Message ID: 180656
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-09-15 20:24:00
Subject: Chris Brown
is now back from court and telling us a little about
bottom line is the judge took it all under advisement
no dismissals at
he is going to do a written ruling
but the best part
attorney silver
fell asleep during the court hearing
isnt that great
the shareholders are
paying 31 million to lawyer to sleep thru their court case
Message ID: 180665
Posted By: flimbag
Posted On: 2004-09-15 20:43:00
Subject: From Groklaw
I know people are waiting, and Groklaw is slow as hell,
so I hope Jlund doesn't mind my doing this:
Authored by: Jlund on Wednesday,
September 15 2004 @ 08:31 PM EDT
LONG. The session started at two and ended at
5:30 MST.
I am going to leave the full summaries to people who actually had
pen and paper
in hand to take notes. I also saw some laptops as well and hopefully
we'll get
some nice summaries. I'm happy to answer questions though.
the answer to what most of you probably want to know:
Everything is under advisement.
There were no yays or nays today but I did get
the impression he was leaning
in IBM's favor. SCO was interrupted numerous times
and their council actually
asked for a ten minute recess after Marriot finished
his initial summary judgement
SCO of course did their best to turn the entire hearing towards
their discovery
woes and Hatch even tried to argue about their motion to adhere
to the
scheduling order before another lawyer stood up to argue why it should
be stayed
or dismissed.
IBM was beyond impressive. I have read about the
previous hearings and this is
usually mentioned but today was my first opportunity
to experience their
arguments first hand and they are incredible.
was an exhibit brought brought before the court today. It was confidential
sealed so they only mentioned it in passing. Through their arguments and
though we learn that is was written by someone named John(?) Harrop
and evidently
is SCO admitting they are unable to find infringing code. SCO also
brought forth
a draft report from 1999 bringing forth the opposite viewpoint and
that there was infringing code in Linux. IBM deftly pointed out in
their closing
argument though that the very report SCO presented today refers to
Mr Harrop
(I hope I am getting his name right, someone will correct me I'm sure)
and says
the final analysis depends on his work. The email IBM presented was
sent three
years after SCO's draft report. Was Caldera planning in 1999 to
acquire Unix
and use it against Linux? Why would they commission a study of this
SCO's lawyers were, to be frank, garbage. The lone exception is Fry. Hatch did
very little arguing save his embarassing stand in front of the Judge at the
of the session today. Wait for details on that as it was hilarious.
Fry went
last for SCO and did the best job I've yet heard of articulating their
Even with my viewpoint being where it is I understood where he was
coming from
and after hearing their other attorneys I was impressed with his
delivery. As
to the facts he presented I completely disagreed but he was a
capable lawyer.
Kimball imposed a very strict schedule for IBM's response to SCO's scheduling
order motion as well as SCO's followup response. He wants to have that issue
decided quickly but was extremely annoyed by Hatch's attempts to argue it at the
beginning. He said specifically "Suppose I don't grant this" or
something to
that effect so I wouldn't worry too much about the fate of summary
I'll post answers to specific questions you may have and I can assist those
you who may be working on more complete summaries if you desire.
Message ID: 180681
Posted By: cat_herder_5263
Posted On: 2004-09-15 21:08:00
Subject: First hand report by "cxd" on Groklaw
Message ID: 180744
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2004-09-15 22:01:00
Subject: Groklaw updated with lots more info
More detailed reports on the hearing at that link now.
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "b29651", "flimbag", "cat_herder_5263", "heimdal31" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
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