Message ID: 234732
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-10 16:57:00
Subject: SCO must really hate this place
I'll bet, back when the evil perps
were first sitting around the conference table, possibly decked out in their magical
underoos, fleshing out how they were going to make a killing on all of the Linux
users out there, that there was one thing they didn't even bother to factor into
their plan.
By us, I really mean the Internet. All anyone has
to do is read the fantastic research that has been posted in the past couple of
years, at any number of places, including gems by our resident factoid hunters,
who are too numerous to mention, but whom I would like to thank collectively here
for the record. Keep up the great work. This round is almost over, so keep it up.
It is beyond my skills completely! I'm mostly here for pathetic attempts at comedic
relief. (I know, don't quit my day job.)
I guess I just wonder if they realized
how much of their misdeeds were going to be uncovered so easily. These criminals
are so inept... great way to innovate, huh, Billy? It's true for trolls, too - you
get what you pay for.
Message ID: 234734
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2005-02-10 17:08:00
Subject: Re: SCO must really hate this place
<< These criminals are so inept...
great way to innovate, huh, Billy? It's true for trolls, too - you get what you
pay for.>>
And the cool thing about that is that they chose such an awful
vehicle for this first attempt.
I agree with everyone that M$ will try again,
but this next time they won't meet a group struggling to understand court rules,
promissory estoppel, SEC filings, et al.
Instead, they will have to deal
with a group of addicts who have really come to enjoy scavenger hunt of tracking
down odd bits and pieces of information. People who by then will be desperate for
a fix and actively looking for the next scam.
Bill really knows how to shoot
himself in the foot.
Message ID: 234736
Posted By: diogenese19348
Posted On: 2005-02-10 17:09:00
Subject: Re: SCO must really hate this place
I guess I just wonder
if they realized how much of their misdeeds were going to be uncovered so easily.
These criminals are so inept... great way to innovate, huh, Billy? It's true for
trolls, too - you get what you pay for.
I strongly suspect there
is a darboard at SCOX central that has all our nics on it, but that is just a guess...
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