Message ID: 93580
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2004-02-12 19:15:00
Subject: Usage statistics: From message 1

Sorry about the poor formatting

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Message ID: 93581
Posted By: thaddeusbeier
Posted On: 2004-02-12 19:18:00
Subject: Re: Usage statistics: From message 1

I was going to wait until message 100,000 to do my summary -- I'm quite curious how you got the data. It took me a week to download all the articles slowly enough that Yahoo didn't get upset and block my IP.

Most of the missing articles are in the 1-3000 range, I guess there was a lot of spam back then.


Message ID: 93586
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2004-02-12 19:28:00
Subject: Re: Usage statistics: From message 1

Just a perl script that fetched pages at about 10 second intervals. At first I tried 2 seconds but yahoo banned my ip within a half hour. I then post process to get plain text with resonable formatting. I have 62+ mb of searchable plain text.

I generally dont go to yahoo anymore unless I want to post, I just read the log.


Message ID: 93618
Posted By: b29651
Posted On: 2004-02-12 22:25:00
Subject: Re: Usage statistics: From message 1

is there a way to find out about the recommended posts?

Message ID: 93624
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2004-02-12 23:02:00
Subject: Re: Usage statistics: From message 1

I don't have that info.

Most of the time I fetch the messages within a few minutes/hours of when they are created so I didnt think it usefull to keep that information since it would soon be obsolete.


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