Message ID: 164908
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-08-09 18:14:00
Subject: endorle admits he is a FUDDITER?
"HI, I'm Rob Enderle, I'm paid
to hate Linux by Microsoft. I actually am Bill Gates Love slave, was fired from
IBM for mooning Louis Gerstner, have a huge personal investment in SCO, and regularly
steal candy from little defenseless babies. OK, there I said it, I've come clean,
spilled the beans, finally told the truth"
blood pressure warning
Message ID: 164938
Posted By: nobbutl
Posted On: 2004-08-09 18:55:00
Subject: Re: endorle admits he is a FUDDITER?
Here's Endoscope's
influence credentials. has a quote from his
gerbil as follows: "Rob Enderle, the founder, has been the most highly quoted
analyst since 1995 as ranked by firms like the Kensington Group and Sage Circle.
In addition he has been in the top ten of most influential analysts as ranked by
Technology Marketing since the beginning of that ranking and was ranked number
one in 2001 in influence (#2 in 2002)." So the poor man is past his best even
according to his own gerbil. Oh dear.
It would be worth trying to find
out about 'Technology Marketing' but, frankly, googling a name like that would
throw up thousands of false leads, all written in MBA-speak and flash, and
frankly I can't be arsed.
The rest of that page is a must-read. Here it
is again -
Message ID: 164961
Posted By: brightshiningreflection
Posted On: 2004-08-09
Subject: Some insight into Enderle
Enderle's astonishingly unprofessional
presentation actually gives some interesting insight into the guy.
has continually passed himself off as an expert on IBM as a long-time insider. One
was supposed to figure he had some time at Armonk or Boca Ratton and was rubbing
elbows with the computerists and dealing with software engineers and IP.
But wait, now we hear that he got to IBM as a new hire at ROLM shortly before ROLM
got taken over by IBM. That means several things. First, it means that IBM didn't
hire the idiot--they just inherited him. 2) It means that he never really got inside
the culture of IBM because he was working at the ROLM subsidiary. True enough IBM
brought the suits in to de-siliconvalleyize ROLM, but it didn't cause a wholesale
loss of ROLMness in the company. Claiming to know everything about IBM legal from
his perspective as a ROLM employee is hysterically funny. It's not too different
from claiming to know all about General Motors legal from a job inside Hughes after
Hughes was taken over by GM.
ROLM was never part of the IBM core business
of computers and software. Whatever insights Enderle got at ROLM, they didn't do
much for his knowledge of operating systems, computers, applications, UNIX, AIX,
Basically, we learn that he spins his resume like he spins everything
Message ID: 164999
Posted By: raoulduke_esq
Posted On: 2004-08-09
Subject: Re: endorle admits he is a FUDDITER?
Thank goodness
I was late to the keynote speech! I don't think I could have held down my
breakfast if I had to listen to the whole thing.
Now that we know his
credentials, I probably have a better resume than him in just about any area you
choose. His employment at IBM was peripheral and incidental: I spent a Summer at
IBM's TJ Watson research center - the very core of IBM's innovation. The people
there were quite competant and professional. Enderle needs veterans to remind
him of the cost of freedom? I am a veteran, a Capt. in the US armed forces,
during the first Gulf War. My college room-mate died in a B52 that went into the
Indian Ocean. Perhaps I should remind Enderle what happens when loud-mouth
morons claim things that aren't theirs, on the backs of the "little people".
What an absolutely awful waste of hot air that whole speech was. Not once
did he demonstrate any competance in software source code analysis. All he could
do was gloat over the fact that a former employer could not hire a qualified
"Linux expert" and that he was able to out-think her. Funny, there are plenty of
real source code experts who could shred his tissue paper arguments. And yet he
knew back in 1994 that Linux was "an unauthorized copy of Unix". Say what? That
alone ought to qualify as a clueless homerun - right out of the park.
Yow! who listens to this guy?
Message ID: 165194
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2004-08-10 10:50:00
Subject: Enderle's Biography
Funny, when he wrote that article about how
a jury would side with scox, he seemed to indicate that he was a lawyer. I believe
he used expressions like "in cases that I've tried." But it seems to me that if
robby was a lawyer, there would be some mention of it in his bio.
Looks to
me like he was just a project manager before becoming a shill.
Rob Enderle is a Senior Analyst at the Giga Information Group where he specializes
in providing Information Technology advice for the desktop. His coverage includes
hardware, software, and communications. In addition, he covers Microsoft, e-mail,
and video conferencing.
Rob has over 15 years experience in the IT industry.
Before joining Giga he was at Dataquest, where he was the most widely quoted analyst
in both the trade and the public press worldwide. Before he was at Dataquest, Rob
held a variety of project management positions at IBM, including one where he managed
the redesign of IBM's software marketing channels. Earlier Rob was at ROLM, where
he headed Market and Business Analysis.
Message ID: 165340
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-08-10 14:39:00
Subject: Rob's Resume
Rob Enderle . San Jose, Ca.
Coast College - Marketing
Cal State Long Beach -Business, MBA in Market research
Pace University CMA (certified management accounting)
7 years wasted working for friends (no details)
HR for a manufacturing
site, Silicon Valley
ROLM - 1984
. Joins 4 months before IBM merger (HR
IBM acquires ROLM 1984
. Internal Auditor (IS Audit)
. Help Desk Development
. Software and Telephony Product Development
. Competitive Analysis, comanager,
"runin" with sales VP
. Software Sales Channel devlopment
. Market and Business
. Legal
. Late 80's Channel acquisition of resellers
IBM sells
ROLM to Siemens (1991-2)
. Enderle transfers to IBM proper
Enderle leaves
IBM 1994
Dataquest - Joins 1994 (immediately following IBM)
Senior Analyst
Client/Server Software
. Analyzes OS/2 for Dataquest
. Accuses IBM and Novell
of conspiring to have fired Feb 1995
Giga, Vice President Joins 1995
Forester acquires Giga Feb, 2003
Enderle Group (June) or August,
Publishes caustic assessment of Forester, August 8, 2003
. 15 years experience, IT (1995)
. More than 30 years experience
IT (2001)
. ex-cop
. Sheriff
. "judge-in-training"
. advanced weapons
. "traveled armed for 4 years under constant threat of death"
80's unnamed CRM application (ROLM, IBM, Stone ?)
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