Message ID: 153386
Posted By: al_petrofsky
Posted On: 2004-07-12 18:05:00
Subject: Venue change denied;stay mostly granted
AutoZone's motion for a
change of venue (to Tennessee) was
denied. The case will stay in Nevada.
Judge Jones said he will follow Judge Robinson's lead and
stay the case indefinitely,
like the Red Hat case was, with
the parties to send him updates on all the other
every 90 days.
However, he will give SCO a chance to file a motion
for a
preliminary injunction to be in effect during the stay, and
he will
allow one round of discovery to facilitate such a
That is, if
SCO believes that it will be irreparably harmed
during the stay, it may ask for
an order that, during the
stay, AutoZone is not to engage in whatever the harmful
activity is. SCO will have thirty days to propound any
discovery requests (interrogatories,
document requests, or
depositions) that are necessary for its preliminary
injunction motion, and AutoZone will have thirty days to
respond to them.
The case will be stayed indefinitely, pending other cases,
regardless of
the outcome of SCO's request (should it decide
to make one) for a preliminary
injunction, which would just
describe what things (if any) AutoZone needs to
refrain from
doing until the stay is ended.
AutoZone asked the judge to
reconsider the part about the
preliminary injunction, pointing out that SCO has
sought a preliminary injunction (which has quite stringent
against anyone, and that it's very difficult
to imagine that SCO could show sufficient
grounds for a
preliminary injunction, because the only thing SCO wants
respect to the infringing conduct is to be paid for it,
and monetary damages
are never considered irreparable (they
can always be paid later, with interest).
AutoZone also tried to persuade the judge that this single
round of discovery
would inevitably become a protracted,
highly contested, and frustrating process
that goes nowhere
and wastes everyone's time (i.e., just like the SCO v. IBM
discovery process), but Judge Jones seemed confident that he
could keep this
to a simple 60-day process, and that the
potentional for a mere 60-day waste
of time is not that big
a deal.
Overall, I like Judge Jones. He seemed
to be on top of
things and to have a nice ability to cut to the chase. The
hearing only took thirty minutes. On the issue of the venue
change, he said AutoZone's
statistics about Tennessee being
faster than Nevada were out of date. Nevada
has recently
increased its number of judges by two (he's one of them,
added in December) and he's got plenty of time: he
could even schedule this case
for trial as soon as next
month, if the parties are ready.
Message ID: 153439
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2004-07-12 20:06:00
Subject: Re: Venue change denied;stay mostly gra
Thanks for all your hard
work al_petrosfsky.
Sadly, it looks like scox wins again. The last thing
scox wants is for any of these cases to be tried in a court room.
I suppose
I shouldn't blame the judges. The judges are probably used to lawsuits that are
filed because one party is actually suing the other. As opposed to lawsuits that
are filed to fud a particular operating system, or to lend credibility to an extortion
racket, or to help pump the stock price of a failing company.
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