Message ID: 172720
Posted By: jgabriel66
Posted On: 2004-08-26 13:02:00
Subject: Our Trolls: A Summary

Got bored, decided to check out some of the shills posting statistics over at Yahoeuvre. Anyway, it's kind of interesting.

Annie: Annie's posting pattern included significant nighttime and weekend posting, leading to the conclusion that she really was interested in whatever she was contributing here, at least enough so to consistently respond outside of business hours.

Ledite: On the other hand, ledite's pattern is to post *only* Monday through Friday (ledite never posts on Saturdays, and Sunday post are so mininmal as to be insignificant). There's enough after hours posting to conclude that he likes to follow and respond to the threads he starts, but the peak period is from 11-7 EST, or 9-5 Utah time. I think we can safely conclude ledite is a shill or affiliated with SCO in some manner, if you hadn't already.

Pimping_Linux: Like ledite, PL's posting pattern was largely restricted to M-F, 9-6 EST. So presumably an East-Coaster. My guess would be shill-for-hire 'droid, or, possibly, stock pumping day-trader. With a posting period from 5 June 2003 - 4 November 2003, almost exactly 2 quarters, I'd lean towards shill-for-hire.

Chevy_Fanz: 25 November 2003 - 9 March 2003. Approximately 1 quarter, with postings throughout the week, peaks in the morning and at night. Independently contracting troll-for-hire?

QNC: 5 July 2003 - Present. Strange posting pattern. Posts a lot on Mondays, somewhat less on Tuesday, and even less on Wednesdays. Doesn't post much Thurs.-Sun. Frankly, the only speculation I can make on this one is that he/she usually takes lunch around 1p EST.

cyzq2003: 21 May 2003 - 21 October 2003. Peak posting times, 9a-4p, with another interesting uptick 8p-12m. Few posts on Saturdays or Sundays, with a big jump on Mondays, ticking up each day till Thursday, then falling in half on Fridays. Almost certainly a contracted shill/troll, who only worked a half-day on Fridays.

Siriusisthenextdell: 25 May 2003 - 6 October 2003. Peak posting time, 2p-11p EST. Few posts on Wedneday or Thurday. Moderate posting Friday-Sunday, heavy posting Mondays and Tuesdays. Almost definitely a contracted shill/troll, probably West Coast or Mountain Time, with a Friday-Tuesday working week.

Kind of interesting how many of these shills/trolls were active during the May-November 2003 SCOX price run-up, haina?

Backinfullforce: 1 November 2001 - Present. Here from the very beginning. Peak posting time: 5a-6p EST, with a lunch break at 8a EST. As noted by others for different reasons, definitely European. Posts pretty consistently throughout the week. Definitely a true believer, can't verify from this data whether he's associated with Cald/SCO or not, but it seems likely.

Terekhov: Nothing you don't already know. Takes the day off on Sundays, though.

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