Message ID: 105026
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2004-03-05 22:22:00
Subject: Trying to wrap my mind around this
Before I say anything I would
just like to say I am not trolling! I have been a die hard linux advocate and user
since slackware 3.0. I currently make a living with linux. Linux pays my house/car
note, puts food on my table, supports 3 cats, 1 dog, and a wife. I thank God for
linux every day. I say this just to let you know that I am not trolling - I am trying
to wrap my mind around some of the legalities around the SCO/IBM case. Can someone
attempt to give me some explanations in layman's terms of what I am asking?
IBM had a contract with AT&T (SCO, whoever) to develop and sell AIX, which is
derived from SysV. According to what SCO is saying, IBM can sell AIX, but not license
source code to third parties and allow them to develop derivatives. Meanwhile IBM
decides they like linux, so they start their AIX programmers who have had access
to SysV source code, methods, etc... working on linux.
I know the main argument
I have seen around here is that none of the SysV code made it into linux. But isn't
SCO saying that the knowledge that those AIX coders brought over to linux is what
should not have happened? And that any derivative work known as Sequent/Dynix/AIX
is also not necessarily "owned" by SCO, but subject to contract/copyright/IP restrictions?
Do they have a leg to stand on with this argument?
Was it not a little short
sighted of IBM to realize that SCO would see the writing on the wall when IBM started
pouring billions into selling linux and ridding themselves of paying anything to
On another note - pretend we are in bizarro world and SCO wins. How
does the "enterprise" (SMP,RCU,NUMA,etc..) capabilities of the net/open/freebsd's
compare to linux? Could the offending functions be replaced with BSD code?
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