Message ID: 158102
Posted By: eightninefourtynine
Posted On: 2004-07-23
Subject: Trolls
Having studied the last four weeks, (its not
just me), certain names are coming to the fore. I really question span1ish1nqu1s1t1on.
Do you think I am wrong, or do you believe that M$ etc can do this?
Don't kill
me, this is a serious question. I am also looking into Groklaw posts. Paid trolls
are very clever.
Brian S.
Message ID: 158104
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2004-07-24 00:05:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
<< Having studied the last four weeks, (its not just
me), certain names are coming to the fore. I really question span1ish1nqu1s1t1on.
Do you think I am wrong, or do you believe that M$ etc can do this?>>
if you are asking if I think span1ish1nqu1s1t1on is a submarine troll, then the
answer is no. I've been here for over a year and I've not noticed anything that
would make me think that. Mr. Inquisition has only been here for a few months, but
he has provided some good material in that time. You can look at everything he has
ever posted here at
What, in particular, would make you think that?
Message ID: 158105
Posted By: eightninefourtynine
Posted On: 2004-07-24
Subject: Re: Trolls
the problem. How do you know? I have however noticed that span1sh1nqu1s1sion posted
six minutes after I made the accusation and he ignored it. Not normal behaviour.
Brian S.
Message ID: 158107
Posted By: mathgeezer
Posted On: 2004-07-24 00:18:00
Subject: About Biff
Biff was bounced from GrokLaw today and his post removed
for abuse.
He lost it on the first discussion of the SCOG press release. He must
be under tremendous pressure.
The time record was ~8:30 PM.
Message ID: 158135
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 05:01:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
What makes you think MS (or another company) will pay
people to post on this message board? What makes you think they care what gets discussed
here? The idea is as ridiculous as PJ's assertion that companies are sending astroturfers
to her precious web site!
There is no paranoia without an exaggerated sense
of self-importance!
Message ID: 158138
Posted By: cassini_watcher
Posted On: 2004-07-24 05:32:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
>>>> What makes you think they care what gets discussed
here? The idea is as ridiculous as PJ's assertion that companies are sending astroturfers
to her precious web site!<<<
Well, I won't disagree with you about the astroturfers,
but GROKLAW definitely has trolls. They even established a troll section, which,
believe it or not, trolls use!
>>> There is no paranoia without an exaggerated
sense of self-importance! <<<
I'm not sure if you were implying that PJ also
has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, but if you were, what makes you think
she isn't important? She's responsible for single-handedly bringing together a community
whose prime purpose is to debunk The SCO Group. And guess what, it's working beautifully!
There are many important people out there who respect PJ and what she is doing (not
to mention a world of OSS users/hacks). If anything, PJ doesn't quite have a sense
of how important she really is... and that's no exaggeration.
If I am right,
your estimation of PJ runs parallel with your sense of self-esteem. Cheer up, old
chap, life is too short to be angry towards clever women who outwit dumb executives.
Message ID: 158139
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 06:00:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< She's responsible for single-handedly bringing together
a community whose prime purpose is to debunk The SCO Group.>
I think it
has less to do with PJ & more to do with the sense of outrage that SCO generated
in the Linux world. I don't think a whole community has to get together to debunk
SCO's claims. It would be understandable if the IBM-SCO case were to depend on a
subtle technical point that you have to understand by going over every word of every
case document. At this point, it is even a waste of time for outsiders to debunk
what SCO says in their court filings because SCO has resorted to saying just about
anything to keep their cases alive. The Autozone & DC cases are not even about Linux.
In essence, yes, a lot of people got together, but what they are doing is mostly
a waste of time.
< If anything, PJ doesn't quite have a sense of how important
she really is... and that's no exaggeration.>
I disagree, based on her assertions
about astroturfers.
< If I am right, your estimation of PJ runs parallel
with your sense of self-esteem. Cheer up, old chap, life is too short to be angry
towards clever women who outwit dumb executives.>
I think my self-esteem
is fine. Really. :)
Message ID: 158154
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 07:22:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< Normally people find they can respect effort and determination
even in fields they disagree with. When you still can't acknowledge it, there's
usually an interesting personal reason why if you can introspect it out. >
What interesting personal reason? My reasons are in #158139.
Message ID: 158158
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 07:52:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
Joking aside, too much self-importance would be if I
accused you of secretly working for Microsoft, just because you disagree with me.
My original point was that groklaw is not important enough to attract astroturfers.
Message ID: 158164
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 08:53:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
>> My original point was that groklaw is not important
enough to attract astroturfers. <<
And you can prove this assertion? >
Prove is too strong a word, but I gave reasons for my belief in # 158139.
It is not as though SCO is afraid that Groklaw readers will uncover a subtle
but fatal flaw in their case by going through all of the documents & by converting
them from one format to another & by discussing it among themselves! SCO's case
is full of obvious fatal flaws! They have no evidence. They are bound to lose, given
enough time!
Message ID: 158165
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 09:00:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< >> The Autozone & DC cases are not even about Linux.<<
Go read SCOX's initial complaints in both cases. I have - well, at least
until my eyes started to glaze over - but there's lots of stuff about Linux in both.
From what I remember, Autozone case is about their using Unix libraries
with Linux & DC case is about the compliance document. SCO may have included some
gratuituous dirt on Linux. The bottom line is: if someone is making outrageous claims
and you sense that they are not really serious, will you go to great lengths to
rebuff them or is it more efficient to wait for them to try to prove their claims
and fail?
Message ID: 158166
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 09:07:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< I wouldn't put it past them. They've done similar things
before. Let's face it, if they're going to doctor a video going to a court, they'll
cheerfully pay someone to post
nice things about MSFT products, and bad things
about Linux. >
Sure they do. I doubt if this board is worth their trouble,
< As for Groklaw's importance, if it wasn't having an effect, Danny-boy
Lyons wouldn't have tried to imply that IBM hardware donated to iBiblio years ago,
who happens to hosts Groklaw, makes Groklaw an IBM shill.>
I think IBM was
the target of Lyons' attack.
< And these sites wouldn't show
in their logs...>
So, SCO checks up yahoo! They don't have to do that if
it is to read what their paid poster is writing! It makes more sense if a lot of
investors read this board, but I have seen no evidence of that.
Message ID: 158169
Posted By: karl_w_lewis
Posted On: 2004-07-24 09:16:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
>> My original point was that groklaw is not important
enough to attract astroturfers. <<
At the [considerable] risk of making you
feel like *everyone* is ganging up on you over this... I can't stop myself from
I think I understand your point, the sun does not rise and set
by Groklaw. Okay, fine. Never-the-less, Groklaw has garnered, for better or worse,
a great deal of attention in the world, it has become *the* site that people turn
to to check out what's happening in the SCO case. And, because it keeps all that
history, it makes the SCOundrels' [lame] attempts to recast history every second
or third week not just useless, but downright counter-productive.
Darl has
even attacked Groklaw, by name, complaining that it is as juvenile as slashdot.
(If that were true, then what would he know about it? (A self-contradicting lie.))
Were you aware that someone regularly stops by and fills the old stories with
posts containing urls of porn sites? Now, that could just be the pornsters themselves,
but it also works out to be a really convenient way of trying to drown Groklaw's
signal in noise.
Sure, the comments that posters, like me and others, make
on Groklaw are not the kind of things that the lawyers sit around breathlessly waiting
for, we'd only be kidding ourselves if we thought so. But it serves as a very effective
educational resource for the whole community. Ideas and opinions get tested there,
and then move out into the wider world.
Don't underestimate the importance
of Groklaw; Lawsuits will likely never be the same.
Message ID: 158184
Posted By: mitmosnar
Posted On: 2004-07-24 10:25:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
Anything really useful from the comments will eventually
end up in an article. I would contend that doing research on Groklaw should be a
snap for any paralegals. I would also contend that, without the volume coming in,
those valuable nuggets might not be found - think 'many eyes'
Just my two cents.
Thanks again,
Message ID: 158188
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2004-07-24 10:38:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
<< Anything really useful from the comments will eventually
end up in an article.>>
Not to mention that some of the things found on Groklaw
have actually ended up in court filings.
I'm certain IBM has paralegals going
through Groklaw and because Groklaw has thousands of contributors the return on
investment of these paralegals is likely much much higher than the return on investment
in a typical paralegal.
So, for IBM who could most easily afford additional
expense, there is Groklaw providing and adding to paralegal work gratis and for
SCO who most needs to reserve its cash, it is having its arguments destroyed in
internet time--likely before IBM's paralegals have even started reading the court
Now, since this is a stock board, let's really look at that return
on investment concept. I happen to disagree that Groklaw is not very important in
the legal cases, but for the sake of argument, lets pretend to agree that it has
no impact on any of the cases. It still motivates and energizes, in a true grass
roots manner, a widely dispersed base of highly technical people who are either
in decision making positions or influence decision makers. Having access to a concentrated
target audience like that is a marketers dream.
Before this whole mess started,
IBM was contributing to F/OSS, but was looked at with cautious suspiscion by many
in the movement. Now, IBM has a huge supply of defenders who are in position to
make or influence purchasing decisions. The general opinion of IBM has changed in
a way that even an expensive marketing campaign could not do. All for likely less
than the cost of a few superbowl commercials.
So, even though I disagree
with the proposition that Groklaw is not important in the legal arena, I think it
would be impossible to argue that Groklaw is not important.
Message ID: 158196
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 11:19:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< And, because it keeps all that history, it makes the
SCOundrels' [lame] attempts to recast history every second or third week not just
useless, but downright counter-productive. >
The quotes are in a separate
quote database, which is unaffected by astroturfers (allegedly) disrupting conversations.
Even without the quote database, if journalists really want to check the consistency
of SCO's statements, google will work just fine. But, for whatever reason, the journalists
are not very keen on pointing out the inconsistencies.
< But it serves as
a very effective educational resource for the whole community. Ideas and opinions
get tested there, and then move out into the wider world.>
And, what exactly
is the importance of educating the community on the legal stuff, as far as the current
cases are concerned? Instead of one paralegal and 100 programmers, we now have 101
paralegals, all doing (mostly) unpaid grunt work, which will get nobody nowhere.
All that agonizing over the minutiae is completely worthless, not now, not later.
How much time did they spend on the trade secrets claims, before SCO just dropped
them and made all that work a waste? People are doing it because they feel like
it, but don't tell me it all has some great use for eternity. It is worthless junk.
Other than some rudimentary knowledge of copyrights & patents, and maintaining a
few checks and balances in their procedures, what does the open source community
need to know about law anyway?
Corporations are what SCO is suing and corporations
have legal departments. (That the paralegals from these companies are checking groklaw
is just fantasy, without more evidence. So far, all we have is groklaw mentioned
in one little foot note. The paralegals are better off doing their own work, I think,
than trying to find something good among all the junk.) What wider world are you
referring to? slashdot?
Message ID: 158198
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-07-24 11:31:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
i would suggesst before you spout so much wisdom you
go and do some research for yourself
i know that redhat does monitor the groklaw
that is a fact they said in a interview
and even pointed people to the
IBM maintains neutrality but they did point in one filing as *support*
of evidence to a story that was covered on groklaw
and there is knowledge being
given on groklaw that NO COMPANY could afford
yes they can afford pieces
not all of it
the research on groklaw is from people that *know* the history
and can point the lawyers to where the FACTS lie
so yes you can bet the paralegals
from all those firms involved with the lawsuits and even more are watching this
and probably lots more CEO's and CFO's than we can imagine.
in your face darl
lovin' it
Message ID: 158215
Posted By: mitmosnar
Posted On: 2004-07-24 12:35:00
Subject: Re: Troll
"My original point was that groklaw is not important enough
to attract astroturfers."
Right. As opposed to what other site?
Want an
'astroturfer'? Well, ol' Rant for Rent Rob posted in Sepetember of last year (he
is still listed as a member). Does he qualify? Groklaw has been plagued by both
professional and amateur trolls since well before then. To state otherwise is simply
a troll in itself. Heck, we even got a cameo from one of your local trolls recently,
with hilarious results (although biff is clearly an amateur).
you characterize
Droolbucket Dan's infamous Revenge of the Nerds article in Forbes as an attack on
IBM, yet I fail to see where sneeringly attacking Br3n's character or trying to
publish PJ's address has/had anything to do with IBM. How, from your transcendent
vantage point, do you see these things hurting IBM?
I would add that being mentioned
constantly in the mainstream press and winning O'Reilly's Editor's Choice award
are things that just might run contrary to your assertions.
I can only assume
that sour grapes in one form or another are coloring your reasoning.
you're sick of biff and ledite's feeble efforts, and envy the bounty of professional
or otherwise more sophisticated trolls Groklaw attracts. Believe me, if a trade
could be negotiated, I would be all for it.
Thanks again,
Message ID: 158222
Posted By: mitmosnar
Posted On: 2004-07-24 13:00:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
Wow. You really have a hard-on for Groklaw. I won't waste
my breath telling you what everyone else already knows, except to say that if you
think reading Groklaw is a waste of time, and that it's all 'worthless junk', then
I would contend that you clearly ought to look up the word 'irony', as your arrogant,
factually deficient posturing is likely the most worthless, ineffectual load of
public thumbsucking I've read since your last post.
Naturally, you lack the guts
or the intellect to bring your feeble, ankle height hectoring to Groklaw, and are
content to make an idiot of yourself here.
If you are unable to make use of
the amazing resource that is Groklaw, perhaps you could use the time to cultivate
a spine (and maybe even a clue). If you insist on keeping your head in the sand
and your ass in the air, that's great. Just don't begrudge others who seek to engage
their brains in efforts more productive than peeing on the good work of others.
If you had half a wit, you would log in to Groklaw and give PJ a donation for looking
out for your ungrateful butt.
Thanks again,
Message ID: 158256
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 15:05:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
< Naturally, you lack the guts or the intellect to bring
your feeble, ankle height hectoring to Groklaw, and are content to make an idiot
of yourself here. >
Replying to half a dozen guys is taxing enough! I have
no desire to take on more people.
< If you are unable to make use of the
amazing resource that is Groklaw, perhaps you could use the time to cultivate a
spine (and maybe even a clue). If you insist on keeping your head in the sand and
your ass in the air, that's great. Just don't begrudge others who seek to engage
their brains in efforts more productive than peeing on the good work of others.>
People can of course do whatever they feel like. No begrudinging on my part.
I just don't think it is playing any part in anything real, and I basically spoke
my mind. IBM is narrowing the case and winning it by the simple process of discovery
and by thinking up the master stroke - request for partial summary judgment. Volumes
of stuff on groklaw have amounted to nothing as far as actual case progress is concerned.
Volume and brute force are no substitutes for insight. But don't listen to me. Go
ahead and compare one version of a case document with another and nicely tabulate
the results, with the differences in red. They need their daily articles or the
crowds will stop coming.
< If you had half a wit, you would log in to Groklaw
and give PJ a donation for looking out for your ungrateful butt.>
PJ won't
get a dime from me. She will have to make do with that OSRM salary (and later, with
the payment for the book, if she writes the book). I don't think she is looking
out for me or Linux. I have realized long ago that groklaw is not about Linux; groklaw
is about groklaw.
Message ID: 158260
Posted By: boyle_m_owl
Posted On: 2004-07-24 15:31:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
" I have realized long ago that groklaw is not about
Linux; groklaw is about groklaw."
Well. Duh. It's a discussion board. I am
sure that when SCOX is finally pushing up the daisies, an ex-stock, bereft of life,
that PJ will use it for further discussion of other things related to law. The reason
that SCO is the current topic there is that it is an *interesting case study*, not
that PJ had it in for any of the Board of SCO (well, by now, she probably does,
for good reason).
That's why it's named GrokLAW and not named "GrokSCO"
How long did it take for you to come to this conclusion of such obvious facts?
Message ID: 158261
Posted By: ColonelZen
Posted On: 2004-07-24 15:34:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
dd, what is your point?
That PJ is not a goddess?
Fine. I don't think she's a goddess either, but she's doing a fine job IMO, one
which she admits she never expected or prepared for.
If it hadn't been PJ
and GL it would have been something/someone else. There were thousand's of techies
intensly interested in what was going on with SCO, most of whom had no or very little
legal knowledge and who wanted to know and understand what these legal subroutines
were all about. This was an unstable situation which was going to coalesce around
the first nearly suitable nucleus. It happened to be Pamela Jones and her blog.
Note that there is now also lamlaw and tuxrocks. PJ got there first.
*she* hadn't been up to the job of leadership of coordinating the dissemination
of legal matters for the legal lay geek community, it would have migrated elsewhere.
"If I should fall, another will take my place...".
So, given the weather
on the net, Groklaw or something very like it was inevitable.
Your point
-- TWZ
Message ID: 158285
Posted By: ColonelZen
Posted On: 2004-07-24 16:44:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
dd, are you biff?
Your style of argument has that
certain eau.
-- TWZ
Message ID: 158286
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 16:44:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
Sorry Colonel. If # 158138 and the message you replied
to don't make it clear, I really don't have anything to add.
Message ID: 158289
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2004-07-24 16:48:00
Subject: Re: Trolls
No, no. I suspect biff will be here long after I am gone.
He is a persistent little fellow.
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "eightninefourtynine", "heimdal31", "mathgeezer", "deepdistrust", "cassini_watcher", "karl_w_lewis", "mitmosnar", "b29651", "boyle_m_owl", "ColonelZen" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
Copyright 2004 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.