Message ID: 233915
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-02-09 15:06:00
Subject: Once more, for the record... walterbyrd
For the
record sir, and all joking aside, you were right from the beginning about the judiciary
in Utah. I was wrong.
This ruling is a pile of steaming stuff. It wn't get
the judge in trouble because he's done nothing, except, as you have argued all along:
doing nothing *is* favoring this meaningless lawsuit and the thieving whores who
brought it; it permits them to continue their stock scam unabated.
Message ID: 235611
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-02-13 07:38:00
Subject: Note to the SCO-Backers
'Kay, Biff, Butter, QNx, Ledite, and all
your various nyms, (mini, suits, blue, rat, etc.),
Listen up. (Really, this
constitutes fair warning; it is posted in public.)
This SCAM has drifted,
slowly, slowly downhill since December of 2003. You remember, right? That was the
first real court hearing on discovery. And the Conference call at the end of that
From that time all of us who have been paying attention knew that
this was going to work like a slow-motion train wreck - there's nothing that can
be done to stop it, however long it takes, and, it is hard to look away.
The thing about train wrecks that *you* need to understand, is that at the end,
when metal meets metal, things start to happen very, very quickly. Pieces come flying
off, whole, loaded cars get pitched way up in the air. The point is that individual
pieces absorb the momentum of the whole train, and that makes for some shockingly
high velocities of individual parts. Even if filmed in slow motion, some parts will
be moving too fast for the cameras to capture.
By now you'll have seen that
the Canopy/Noorda complaints are posted on-line. This is the beginning of metal
to metal part of this train wreck. If you stay here, you will almost certainly wind
up caught in the wreckage. The agonizingly slow pace that brought us here might
have lulled you into a false sense of security. The pace is going to pick up from
here on out.
There, that's my stake in the ground; if you stick
around I assure you, I will be saying: "I told you so."
Message ID: 241466
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-03-01 09:18:00
Subject: UNIX IP Recap...
So, there is no copyrighted UNIX code in Linux.
But, since the SCOundrels mentioned it... let's review the situation briefly.
1) Originally UNIX code was not copyrighted - it was held as a Trade Secret.
Eventually, the UNIX codebase lost that protection because AT&T failed to maintain
the proper controls over who had access to those secrets. (It is a simple notion
that if the information is publicly available it is [by definition] not a secret
any longer.)
2) When AT&T moved to copyright their UNIX code, and attempted
to enforce those copyrights in a [disasterous] lawsuit against The California Board
of Regents in the infamous BSD case, the judge told AT&T that he doubted that the
AT&T copyrights could be shown to be valid. Both parties, in an agreement that had
been sealed until just recently, agreed that AT&T AND ITS SUCCESSORS would not attempt
to enforce those non-existant copyrights against any party. The code was in effect
in the public domain, but neither party announced that fact.
3) The SCOundrels
from Lindon, Utah, after buying the Licensing business from The Santa Cruz Operation
decided that enough time had passed that no one would remember, and that the facts
in points one and two above were sufficently cloudy that they could attempt to shake
the world down over a UNIX work-alike product called Linux. They blustered and calimed
that they were going to sue BSD again, (as if the agreement did not SPECIFICALLY
PROHIBIT THAT), and they filed a flurry of lawsuits against a number of enormous
companies, in hope, seemingly of having their worthless little crap company purchased
for hundreds of times more than it could possibly be worth.
4) Lately, the
SCOundrels have claimed that code that IBM wrote, itself, or licensed from *other*
parties, is now under the SCOundrels' control because... well because Darl the mouth
McBride and Ralph the-thieving-scum-bag Yarro want it to be that way.
Failing that, the SCOundrels seem to have been running a stock kiting scam that
failed when their auditors refused to signoff on their books that had been in the
oven a little bit past - GB&D, (Golden Brown and Delicious).
6) Now the bagholders
prop the stock price up just to avoid having to acknowledge the COMPLETE loss of
their [stupid] doomed "investment."
7) Betting now runs wildly in favor of
the principals in this fiaSCO doing time in Club Fed.
8) The SCOundrels'
paided shills are still claiming otherwise, seemingly in hopes that if it is repeated
loudly and often enough it will "magically" true.
So, ah, ledite/ttaj,
how would you say this "investment" has worked out for anyone who *ever* followed
your advice to buy this stock?
Message ID: 248174
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-03-21 09:11:00
Subject: Silent Running...
I know it's a work day... and this SCAM needs
to be watched, but I have to tell you I've watched all the conversational traffic
about Ms. Kreidel, and all, and I am about as sickened as I know how to be.
I'd be willing to be the first to admit that I have found this whole sorrid
stock scam masquerading as a lawsuit to be fascinating, like a train wreck. Mr.
Penrose's tragic suicide was a little over-the-top for my taste, and this latest
news is really too horrific for words.
I wonder if it's about money. I wonder
if it's about scandal. I wonder if it is just a coincidental outbreak of mental
illness. And I know, too, that the answers fall pretty clearly into the category
of things that are none of my business.
The families involved get nothing
but sympathy from me in any case, (not that that does them any good at all, I know).
I am left with nothing to say, anymore, because heretofore I've been inclined
to heap nothing but scorn on the people involved with the stock scam, and this leaves
me feeling like that may be entirely inappropriate just at this time, because in
the face of the current tragedy, the stock scam hardly matters, I think. It was
never worth anyone's life.
I've known, since very early on in my involvement
with watching this case, that when it ended all sorts of ugly, greedy machinations
would be revealed. Now I am beginning to believe that it will be far, far worse
than I had ever imagined; indeed, I'm thinking it is going to get so ugly that decent
people won't even want to know.
I do believe that this event is yet another
signal that the bits are flying off this train wreck far too fast to see. This fiaSCO
is coming to its conclusion and instead of wanting to watch and celebrate, now,
I just want to avert my eyes.
Peace, all.
I'm going to
try just lurking for a while....
Message ID: 272493
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-06-09 07:52:00
Subject: Investors' Update
So, for those of you (and I assume there are not
many), who are perhaps considering signing up to be bag holders for this piece of
stuff stock there are a few relevant facts to keep in mind...
1) Caldera
is suing IBM for having helped to "destroy" a billion dollar investment in UNIX.
The claimed value of that investment is the basis for Caldera's claim that IBM is
liable for billions in damages, and the stock scam is dependent upon potential bagholders
expecting a piece of that pie [in-the-sky]. Any potential investor should consider
Caldera's own SEC filings which indicate that the rights to UNIX which it purchased
from the Santa Cruz Operation were worth, by their own accounting, a *little* less
than a billion dollars... in fact, just 5.8 million dollars.
see: h++p://
2) Caldera claims to have the right to terminate IBM's right to distribute AIX.
This claim is intended to assure investors that IBM will be forced to settle with
Caldera since IBM makes a great deal of money from AIX. Oddly, Caldera has never
asked the court for an injunction against IBM's continued distribution of AIX. Instead,
perversely, they have publicly claimed that permitting IBM to continue to distribute
AIX only increases the damages that will eventually be awarded. IANAL - I would
recommend that any potential bag holder consult a real attorney about the likelihood
of that strategy working in a U.S. Court.
3) Caldera's latest addtions to
their Board of Directors are a pair experienced businessmen. What kind of experience?
Well, you know, the companies they left are bankrupt and/or under Federal investigation
for, among other things, defrauding investors.
4) If you invest in this
stock scam, no one, not even your own mother is going to have any sympathy for you,
at all, once Ralphie has walked away with your money. On the bright side, your losses
in this scam are likely to be limited to only what you choose to spend purchasing
this stock, plus the harm done to your reputation; you'll be marked for life as
an easy mark.
Disclaimer: I am neither a financial analyst nor
a licensed professional financial advisor. (But you know, a stock scam is not a
complex thing to recognize.) Your mileage may vary. Past performance is no guarantee
of future performance. (The fact that Caldera has no history of profitable operations
doesn't mean that it *couldn't* happen; but the safer bet is that that *will* continue.)
Reality distortion fields, alien invasions and/or psychoactive drugs in the Court's
water supply *might* materially alter the outcome of the court case. (Short of that
though, it is a ppretty clear loser for the boys from Lindon.)
Message ID: 281749
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-07-15 06:52:00
Subject: So? Biff, how are you?
My, my, my Biffie, love, you sure are posting
a lot. Crap-flooding the board, even. You're provocative choice of title may work
against you, though, since it tends to draw people into the thread, and really,
you don't want them *reading* this crap, just reading the headlines.
tell me, feeling a little desperate are you? Like the rug just been yanked out from
under the whole fscking scam?
What were Ralph and Darl thinking? That IBM
would just pay them to shut up and go away? Can you name any other cases where someone
savaged IBM's reputation in public and then got a settlement out of them?
And Biffie, you really need to focus. What PJ says about he case isn't realy
nearly as important as what the documents themselves say. PJ could declare tomorrow
that she believes the SCOundrels are going to win... and it wouldn't matter, the
SCOundrels are *still* going to lose.
RCU, NUMA, JFS, none of those things
are controlled by any contract to which Caldera is party. None of them. While Darl
may say that they are, the fact remains they are not. Darl lied to the public; Darl
lied to the bag holders.
This scam has already failed; we're
all just waiting for the ashes to cool.
Message ID: 284974
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-07-26 10:18:00
Subject: Biff engages in self-abuse...
Well, that's what it used to be called;
now it's just called jerking off.
Yeah, pity, isn't it Biffy? Your precious
Caldera isn't really The Santa Cruz Operation at all. They are a Linux distributor,
and all the damage they claim from IBM's work on Linux used to be an advantage for
their business, until they got the bright idea to pay a few millions of dollars
for the ancient UNIX codebase.
The Caldera Complaint alleges, inter alia,
that IBM helped add SMP to Linux, thus unfairly competing with UNIX. But, a quick
research of the topic shows that no, it wasn't IBM that put SMP in Linux... it was...
yes, Caldera International, who donated the hardware so Alan Cox could improve that
We've known all this for some time, Biff, but PJ published an article
on it, I suspect, just to provide more information to the press which is just now
cottoning to the SCAM that is Caldera.
By all means though, Biff, try to
get everyone focused on PJ; that'll help Darl and Ralphie.
the SCOundrels should sue themselves, or each other.
Message ID: 286686
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2005-07-30 20:43:00
Subject: My, my, Herr Biff
You've had just the very full day haven't you?
I've been trying to follow your arguements.. let's see if I've got them right...
The SCO Source SCAM is okay, because the SCO License for Linux is a *merged
product*, which is specifically allowed for in the Novell-Santa Cruz APA. So, you're
saying Caldera put Unixware and Open Sewer Code in Linux? 'Kay.
Novell did
sell Santa Cruz the copyrights to UnixWare, they just didn't bother writing that
down, anywhere. (No one ever told those people to *always* get a reciept?)
Caldera's deal with SUN and Microsoft is okay, and Caldera doesn't have to pay
Novell any part of it because they weren't licensing UnixWare to those companies.
I'm completely willing to accept that; WTF would Microsoft or SUN want with that
crufty old operating system? Naturally, however, that does raise the question of
what, precisely, did those two companies get. I guess we're about to find out, eh?
Anyway, Biff, you should try get some sleep; you've got many hard days of trolling
ahead of you. This whole scam is about to come apart at the seams. The quarter's
just ended so the funds are not going to be so closely focused on the price; I kind
of expect it to hit the skids first thing on Monday morning.
Hey, buck up,
kiddo, at least *you* didn't sign any of Caldera's SEC filings. That part is Darl's,
Bob Bench's and Bert Young's problem. (Five Million Dollars and up to 20 years in
the hole. Man, that's gonna suck, eh?)
On the bright side, Biff,
the end of this is now in sight - I'd give it 90 days, tops.
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