Message ID: 214688
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2004-12-21 12:41:00
Subject: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO?

For the sake of discussion, let's assume canopy has a new CEO. What could be the reasons for such a appointment, and what could be the consequenses? Any speculation?

I would strongly suspect, that yarro has committed several acts with which canopy does not want to be associated at this point. I suspect canopy might want to distance themselves from yarro, possibly even using yarro as the fall guy. Although, I must admit, I always figured McBride would be a more suitable fall guy.

Could a crimminal investigation be underway? SEC violations?

Message ID: 214696
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2004-12-21 12:45:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

>> Although, I must admit, I always figured McBride would be a more suitable fall guy.

Could a crimminal investigation be underway? SEC violations? <<

I'm thinking it could be the SEC, although, that has to be publicly acknowledged, (no?), or the distant, but closing, thunder of IBM's heavy horses may have spooked the Board of Directors and they are looking for a way out of getting themselves "pierced" by the Nazgul.

I am dying of curiosity, however.


Message ID: 214698
Posted By: darlmclied
Posted On: 2004-12-21 12:46:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

Yarro's departure may have nothing to do with SCOG.

fiaSCOG's been going for 2 years now. If fiaSCOG's the reason Yarro's leaving it sure has taken Canopy a long, LONG time ..

Subpoenas from IBM came to Canopy's doorstep more than 14 months ago (if memory serves we found out about these & Canopy's opposition to them before we found about the S2 subpoenas).

Message ID: 214706
Posted By: br3nsc
Posted On: 2004-12-21 12:50:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

a way to get out from responsibility for that yarro is gone who might get dumped next? who can over ride maybe the board and force new votes especially about the new protections that were put in place?
plausible deniability?
loads of reasons.
ROFLOL in your face darl and ralphie.

Message ID: 214752
Posted By: edgarmoon
Posted On: 2004-12-21 13:37:00
Subject: Another Yarro news link

Message ID: 214757
Posted By: peragirn
Posted On: 2004-12-21 13:44:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

Yarro could of left on his own, but do you really think that's possible?

Yarro was to much of a controling person. He had to guide, hence why under hs tenure the lines between the Canopy companies got even more fuzzy.

Also the troll over the weekend said that Yaroo was escorted out of his office. A guy quiting doesn't get escorted out like that.

Message ID: 214762
Posted By: diogenese19348
Posted On: 2004-12-21 13:49:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

Also the troll over the weekend said that Yaroo was escorted out of his office. A guy quiting doesn't get escorted out like that.

At this point I believe we can drop the "troll" part. The guy clearly was not trolling. There was no way he could have gotten that right without the contact he was claiming.

Message ID: 214793
Posted By: darlmclied
Posted On: 2004-12-21 14:26:00
Subject: Re: Possible reasons for new canopy CEO

I agree with jj_franks here.

Yarro leaving was not caused by SCOldera.

See my post # 214698

BUT the manner of his exit (doling out presents to Darl & Tibbits) makes it pretty clear that Yarro thinks Canopy will not support Darl the way Yarro did.

Message ID: 214828
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2004-12-21 14:58:00
Subject: Stowell: Yarro/Mott still on BOD

<< SCO Group spokesman Blake Stowell told ITMJ today in an email that "the management change has to do with Canopy, not the SCO Group. Ralph Yarro remains chairman of the board, Darcy Mott continues to serve as a board member and Canopy remains a majority shareholder of The SCO Group, Inc.">>

Message ID: 215162
Posted By: doughnuts_hmm
Posted On: 2004-12-21 18:12:00
Subject: Executives fired

Canopy Group (SCO Parent) Executives Fired

posted by Technocrat on Tuesday December 21, @06:39AM

See This Salt Lake Tribune story by Bob Mims. The two main Canopy Group executives have been fired. Canopy is the major investor in SCO, and those two sat on SCO's board. No doubt they will be removed from that board as well.

Yarro is generally held to be the "mastermind" behind the SCO suit against IBM. Rumor yesterday was that Yarro had been escorted from the Canopy building. My surmise is that this is connected with action by the Noorda family against Yarro, who was managing Noorda's funds. Noorda suffers from advanced senility, but from his pre-illness actions, such as his role in resolving the ATT-BSD suit, he never would have approved of the SCO suit.

Although Yarro has been fired, he personally made millions or even tens of millions during the period when he was able to kite SCO's stock. Although he could be sued by various parties, it's doubtful that such a suit would be successful.

Message ID: 215221
Posted By: doughnuts_hmm
Posted On: 2004-12-21 19:54:00
Subject: God is on our side says yarro

A blast from the past:

Sep 28 2003, 3:10 pm

Little Tech Titan
Ralph Yarro CEO of Canopy Group
Bob Mims Sep 28 2003 LINDON --

.. Ralph J. Yarro, Canopy's president and chief executive, cannot help
but relish his company's feisty, litigious reputation, even as he argues
it is undeserved ..

"I would prefer to be a peacemaker than to fight," Yarro says. "But I
don't have the luxury to pick who steals from us, who attacks us. All I
can do is decide whether or not we will defend ourselves."

.. "We don't care how big you are. If you mess with us, we're going to
take you on, even to our utter destruction, whatever occurs. We fear
nobody, and we are respecters of no persons."

Message ID: 215253
Posted By: darlmclied
Posted On: 2004-12-21 21:09:00
Subject: JJ_FRANKS

we agree that SCOG did not CAUSE Canopy to fire Yarro.[*]

But on the flip side, Canopy firing Yarro will CAUSE some things to happen at SCOG.

What're your best guesses?

[*] I have a sneaking suspicion that our good friends Bert & Darcy may know a thing or 2 about why Yarro's gone. VERY interesting that the CFO & not the legal eagle(whose name I've forgotten, again) buddy followed Yarro out the door.

Message ID: 215257
Posted By: atul666
Posted On: 2004-12-21 21:18:00
Subject: Re: JJ_FRANKS

I have a sneaking suspicion that our good friends Bert & Darcy may know a thing or 2 about why Yarro's gone. VERY interesting that the CFO & not the legal eagle(whose name I've forgotten, again) buddy followed Yarro out the door.

I think what we saw today is the dropping of shoe #1. I wish Canopy was a public company, so we'd get an SEC form every time another shoe drops. As it stands, we may never get the whole story unless someone writes a tell-all book, or a raft of indictments get handed down.

I guess hiring a flaky graphic artist to run the Noorda family technology empire wasn't such a fabulous idea after all...

Message ID: 215304
Posted By: darlmclied
Posted On: 2004-12-22 01:18:00
Subject: Re: JJ_FRANKS

OK, I'm clearer on your thoughts now, but it raises another question,

Has Ralph choosen SCOG as one of his battlegrounds (making friends out of the executives with the options gifts) or is he likely to be displaced from SCOG very soon?

The way I read you, it's a case of "live by the sword, die by the sword ... (for Ralph anyway)

In other words, Ralph tried to use other peoples' money to try to steal the work of volunteers. Now those other people want to use their money plus the money Ralph's made for them to steal from Ralph.

Poetically Appropriate, in a way.
Almost makes you believe in Karma/Kismet

Message ID: 215326
Posted By: ot_hstoop
Posted On: 2004-12-22 04:25:00
Subject: Noorda in charge of Canopy

According to Maureen (// Noorda's son and daughter kicked out Yarro.

I remember that someone speculated before that the poison pill wast to keep Canopy out.

That makes sense now.

Message ID: 215327
Posted By: moonrealestate2000
Posted On: 2004-12-22 04:42:00
Subject: Re: Noorda in charge of Canopy

<< According to Maureen (// Noorda's son and daughter kicked out Yarro. >>

Maureen obvious did listen to the CC yesterday, but did/could not ask questions. Was SCO2 afraid of her asking the wrong questions after she was misslead about the litigation?

About the Noorda family retaking control about Canopy, is it possible that the publication of the Ray Noorda drafted BSD settlement showed them that Yarro litigation business was acting adverse to Noorda's will? It won't be the only reason to get rid of Yarro, but maybe it broke the camel's back.

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