Message ID: 215659
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-12-22 14:04:00
Subject: Tom Eisenberg
Investor Tom Eisenberg of Open Road Partners, dominated
much of the Q&A in yesterday's CC with [clueless] questions regarding Baystar, and
where to find a balance sheet.
Tom Eisenberg of Open Road was on the Lions
Gate Films CC transcript from 6/29/04. Lions Gate [LTR] is a publicly traded film
distribution and rights company. Eisenberg asked about video and international rights
retention to "Farhenheit 9/11" and "Open Water".
Edgar has a paper registration
filing for "Open Road Partners" dated 10/15/2004. This is a REGDEX filing, so Open
Road may intend to become publicly traded.
The Edgar filing (CIK 0001306316)
lists "152 West 57th St., 48th Floor" as the address. This is known as the "Carnegie
Hall Tower" The only reference I find to this 48th floor address is the "Moscow
Institute for Advanced Studies". A English production company "Open Road Films"
looks unrelated.
A Gary A. Eisenberg working out of Beverly Hills has a recent
SEC settlement ($21MM) for penny stock pumping. No other compatriots listed in the
SEC complaint. Eisenberg is a very common name, so questions by Thomas Eisenberg
at the newsletter may be by an unrelated person.
In summary,
Eisenberg knows how to talk Film Producer talk [e.g. "good DVD rental and sell through
for Open Water"], He works in a "theatrical" address in NYC. Little more is detectable
without access to the paper SEC registrations.
LTR Conference
Edgar REGDEX for Open Road:
Gary A. Eisenberg complaint:
Message ID: 215774
Posted By: atul666
Posted On: 2004-12-22 15:52:00
Subject: Re: Eisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Here's a link to the Lion's
Gate Films transcript that stats_for_all mentioned earlier:
www . lionsgatefilms
. com/investors/pdf/fiscal2004_yearend_transcript_062904.pdf
Here's some
info on the Carnegie Hall Tower, where Open Road Partners is located:
. thecityreview . com/carnegie.html
www . skyscraperpage . com/cities/?buildingID=188
Now, the building is listed as mixed office and residential. The lack of available
info on the company suggests they're pretty small. I suppose it's possible Eisenberg's
the only employee, and he runs it out of his living room.
On the other hand,
here's another investment company on the same floor, in the same building:
solariscapital . net/contact.html
Open Road Partners is in the yellow
pages for NYC, and the address is included, but there's no additional info to be
found there.
The point of all of this is to try to determine if the guy's
just a random clueless bagholder, or if he's a ringer, planted to waste time and
distract attention from the whole Yarro fiasco, and I still don't have a firm opinion
one way or the other. I'm leaning toward the idea that he's just a clueless investor
who saw the stock spike in the past few weeks. He'd like some of that money, and
he's doing all his research by asking the CEO a few moronic questions.
hey, it's always been my opinion that markets work best if there's a certain percentage
of investors who are clueless and stupid, so that there's always a fresh supply
of cash for the markets to redistribute.
Message ID: 215790
Posted By: div_2n
Posted On: 2004-12-22 16:04:00
Subject: Re: Eisenberg Uncertainty Principle
No more uncertainty. I spoke
with Eisenberg for about 30 minutes. He runs a hedge fund that is invested lightly
in SCO. Nice guy. He was very interested in what I had to say about the finer deeper
weak points in SCO's case such as the Yarro situation and the potential liability
with the LKP.
Message ID: 215814
Posted By: div_2n
Posted On: 2004-12-22 16:24:00
Subject: More on Eisenberg Conversation
Interestingly, I learned something
about the funds from talking with him. He asked a great question -- why are the
big funds so heavily invested in SCO if it is so obvious it is going to fail? I
said that on the surface to a non-technical person that it could appear their claims
have merit. However, the deeper you get into technical knowledge of the computer
industry, the clearer it becomes that SCO doesn't have a case.
That is, in
my opinion, why the funds got in and why they are still there. Darl and company
weaved a very tangled web and made their claims sound great. Now the web is slowly
unravelling. As another poster mentioned, maybe we are seeing some shares be recalled
so an exit can begin.
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