Message ID: 236392
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-02-15 14:19:00
Subject: No major decisions
Actually BIFF, you even sound lucid in that commentary.
That's a major change in your online persona.
Now, there is the fact that
SCO is a SCAM is one ideation, but another is that SCO has engaged in a priori litigation,
Lanham Act violations, possible Sherman Act violations (propping a monopoly up with
the old amazing miracle-cross-license, just-in-time one-single-day before the cross-licensing
arrangements were to be reviewed by the Settlement Court and Judge KKK), likely
Sarbanes-Oxley violations under several sections for failures of notification and
certification to the public and shareholders of certain risk factors in a timely
fashion ( in these cases exceeeding 180 days), Possible FTC cartel rule violations
and other facts which lead me to ask:
Why should I listen to people who won't
identify their evidence? Why should I believe that the SCO Group has some special
power to threaten, deceive, lie or extort money from anyone? Why should I believe
for one moment that SCO has ever been reasonable in their approach?
A reasonable
company that thought there was a problem would have handled this whole matter differently.
The plan was never to be reasonable at all. We all know this fact, so why not admit
it? There is no evidence, even Blake Stowell said so - a long time ago, that SCO
2 had no evidence that IBM ever did anything wrong, or copied anything at all. It
was SGI that they had the tiniest sliver of evidence about, and it really didn't
matter then or now. Hell - SCO 2 hasn't even proven what they own. They just have
their hands out with demand letters.
If that isn't extortion, then somebody
has a wacky interpretation of the law. Of course, with SCO 2, that is not a surprise
at all.
I don't see why anyone should ever have to cater to SCO Group's meaningless
pursuit of FUD and dollars. I do see a reason that they should not be rewarded in
any way. Crime shall not pay, and they shall not be rewarded for acting as the sock-puppets
for this scheme, unless that reward is to face the charges for these acts and more.
Simple enough to understand. I know you can grasp the statements, but I am not
certain if the facts escape you, or you simply choose to ignore them.
a nice day.
Message ID: 267072
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-05-19 18:54:00
Subject: How prophetic
The stock price today is extermely humor-filled, but
we were all too busy looking elsewhere. After all is said and done, It's $4.19!
You just have to laugh. Even the manipulators are laughing, because they know
it's a scam too.
Have a nice day.
Message ID: 310681
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-10-08 21:17:00
Subject: Why someone MUST do time here
If they get away with this scam -
then no laws have any meaning whatsoever, and it's open season on those who piss
you off. I don't htink anyone truly wants anarchy, but if they get away with their
crimes, that is what is going to happen.
Just stealing a few billion here,
hundred million there and they get away with it? Kenny Boy Lay needs rounding up
and so do all the little SCOX munchkins and their cohorts in crime. Otherwise -
there is no respect for the law and the laws are worthless, weak and incompetent.
Never mind, that's what has been happening for nearly the last six years,
and yet everybody thinks they live in Disneyland.
Time to either enforce
the law, or get no respect for it. I vote for enforcement. I like the system, just
not the bozos who think that stealing a few hundred million isn't a serious crime.
Have a nice evening.
Message ID: 313118
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-10-19 09:13:00
Subject: Things worth suing over
1) Someone threatening harm (provided they
have any real ability to do so) over and over again, because they falsely believe
that if they just threaten someone, they will give up their efforts to stop you.
(HINT: that which does not kill, only serves to strengthen resolve).
2) Someone
acting to cover their a** by bribing a company to fire an individual when that person
pointed out to the SEC their violations of Rule 33-7881, Regulation Full Disclosure
- both on the Internet and on Television
3) A VC/analyst/broker who is pumping
and pimping a stock while buying/owning the stock without revealing that fact and
asking softball questions during company conference calls and running a report to
scam investors about litigation success prospects.
4) A hedge fund manager
who lies about the fundamentals of the stock while investing other people's money
(OPM) in a stock-scam play to enrich himself, then quietly sells out his interest
in wash trades to hang the other investors in the fall, knwoing he won't take the
loss - just spread the misery elsewhere.
5) An employee of a major US corporation
who was funneling money to invest in FUD litigation against a rivel product that
was and is kicking their butts through grass-roots development - something they
still don't know how to handle, whose actions were clear violations of a settlement
with Justice.
6) A company lawyer who was involved with some very odd individuals
who know how to program worms and trojans, in a peer-to-peer sort of way, even offering
up some fame for a small defacement job.
7) A shell game of hide the capital
through front-company trades while attempting to baffle the public as to "Where's
the money"?
8) A lawyer who was advising clients on the investment side as
well as the litigating side, and using that inside knowledge to trade on the stocks,
all the while publicly admitting insider trading without a care in the world, and
pimping their Intellectual Property practice, as well as bringing in foreign capital
for the VC fund investor.
9) A bank that was knowingly hedging an exposure
by a major corporation caught with their pants down, and was fully secretly funding
the litigation through out-of-country investment to avoid the strict rules of law.
and finally:
10) Being mentioned in a press release by SCO Group in any
fashion. Might as well start shooting the finger at your csutomers now - you do
as much when you deal with SCO Group.
Have a nice day.
Message ID: 322078
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2005-11-21 10:03:00
Subject: Good Morning America
Hello all. Scam is still the norm for the daily
rush Op Reports from this perspective. At least - they won't go free (and probably
not quietly once the long arm reaches out).
If you want to gamble on this
stock, take the gamble to Vegas, and make book and who sings soprano first when
the vice grips. At least then you know the risks upfront, and no one is lying to
you about your odds of winning.
As far as prosecution goes, my analysis is
that the preponderence of evidence will favor that once the balloon is empty of
any gas. When the truth of the irrational exuberance overcomes the hot air and flatulence
from Lindon, then Justice will be swift and manifold, and no exit strategy will
Don't worry, be happy. Have a nice day.
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