Message ID: 100051
Posted By: phandsvrta
Posted On: 2004-03-01 08:52:00
Subject: EV1 Servers?
Can you give us (well, me anyway) a clue as to what
you're referring? Is there some piece of news I missed? If so, post a reference,
Message ID: 100052
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-03-01 08:54:00
Subject: Re: Who is EV1Servers.Net ??
doesnt this
company deserve some special attention
who owns it and all financial info?
also who uses it so we can apply pressure so the customers decided to move away
maybe? in other words boycott?
Message ID: 100053
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-03-01 08:56:00
Subject: Re: EV1 Servers?
there ya go
Message ID: 100061
Posted By: jcauseyfd
Posted On: 2004-03-01 09:09:00
Subject: Re: Who is EV1Servers.Net ??
Hmmm, unless I'm missing something,
it looks like they are an MS house. At least that is what their own site is running
on and what they advertise on their site. So why pick up an SCO IP license? Were
they worried SCO's IP might be in MS products they use? Oh yeah, that's right -
SCO own all your code.
Message ID: 100084
Posted By: rgriffith64
Posted On: 2004-03-01 09:54:00
Lots of unsatisfied customers:
Message ID: 100106
Posted By: crunchie812
Posted On: 2004-03-01 10:06:00
Subject: Re: Who is EV1Servers.Net ??
<< I thought all the talk of the rabid
linux hit-men was trash. Now I read you proposing exactly that sort of irresponsible
nonsense. Just the type of action previously ascribed to the hit-men, and vigorously
denied by many. You should be ashamed.>>
WTF? You prefer that consumers
should just lay down and accept whatever the corporate good ole boy network dishes
out? Actively standing up for your rights is being a hit man? Yes, the hit man talk
was trash. And so is your insult to b3rn.
Message ID: 100128
Posted By: phandsvrta
Posted On: 2004-03-01 10:17:00
Subject: Re: Who is EV1Servers.Net ??
br3n is proposing nothing of the sort.
What she is proposing is informed choice for EV1's customers,not some form
of DOS attack.
I note there's nothing about this on EV1's web site, at least
when I looked a short time ago. Also see at least one other post on this board re
an EV1 customer (or at least, claiming to be - how does one tell?) being sickened
by the whole idea.
I think you owe br3n an apology.
Message ID: 100129
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-03-01 10:18:00
Subject: Re: Who is EV1Servers.Net ??
ashamed of what
as a consumer i
am allowed to speak out if i disagree with policies
it is still free speech
even though from what i read today this guy with EV1 might be as sue happy as sco
is i am still allowed to encourage others to check out his company to make sure
they want to do business with him..besides who made you guardian on here?
i didnt
vote for you
so your opinion is same as mine
an opinion
you freaks just
dont get it do you
as a person i have just as much right as you do
eat it
lump it
get over it
you sound like a businessman
maybe an insider from
hope so
got your post marked
Message ID: 100252
Posted By: crunchie812
Posted On: 2004-03-01 12:05:00
Subject: Menage a trois Licensing scam
Microsoft provides the SCOG $millions
in loan cum licensing deal to attack their No. 1 threat, Linux.
touts EV1 in Win2003/Linux case study.
Netcraft names EV1 the top Win2003
hosting provider.
EV1 has amazingly low, low pricing for Win2003 servers.
EV1 buys SCO IP license just days before Q1 conference call, and on the day
of the PIPE and Boies deals deadline.
Coincidence or Conspiracy? Let the
DoJ make the call.
Message ID: 100439
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2004-03-01 17:07:00
Subject: EV1 Servers Company Losing Customers
...and now featured on /.
Wanna bet they BK soon, as a result of this deal?
run up against RHAT/vmlinux GPL lawsuits, since they cannot conform with BOTH SCO's
illegal license AND the GPL...think about it...they sell ONLY RHEL (not SCOLinux
or SCOSource)...RHAT is suing SCOX and indemnifies their users now...RHAT puts EV1
on notice to cease-and-desist (as they nmust or risk their own distribution rights
under the GPL) or face a lawsuit.
EV1, you shoulda stayed out of this.
Message ID: 100469
Posted By: zeebo12345
Posted On: 2004-03-01 17:53:00
Subject: Re: EV1 Servers Company Losing Customers
Although EV1 will no doubt
be losing customers because of this move, there is nothing in today's announcement
that means that they will be in trouble with RedHat.
Red Hat provides EV1
Linux and support. SCO provides EV1 with a license to use unspecified 'SCO IP',
which for all we know is nothing. Buying a worthless license does not interfere
with their Linux license.
Message ID: 100482
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2004-03-01 18:19:00
Subject: Re: EV1 Servers Company Losing Customers
>> Buying a worthless license
does not interfere with their Linux license.<<
We DO know what it says. Accorrding
to the PR report, it is a SCOSource license, which copy or terms and conditions
is posted on their web pages, I believe. Since applying this license (and SCO's
subsequent actions) to GPL'd software violates the GPL, EV1 is not allowed to further
distribute, modify or use Linux software and they are in violation of RHAT's licenses,
too. Additionally, they put RHAT at risk of losing the ability to distribute GPL'd
software, should RHAT support them, while they are in violation.
They ARE
distributing and modifying GPL'd code, if they are using RHEL.
Message ID: 100490
Posted By: diogenese19348
Posted On: 2004-03-01 18:31:00
Subject: Re: EV1 Servers Company Losing Customers
We DO know what
it says. Accorrding to the PR report, it is a SCOSource license, which copy or terms
and conditions is posted on their web pages, I believe. Since applying this license
(and SCO's subsequent actions) to GPL'd software violates the GPL, EV1 is not allowed
to further distribute, modify or use Linux software and they are in violation of
RHAT's licenses, too. Additionally, they put RHAT at risk of losing the ability
to distribute GPL'd software, should RHAT support them, while they are in violation.
Sorry Korb, to be fair we do NOT know what the contract says. This was
not a court or SEC filing, this was a press release, and SCO routinely lies in them.
There is no reason to believe EV1 bought a standard license, in fact, there is good
reason to believe they did not.
I suspect EL1 was paid a certain amount of
money, did I say that, silly me, I meant stock options to allow their name to be
used. I suspect the license did not cost them a cent, M$ picked up the tab.
Notice how their website is strangely silent on the issue? Wouldn't you at least
think they would post a 'use linux here with confidence' post? If not, what the
hell are they getting out of this?
I do not think there was a damned word
about Linux in the license they bought. Not even a hint.
Message ID: 100568
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2004-03-01 21:36:00
Subject: About EV1
EV1 has become famous as a porn hosting site:
and (hint
why they changed their name from RackShack--their IP address was blackholed for
porn spamming)
From Wired Magazine:
Since mid-September,
numerous myNetWatchman participants have received repeated probes on port 135 from
a handful of Internet protocol addresses assigned to Everyones Internet (,
an Internet service provider in Houston, according to Baldwin. The numeric addresses
translate into "NetBIOS machine names" that begin with WEBPOPUP and that have appeared
in several recent ads, he officials, who did not respond to interview
requests, are investigating the issue, according to Baldwin...Now that spammers
have pioneered the Windows Messenger technology, worm writers may be next to target
the service, according to Harlan Carvey, a security engineer with a financial services
firm..."I'm sure we're going to see spyware or malware that makes use of this,"
Carvey said.
and (That's right: Hamas and the al Aqsa Martyrs'
Brigade terrorists use EV1 as their ISP and hosting provider)
and (hackers and Trojan
Message ID: 100706
Posted By: phandsvrta
Posted On: 2004-03-02 05:47:00
Subject: More EV1 replies
>> SCO already has like $60 million on hand and
our small fee would not go very far defending an action such as this, much less
prosecuting one.
We make no endorsement of SCO nor do we make any admission
as to their claims.<<
From Robert Marsh's post on
So, the fee is "small", and they're (apparently) not endorsing SCO!
smells - surprise, surprise!
Message ID: 100725
Posted By: phandsvrta
Posted On: 2004-03-02 08:18:00
Subject: EV1 Linux Users are NOT happy
I think they just lost almost their
entire Linux customer base. The protest traffic on their discussion forum is running
very high.
Oh well, now they can convert entirely to Windoze. Oh, but then
they won't need a SCO license - DOH!
What a maroon, to quote bugs bunny.
Message ID: 115601
Posted By: moonrealestate2000
Posted On: 2004-03-25
Subject: Peter Pathos about EV1 and SCO
Netcraft has an interview
with a Peter Pathos, President, The Planet Hosting
"Peter Pathos has guided
The Planet Internet Services of Dallas through a period of dynamic growth, posting
impressive numbers in the first two months of 2004. Pathos, the company's president,
launched The Planet after selling the ISP he founded, National Knowledge Networks,
to Verio in 1998. In an interview with Rich Miller, Pathos shares his views about
hosting technology, the SCO case, and how security issues will bring about the death
of the "mom-and-pop" hosting company.
Q. EV1Servers, one of your chief
competitors in the dedicated server sector, recently signed an intellectual property
license with SCO regarding its Linux servers. What is The Planet's position on the
merits of SCO's intellectual property license? What kind of feedback are you hearing
from customers regarding recent news developments in the SCO matter?
A. There
is obviously a very negative tone surrounding the recent license agreement between
SCO and EV1. Robert Marsh and EV1 have been very successful since their inception,
and I am certain this was a solid business decision for Robert. Currently, The Planet
legal team is reviewing all information regarding the SCO lawsuits and alleged claims
of infringement. At this time, The Planet has not entered into an agreement with
SCO and does not support the legal stance of SCO. We believe SCO is alienating the
open source community along with current and future potential customers."
P.S.: Peter Pathons, President the Planet must look funny on
a business card.
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "phandsvrta", "b29651", "jcauseyfd", "rgriffith64", "crunchie812", "korbomite", "zeebo12345", "diogenese19348", "moonrealestate2000" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
Copyright 2004 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.