Linus Torvalds: SCO Is "Just Too Wrong"
The originator of the Linux OS has sharp words for SCO's "cornered rat" claims of intellectual-property infringement
Business Week
February 2, 2004
If anyone knows what's in Linux, it's Linus Torvalds. He did the first work on
the open-source operating system while a student at the University of Helsinki,
and he managed the often chaotic process of building it with other programmers.
Now, SCO Group, a small Utah software company, claims Linux is trampling on intellectual
property rights it inherited from Novell, which got them from AT&T. In an e-mail
interview with BusinessWeek Correspondent Jim Kerstetter [
], Torvalds explains why he thinks SCO is wrong. The following are edited excerpts
from that interview:
Q: SCO claims that old Unix files it says it owns are now in Linux. Can you explain
to me why you think that's wrong?
A: [A number of files SCO claims to own] were written from scratch for Linux....
SCO also doesn't hold any copyrights to the BSD code [software developed at the
University of California at Berkeley that SCO says contained copyrighted material
that was passed on to Linux], nor is it actually in [SCO's version of Unix]. So
SCO is wrong.
Also, SCO has apparently several times mentioned how copyright notices have been
removed. Just for the record: Original Unix doesn't have any copyright notices to
remove. They were added after a lawsuit [between the Berkeley developers and AT&T,
which was settled]. So SCO would be wrong again.
So basically SCO's arguments are just too wrong to even discuss rationally. SCO
doesn't own the copyright on the files they are talking about -- the University
of California at Berkeley does. But even if they did, the Linux files weren't even
copied in the first place. And even if they had been copied, no copyright notices
would have been removed, since they didn't exist in the original. There are literally
several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to live in that alternate
universe where SCO would be right, they'd still be wrong.
Q: In fact, I saw in a recent interview that you chided yourself for the quality
of some of those files. Why so?
A: Hey, for some of the files they claim copyright ownership on I went back 12 years
in the archives to see their original form, and the fact is, I was a young guy at
university in '91, and I [made] mistakes that I simply wouldn't [make] anymore,
and that are clear signs of beginner [programming].
And those mistakes show how the code wasn't copied -- it's a bit like how map makers
used to introduce small errors in maps on purpose, so that if somebody copied them
but claimed to have made their own, the original map maker could point to the error
and say, "Well, how did you have exactly the same error, too?"
Except I can definitely state that I didn't make those mistakes on purpose. As a
young student at the University of Helsinki, I definitely didn't have the kind of
forethought required to foresee a company claiming my code as theirs 12 years later.
If I had those kinds of powers, I'd never have gone into programming, I'd just play
the stock market.
Q: Do you think that any copyright or patent-protected Unix code has actually found
its way into Linux?
A: Unlikely. There are now a number of people who have access to both Unix sources
and Linux code, and literally written automated tools to find similarities. They
found something like 30 lines from [Silicon Graphics ] that were dubious and that
had been removed already. SGI wrote an open letter about their mistake. You can
find it if you look for it.
As to patented algorithms, yes, there are a few examples of that -- IBM actually
explicitly licensed some to Linux. That was a requirement on our side for even accepting
the code in the first place. SCO doesn't own any patents, so they certainly can't
be claiming ownership.
Q: If there is protected code in Linux, is there a solution?
A: Oh, the solution to any patent/copyright dispute is licensing the [intellectual
property] or not using it. It's that simple.
In this case, we would clearly just remove it, but SCO has been less than forthcoming
about what the contested code would be -- and when they do mention code, we can
prove they are [wrong]. But we've always said in public that if SCO can actually
show that somebody has inserted SCO [intellectual property] improperly in the [core
of Linux], we will remove it. SCO only needs to ask.
But of course, those two scenarios actually depend on the [intellectual-property]
claim being valid. That's a much more fundamental issue for SCO. The validity of
their claims has always been very shaky, even regardless of the fact that Novell
claims SCO doesn't own the Unix copyrights in the first place.
The SCO claims have been shaky from the start because they haven't actually been
able to show any particular copied code. It's like me claiming copyright on some
article you wrote for BusinessWeek [without being] able to specify which article
and which part of it I would have written. The fact that Novell now contests the
SCO copyright ownership just makes them even more shaky.
Q: What do you think of SCO's lawsuit against IBM and its threats against customers?
A: Quite frankly, I obviously don't think much of it. But clearly we have to be
careful.... Any business in the U.S. ends up having to worry about legal action,
whether merited or not.
So I can't say that I'm ignoring it, because I'm not. But I do consider the thing
to be a pretty clear-cut fishing expedition on SCO's part.... [But now,] they can't
just back down, because that would show how [questionable] the original stuff was.
Nothing to lose is a bad situation to be in. They're a cornered rat, and quite frankly,
I think they have rabies to boot. I'd rather not get too close to them.
Q: What do you think is motivating them?
A: I think there was a fair amount of bad feeling when IBM dropped out of the Monterey
project [a joint-development project with SCO]. That was a big deal for SCO, and
they had a hard time with that. Never mind the fact that it had long since become
clear that the project wasn't going anywhere, and IBM would have been crazy to continue
with it.
So you have some pent-up anger at IBM, a failing business that was losing its market,
and put it together with a greedy new CEO who has fought legal battles before, and
what do you get?
Q: Do you find this to be a personal affront to the work you've done over the years?
A: I do, and I don't. I get really upset every once in a while when SCO makes some
new totally outrageous claim about the code I originally wrote and have maintained
for over a decade. And I get frustrated at how this charade has been going on for
something like eight months now.
But at the same time, I have obviously done all the development and the project
management over the Internet for those 12-plus years, and the thing is, I've had
to get a really thick skin and be able to laugh at myself, or I'd never have been
able to do it.
Which means that I'm actually pretty good -- or at least I think I am -- at taking
a step back, and looking at my own reaction to it pretty neutrally. And that not
only calms me down a fair amount, it has actually made me appreciate the situation
a bit: The lawsuit has made me realize just how personal these things get and how
badly you can react to them.
So I still get angry, and sometimes I vent through e-mail, but at the same time,
it has been an interesting experience. Not something I'd recommend to others, and
quite frankly, if I never hear of another Linux lawsuit again, that will be too
soon. But it's a bit like being at the dentist and instead of thinking about the
irritating whining noise, you appreciate trying to figure out what it's like to
be the man with the drill.
It doesn't make the situation any more pleasant, but at least you can get something
out of it. Learning how things work, and how you yourself react to stressful situations,
is worthwhile in itself, I think.
Q: Finally, have you done a deposition for SCO yet?
A: No, they asked for the moon and the sun -- I've got tons of e-mails -- and they
weren't specific enough for me to automate [searches of my files to find answers
to] their questions, so the lawyers have been trying to pinpoint a set of automated
queries that both sides are comfortable with. And it wouldn't be a deposition, they
just ask for documents. In my case, that ends up being basically e-mail.
I don't have anything against making my e-mails available per se -- most of my e-mails
are public anyway. But I don't want to make it all available, [such as] private
stuff that has nothing to do with what SCO is asking for. And since I've got so
much of it, I can't read through it manually either. I wrote some tools to automate
the search, but they would require pretty specific search terms.
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