Message ID: 219295
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-01-01 17:26:00
Subject: annielinux has no credibility
I'll try to dissect your comeback
post as succinctly as I can, point by point;
"...sent a letter to the SEC
without doing any due diligence..."
My "due diligence" was looking at the
top pro-SCO posters - you were one of them. As I said before, no one with a functioning
cortex could possibly be pro-SCO, without being a part of the scam, or an enemy
of F/OSS, or maybe just plain stupid. Take your pick.
" I said
last year, I am a harmless troll..."
I guess I missed that posting. Let
me know if ledite, qnc, biff, or the other like-minded village idiots have made
the same admission somewhere, because I haven't seen theirs, either.
"I was simply here to make you people think, picking different sides to argue a
Argue WHAT point?!? That there are as yet undiscovered tribes,
deep in the heart of the Peruvian jungle, that even know this whole SCOX fiasco
is nothing but a scam, with Microsoft behind it? There's no different sides, either;
A group of unethical people, financed by another group of very wealthy, but unethical,
as well as convicted monopolists, are trying to keep something (Linux) from making
their existence on this Earth short-lived. They will stop at nothing to achieve
their goals. It's well documented, and it has got to stop. I don't care how, either.
"...and have not posted at or read the SCOX board in almost a year..."
This part has me really wondering if you are who you say you are. I thought
Yahoo deleted ID's if they were inactive for a certain length of time; it's how
I managed to snag the bootihound nick. If that's the case, anything you say is irrelevant.
On the other hand, if you really are the old annielinux, who hasn't even read the
board in almost a year, how did you find out there was a post about you? I know
first hand that the Yahoo search function leaves much to be desired. Unless one
of your troll buddies filled you in on the message, which I see as quite possible,
except you say you have no interest in SCOX... puzzling.
"Your SEC letter
has no credibility, and countersuits are what you should now be thinking about."
I never said anything about "credibility". If the SEC decides to check this
out, anyone who really has nothing to worry about will be just fine. Others, like
qnc, who still hasn't wiped the froth from his monitor after he popped a bolt at
me earlier this week, may be in line for a perp walk, and some time at the Greybar
Motel, and they are the ones spewing their threats of countersuits. Like you just
did. Wouldn't I have to file one first?
I've got nothing to worry about
here; except I'm getting sick and tired of this shit taking way too long. Kill this
bastard company off now, damn it.
Message ID: 222018
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-01-11 15:42:00
Subject: Consider Biff corrected
and all related
links on each site...
It's all there. Have someone read it to you some
day. I'd go into more detail, but it's already there; every detail of how this stock
scam and fraud started; how it is only the most recent blatant attack on Open Source
Software by the dying monopoly Microsoft, which admitted funding this cast of degenerate
freeloaders - it is all exposed for the world to see, and it's been posted countless
times before. In fact, the only thing posted here more often, are the countless
questions left unanswered by biff. Come back when you're finished reading; there
WILL be a test, which biff, et al, will fail miserably, but there you go.
Message ID: 231037
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-01 14:00:00
Subject: Painted up criminally today!
Manipulation, manipulation, manipulation.
SCOX - it's what we do, and we do it well.
Message ID: 231038
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-01 14:03:00
Subject: Ladders are for PEOPLE, not stocks
Thieves, liars, crooks, and general
bastards, the lot of 'em.
Message ID: 233963
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-09 15:46:00
Subject: Commie_flusher is a liar, of course
Read it and weep, sh!t for brains.
"Nevertheless, despite the vast disparity between SCO's public accusations
and its actual evidence -- OR COMPLETE LACK THEREOF -- and the resulting temptation
to grant IBM's motion, the court has determined that it would be premature to grant
summary judgment on IBM's Tenth Counterclaim."
---The Honorable Dale A.
Kimball, February 8th, 2005
This stock scam is almost over. Get 'em while
they're hot. As for you, CC, I'd recommend doing some Pilates, or other stretching
exercises, since it will be YOU doing most of the bending over. I hope you can touch
your toes, because you're going to need to.
P.S. Don't like my post?
Message ID: 234586
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-10 13:15:00
Subject: 2+years:STILL NO EVIDENCE
Just ask Judge Kimball. He'll tell you.
ANYONE still under the delusion that SCO has even the slightest scintilla
of a chance of winning anything from this case, is an idiot. Furthermore, even if
they DO win something, be it a billion dollar judgement, or a rusty stapler, I,
myself, as a Linux user, will have to pay them this amount...
If it's all about contracts, I owe them nothing.
On the
other hand, if it's about copyrights, they don't have any, so I still owe them nothing.
How do you win, then, exactly, if no one owes you any money?!?
There, now
that THAT is settled, show me the documents that actually transferred those copyrights
again, won't you, mulletscooper? While you're at it, you can explain again why,
despite EVERY ORIGINAL PARTY to the contracts telling you have no standing, that
SCO thinks they own or control any of this IBM code at all? Hello? Is this thing
on? Oh well, he must have gone out looking for them. I'm sure he'll be back with
all the court-recognized and accepted documentation in no time.
Message ID: 234899
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-10 23:37:00
Subject: Fark off, Ledite
You miserable, lying, worthless piece of sh!t.
You, me, the guy down the street, Judge Kimball, Darl Mc Bride, and the guy at Great
Clips (that cuts Darl's hair), know exactly what The SCO Group has told us; read
this slowly, and carefully, luddite, old dork;
THIS IS ---===<<< NOT >>>===---
Albeit the most drug-induced,
incomprehensible, non-legal interpretation of contracts the world has ever seen.
SCO's own legal team has admitted this, under oath, in at least one court of law.
You know it all too well, and still, you manage not only to ignore what the side
you support has admitted to the court, but you even tell bald-faced lies about it,
in the oh-so-vain hope that someone - ANYONE - will be foolish enough to forego
their financial common sense, and buy this worthless pig of a stock.
long as there are people like me around, we won't let it happen. I know it pisses
you off to no end, but I don't give a flying fark. You are an immoral bastard, and
we won't stop hounding you (saltydogmn=hounding you... get it, dumbass?) until this
stock scam is shut down, and people like you are put behind bars. I'll make damn
sure that, when this whole thing falls apart, that Yahoo releases ALL of the pumpers'
info to the Feds.
Mark my words.
(Yes, that includes Q_N_* and
biff, and anyone else you might wish to send up the river.)
Message ID: 235279
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-11 15:51:00
Subject: SCOX BK not good enough!
Not good enough... we need perp walks for
the lot of them, and, for the hell of it, the identities of the shills and trolls
here, so we can ridicule them utterly, removing any credibility they may have ever
had in their fields. Expose the money trails, which all lead back to Microsoft.
Banish them from IT forever. Heads on pikes, salt the earth, all of it. Bastards,
every last one of them.
The same way they tried to ruin Linux, should be
done to them. Except this time, it would be done with the truth.
Message ID: 235577
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-12 18:37:00
Subject: SCO execs plan figured out!
It has been discussed at length in the
past that several key figures involved in this illegal stock scam/FUD machine/pump
and dump, might be posting on this very board, and I've finally figured out why.
When they are brought up on charges, they will all plead not guilty, by reason of
insanity. Based on the level of sanity in their posts, they will definitely get
away with it, too. The evidence is overwhelming. It's the HaHa Hilton for all of
them; ledite, biff, Q_N_C, you name it. They're all beyond hope, and the only solution
for them is the psych ward. It's painfully obvious they are incapable of rehabilitation,
so they will remain there for the rest of their lives.
I don't feel sorry
for them at all.
Message ID: 241229
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-02-28 15:51:00
Subject: FCS, you magnificent bastard...
So, fat shittysteak... how are you,
you great poof? We've missed your inane ramblings dearly. Tell us, oh disturbed
one, exactly when is this stock scam company you pump for going to live up to its
fiduciary responsibilities to its stockholders, and submit all of the late filings?
You know, the ones those nice Federales in their government-issue thousand dollar
suits keep waiting for?
We're still waiting, you magnificent bastard.
Message ID: 241504
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-03-01 11:16:00
Subject: What would an SCO win cost them?
I was thinking about this the other
day, and actually wondered aloud, why go through this whole scam thing? So you make
a few bucks - quite a few, of course - screwing people out of their money. At what
cost, though? Your company, SCOXE, is now the most hated tech company in the world,
even more than Microsoft, who helped fund the scam in the first place. The cast
of characters involved have lost any and all credibility in the business world,
and it looks to me as if the only people they will be able to deal/work with, would
be each other. Would you trust Darl enough to start another company with him?
I am not generally an angry, bitter man, but I say this with complete sincerity;
when this scam is finally terminated, I will be incredibly happy. When the perpetrators
of this crime get sent up the river, I will be incredibly happy. If some of them
"get away with it", they really won't get away with anything. For the rest of their
miserable lives, they will have to keep looking over their shoulders, because someone
will be after them... to get their money back, to get revenge for being shafted,
or maybe just to extract some small amount of vigilante justice, and it will probably
be from a fellow participant in the scam. You have already seen how fast they can
turn on each other in the Canopy cases. One man is already dead from this scandal.
I would not be surprised in the least to see more in the future. Depending on who
it is, I'll probably end up being incredibly happy about that, too. What a sad state
of affairs they have wrought. Oh well, you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
The time for turning the other cheek has LONG since been passed. I'm sorry if this
offends you, but it's my opinion, and after all the shit SCOXE has pulled, I am
quite entitled to it.
Message ID: 245225
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-03-11 23:13:00
Subject: Fsck off, Ralph Yarro.
You and your buddies call yourselves "devout
Mormons". Really? Does the Mormon faith allow for scams like the one you're running
with the SCO Group (SCOXE)? Over 2 years have elapsed, and all your side can do
is delay, delay, delay. You have shown ZERO evidence, even after the court has told
you to do so explicitly - TWICE - and everyone involved in the original contract
negotiations has already debunked and voided every convoluted interpretation and
theory your side has concocted.
You have no case.
You have no copyrights.
You have no evidence.
You have no standing in court.
You do, however,
thanks to your scheming ways, have a huge pile of soon-to-be-worthless shares of
SCOXE. I hope you lose your big fat ass on them. Your fellow congregation members
must be so proud of the way you manipulated the Noordas.
On behalf of elderly
people throughout the USA, I sincerely hope you rot in hell.
P.S. Like the
header says,fuck off, Ralph Yarro. You are a disgrace to the people of Utah.
Message ID: 255446
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-04-13 21:40:00
Subject: SCOXE scumbags listing
Umm, yeah. Hell yeah! Exactly what the Big
El just said, but at least include all that deserve it...
Short List of Fucking Scumbags)
Darl Mc Bride
(as already mentioned)
Bert Young
Blake Stowell
Ralph Yarro
Ryan Tibbitts
Chris Sontag
Jeff Hunsaker
David Boise
Darcy Mott
any other shill from
this board
(except esker)
Maureen O' Gara
Laura DiDio
Rob Enderle
Bill Gates
Steve Ballmer
(wait, that's me!)
anyone else I missed,
and Ashlee Simpson.
There are at least 2 people dead now,
DIRECTLY due to all of
your actions in this lucrative stock scam/pump and dump/FUD machine,
and you
will all get yours when your time comes.
Karma is a fucking bitch, and man,
she is PISSED.
(Funny how so many fucking scumbags on that list went
to BYU... coincidence? I think not.)
Message ID: 265960
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-05-16 13:57:00
Subject: This one's for my Dad
Thanks for the excellent summary, Gary. That's
the same sentiment expressed by my Dad, shortly before he passed away back in 2002.
Unbeknownst to me, his securities broker was really pushing him to put some money
into the stock market through money market funds... of course, he touted the aggressive
approach as the best way to go, and he ended up putting 20,000 dollars in, with
about a 80% high risk/20% low risk scheme.
Not more than a week later,
the Microsoft ruling hit, and my Dad lost over half of his money, never to see it
again. Where did it go? No one could tell him. All I know is it literally killed
him to know he, and millions of other average Joes, had their retirement nest egg
virtually stolen from them. I know, investing is always risky, but I blame the idiot
broker for pushing a twenty-something plan on a sixty-something investor. It was
totally ridiculous, and I'll never forgive him, or his parent company (Prudential).
It was bad enough having this happen, and less than 14 months later, he died from
lung/brain cancer. His attitude was great, though. He used to tell me things like
"You think what I'm going through is bad? Those guys at Prudential would BEG for
chemo, if they knew what they have to look forward to down the road. Karma is a
I can only hope the same applies for the principals of this scam,
from top to bottom.
Message ID: 286484
Posted By: saltydogmn
Posted On: 2005-07-30 09:45:00
Subject: biff the defective centrifuge
I don't care HOW hard you try to massage
this devastating head shot, biff.
The SCO Group is history. It's a scam,
and the courts are learning now what we've known all along; Darl Mc Bride, Ralph
Yarro, Blake Stowell, Bert Young, etc., and all their network of supporters, are
going to do Federal Pen time for this crime against geeks. I wonder which one of
the cabal rats them out first... WAGs, anyone?
I personally hope one of them
tries to flee the US, and gets caught. That would be fun to see on First Call with
David Faber, wouldn't it?
(Hey, Darl, how you like us now, bitch?)
Faber: Well, there's the video of The SCO Group CEO, Darl Mc Bride, being led
off in handcuffs after attempting to flee the United States with a large briefcase;
at first, it was believed to be filled with large quantities of cash, or securities,
but when opened by TSA authorities, all that was in it was several bundles of naked
photos of Ralph Yarro and Maureen O' Gara, and a dozen marital aids, with a few
bottles of lotion. Interestingly enough, the tag on the luggage lists its owner
as a Mr. Blepp. I'm certain he'll be missing his property dearly.
Quick: It looks like there's a few copies of "Hairless Twink Monthly" in there as
well; is that a Sys-Con publication?
Faber: I'll bet it is.
Yes, it's a great day...
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "saltydogmn" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
Copyright 2004 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.