Message ID: 137614
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-05-26 11:50:00
Subject: Loose Ends
My summer field season is fast approaching. The wild,
remote places where I do my research are incompatible with monitoring SCOX. I told
myself last week would be my last staring into the flames of this self-immolation,
its hard to drag myself away from such a gruesome spectacle.
Next month,
I imagine myself under the disdainful gaze of other researchers hooking half drained
storage batteries together to squeeze another few minutes out of the satellite uplink
so I could peruse the daily Troll count. I would argue sheepishly that SCOX is just
like the ephemeral biotic communities in treeholes and palm bracts I normally study.
I would like to thank all the people who gave me guidance, harsh or otherwise,
as I made my first foray into the BBS wilderness. More importantly, I would like
to thank the programmers who have labored over Linux and all OSS. For instance,
the daily use I make of efforts such as the R system is a debt I can't repay.
EVERYONE must read the NY DA press release on the indictment
of Daniel Mahony. The report of the parking ticket scam is *priceless* political
Mahony aka Daniel F. Mahoney, Dan Mahony, Jr.
Born 7/9/55
Dartmouth class
Director of a conservative alumni association with Gregory Fossedal, "Ernest
Martin Hopkins Institute"
Y199x's--Unsuccessful conservative candidate NY City
Y2000--Advisor to conservative Jersey City mayor Brent Schundler
Principal in "Lexington Research Partners,"a NYC investment firm.
Author of a
much reprinted op-ed on 9/11 and Concealed Weapons.
Y2002-- Selected by Republican
dirty tricks operative Roger Stone to run as NY lieutenant governor on the conservative
ticket. Internal scandal due to name similar (Mahoney) as the Conservative party
August 2002--Disgraced when double voting revealed, withdraws from race,
"moves to Southport, Connecticut"
September 2002 to 2004 continued failure to
repay $500K campaign loan from millionaire Conservative candidate Tom Golisano.
Political gossip sheets discribe the loan as hush money to get disgraced Mahony
off the ticket.
Oct 22, 2002--Indicted for vote fraud, NYC.
June 30, 2003--Mahony
pleads guilty two misdemeanor vote charges, sentenced to 150 hours community service,
and fined $1,500.
2004-- A certain Daniel Mahony newly listed as Chairman of
EMG Fund Management, at
Campaign LOANS:
PHOTO, Lexington: (other pages in blog
LG Race:
Message ID: 174045
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-08-30 10:22:00
Subject: WDCO == Wilson-Davis
WDCO has been at the top of the OTCBB bid list
all morning, six cents higher than the next active bid.
Wilson-Davis Company,
is a local Salt Lake City brokerage.
Wilson-Davis Company has a long SEC history
for involvement in pump and dump scams with Canadian Penny stocks.
For Instance
see news report of the WAMEX indictment: siliconinvestor<dot>com/stocktalk/msg.gsp?msgid=19258915
Message ID: 188456
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-10-04 02:12:00
Subject: Bricks in the John Wall
Brick in the Wall
John R. Wall exchanged
a $1 MM personal loan to for 800K shares of SCOX and $100K cash in August
2002. Simultaneously, SCOX paid $350K for a license and option to purchase 10% of
Vista stock. In January 2003, another $250K was paid to Vista to complete the stock
purchase in In January and April 2003, two loans totaling $200K were
made to by SCOX.
Total cash payment into vista from SCOX (including
the Wall loan) was $1.8 MM. The $1 MM loan + interest was repaid after Wall sold
his SCOX stock.
SCO's 10Q represents Wall as the majority stockholder in Other sources indicate that "MGN Opportunity Group LLC" was the major
stockholder. MGN is a subsidiary of "Matthew G. Norton, Co.", a Seatle area investment
bank. MGN is named after the founder of Weyhauser, the source of its funds.
A lawyer named Carter R. Mackley represented Vista, and MGN in the the debt
restructuring, and purchase by SCOX. Mackley is an alumni of BYU (1985) and additionally
serves as the representative for Microsoft in its private (PIPE) investments. Mackley
represented MS in a deal with Dell Computer. He also advised Canadian companies
on private placements Mackley is an associate at PrestonGatesEllis.
CEO at the time of the Wall-SCOX trade was Erik J. Anderson. He is now President
of WestRiver Capital and VC of Mongomery & Co. Anderson's investments contiunue
to parallel MGN's, so the independence of this new partnership is uncertain.
Vista today. is a shared server web host running linux in Kirkland/Redmond,.
Washington. In many ways business model resembles uSight's. It sells a
ebusiness service collocation service to small businesses combined with a merchant
site builder application. It appears to be free of the marketing scam associated
with uSight.
The number of businesses actually using the service appears
small. Netcraft only tracked 10 domains before I started adding others. (and some
of these were test sites rather than real business). The toll free tech
number offered by vista for subdomains 877-497-9909 only googles up a handful of
Business use of the site by Smith and Wesson is evidently predicated on
Colton R. Melby (of Kent Wash) who is the major shareholder of Smith and Wesson.
The other legitimate domain found by netcraft is founded and
run by ex-MS Cameron Myhrvold VP in the Developer Relations Group. "where this group
initiated the "platform marketing" effort at Microsoft."
A press release
by vista from the August 2002 SCOX deal claims 60,000 customers. The site builder
package may be independent of the collocation service as some of the claimed customers
are hosted on independent net-blocks.
A press release announcing a Sam's
Club / partnership from July 2004 has not created visible new business.
To summarize: Wall and SCOX were involved in a complicated stock swap negotiated
by the Microsoft attorney for PIPE deals. No tangible business derived from the
vista licensing deal. The Wall stock sale of SCOX was coordinate with Morgan Keegan
sales for investments to benefit SCOX.
Wall page, essential
SCO test on host
Carter R. Mackley
Message ID: 204140
Posted By: stats_for_all
Posted On: 2004-11-10 10:31:00
Subject: Mild Irritation
I woke today with mild irritation at Novell. They
could have released the 1995 BOD decision following Ty Mattingly's presentation
on the Santa Cruz business sale this spring, and I, in turn, would of been able
to concentrate on my insect and spider studies, instead of this human circus. Is
it their fault ?
Ty Mattingly has placed himself in the crosshairs of shareholder
suits. He can't save himself from a hair-raising deposition by an agreived stockholder.
A long time associate of Darl, on record giving Darl advice, bailing Darl out
of SBI, getting a healthy kickback in the Vultus deal. Ty was considered untouchable
in Utah because of his past playing BYU football hero. I wonder if Bob Mims was
thinking of Ty when he reported on the penny-ante stock scams by repeating a dismissive
comment about BYU football made by the jailed con. Fred Skousen, SCO Director and
a trustee of BYU athletics should have interesting things to say
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Copyright 2004 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.