
account of settlement,
but the docket
still doesn't show any written filings
about disposing of the
cases. I wonder
whether or not Kreidel had signed off on
everything yet.
She was only a defendant for some of the
claims, and not a plaintiff on any
them, but even so, I imagine that the
settlement might have called for
parties, including her, not to pursue
any claims in the future related
to the
events at issue. If that's so, and she
had not yet signed the final
then things could be delayed quite some
time until her executor
is appointed,
comes up to speed, and decides whether
or not to sign.
(Mims reported that "any settlement must
now be signed in front of Schofield
become formally effective", but I don't
know what statute, rule, or precedent
would require a personal appearance.
The court certainly does need to receive
*something* in writing, and at the time
of Kreidel's death, the court hadn't,
but I think it's possible that she had
already signed everything required.)
I'm also wondering what's going on with
Canopy's five million shares of SCO.
Mustard's SEC form 4 says that Canopy
tranferred them to "a former executive"
on March 11, but Yarro has not filed a
corresponding form 4 saying that they
have been transferred to him. Such a
form should have been filed within two
business days of any transfer. Is Yarro
just delinquent, or does he disagree
with Mustard about whether the
transaction has closed yet?
Message ID: 248099
Posted By: al_petrofsky
Posted On: 2005-03-20 22:52:00
Subject: Re: Kreidel died Thursday; apparent sui
O'Gara is a useful gossipist,
who has
had many scoops in this story that were
broadly true (in the last
two months
alone she's had: Kreidel's death; the
rough terms of the settlement;
and the
fact that Yarro's court filings blamed
Mustard for Penrose's death).
Although she's generally quite short on
specific facts and direct quotes,
still usually manages to make at least a
couple factual errors anyway.
In this instance she wrote, in a piece
dated March 19, that Kreidel "died
yesterday morning of an apparent heart
attack in an ironic coda" and that "SCO
confirmed Ms. Kreidel's death". She
didn't identify the SCO representative
who provided her the confirmation, nor
did she specifically say that SCO had
confirmed the heart attack or the
"ironic coda" diagnosis. She also
say to whom it appeared to be a
heart attack. Perhaps it just appeared
way to her, because in her
experience all ironic deaths are by
heart attack.
If my info is correct, then she did make
a hard factual error on the date
death, but being within one day is still
pretty good for her. And again,
biggest fact -- that Kreidel was dead --
she got right, and without the
of her report, I wouldn't have contacted
the Coroner today.
(As it happens, I still probably would
have looked into this on Monday, because
on Friday I had heard word of a hint of
a rumor that Kreidel had committed
suicide. I didn't give it enough
credence for me to bother trying to
it during a weekend, but when
O'Gara reported the death, I figured it
worth a little more effort.)
Message ID: 248174
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-03-21 09:11:00
Subject: Silent Running...
I know it's a work day... and this SCAM needs
to be watched, but I have to tell you I've watched all the conversational traffic
about Ms. Kreidel, and all, and I am about as sickened as I know how to be.
I'd be willing to be the first to admit that I have found this whole sorrid
stock scam masquerading as a lawsuit to be fascinating, like a train wreck. Mr.
Penrose's tragic suicide was a little over-the-top for my taste, and this latest
news is really too horrific for words.
I wonder if it's about money. I wonder
if it's about scandal. I wonder if it is just a coincidental outbreak of mental
illness. And I know, too, that the answers fall pretty clearly into the category
of things that are none of my business.
The families involved get nothing
but sympathy from me in any case, (not that that does them any good at all, I know).
I am left with nothing to say, anymore, because heretofore I've been inclined
to heap nothing but scorn on the people involved with the stock scam, and this leaves
me feeling like that may be entirely inappropriate just at this time, because in
the face of the current tragedy, the stock scam hardly matters, I think. It was
never worth anyone's life.
I've known, since very early on in my involvement
with watching this case, that when it ended all sorts of ugly, greedy machinations
would be revealed. Now I am beginning to believe that it will be far, far worse
than I had ever imagined; indeed, I'm thinking it is going to get so ugly that decent
people won't even want to know.
I do believe that this event is yet another
signal that the bits are flying off this train wreck far too fast to see. This fiaSCO
is coming to its conclusion and instead of wanting to watch and celebrate, now,
I just want to avert my eyes.
Peace, all.
I'm going to
try just lurking for a while....
Message ID: 248561
Posted By: doughnuts_hmm
Posted On: 2005-03-22 06:25:00
Subject: Noorda Family Issues Statement
The Noorda family sadly confirms
the passing of Val Kreidel, their daughter and sibling. They request that their
privacy and the privacy of the Kreidel family in their time of grief be respected.
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Val Kreidel may be made to the Kidney
Dialysis or Kidney Transplant/Renal Center of St. Joseph Hospital, 1100 West Stewart
Drive, Orange, California, 92868.
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