Message ID: 77454
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-01-04 13:21:00
Subject: Still just a scam
Nothing has changed significantly. The new claims
will be torn asunder by their own words, and they will fail in this effort too.
I am only suprised the pumper trolls keep showing up at all.
There is something
to be said for a lack of character as to worship villainy. The public sees through
the game - it is only a matter of time before one of the conspirators cracks when
caught in the noose.
So, if you are a Strong Buy person - good luck with
that. You will receive what is coming in due time. I have faith that Justice shall
prevail, no matter what it takes.
That means this bag of hot air will come
crashing back to Earth in flames. That end was written by the executives, and they
chose their course.
I for one, will never acquiesce to these tards. It isn't
in my nature. Anyone who does, simply lacks the backbone necessary to claim themselves
a man. Honor is at stake here, and my honor shall not be compromised by villainy.
How about yours?
Message ID: 111918
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-03-17 14:01:00
Subject: Remember - don't Enronize the innocent
Once again, my reiteration:
I won't cheer when the innocent and good people from SCO Group lose because of the
actions of the few. That is not right, but happens all too often for my tastes.
The good people who are trying to work for a living don't need to be lumped
with those that are trying to scam for a living. I still say we should help those
who aren't a part of the scheme here.
Have a nice day.
Message ID: 113494
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-03-21 12:40:00
Subject: The troll marches on. What else is new?
Stock Vomit:
try, but I don't believe you are expressing anything worthwhile other than an attempt
to discredit the rest of us.
Of course, you are free to run in the Special
Olympics all you want, but to be absolutely clear, you and I will never run on the
same team.
Please, take your CAPS LOCK key and place it back into the darkened
hole you crawled out of to arrive here. I know that you only seek to distract and
obscure the truth, and so does every other reasonable poster here.
viewing your posts should know that your actions are designed to play the role of
the boogie-man in this case. You aren't a real anti-litigation poster, you are pro-SCO
Group, 100% of the way.
No one needs to read anything from you, other than
the fact that you are here to discredit the reasoned arguments of the Strong Sell
opinion. You need to learn to actually do better than a CAPS LOCK key. It is very
obvious that you are not here to assist, but to defame those who have acted honorably.
It's an old ruse - a favorite tactic of propaganda swine everywhere: planting
false participants into a crowd to discredit their actions. I suppose that I thought
your side was stronger than that. I guess you really are that weak-minded and foolish
after all.
Enjoy your time in the padded cell when this scam finally implodes.
Message ID: 115195
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-03-24 08:32:00
Subject: Of Skiba and financial advice
He is just a cog in their machine.
Ask those tax shelter investors at Deutsche Bank about the legality of the opinions
that Deutsche Bank had rendered for them, and what protection their NDA left them
with when they had to go to court with the IRS here in the USA.
Hint: NONE
Credibility and reputation are things you build if you really care about people.
Hostility, anger, distrust and outright scams are what you use when you only care
about yourself.
Let's consider facts and remember Dion Cornett of Decatur
Jones has been right all along on this one. Skiba is an interested party, his recommendations
make that clear. He has hitched his wagon to SCO Group, just like a whole lot of
them have.
Have a nice morning.
Don't worry, be happy!
Message ID: 118204
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-03-30 18:17:00
Subject: Remember: Please don't Enronize
I have no beef with the honest employees
trapped in a bad situation. Let's remember that Anderer memo for a second.
The employees aren't bad people, but those who run this scam on society and
the legal system should be brought up on the block.
Further, if they lose,
they should pay for the court costs for everyone they have sued, lawyer fees for
consultations, etc.
Might send just the right message to other johnny come
lately lawsuit happy scammers.
Have a nice evening.
Message ID: 122025
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-04-12 00:22:00
Subject: A strategic view
It is time for us to pick the battleground and
the time. This battle will rage on, but the enemies of freedom must not be allowed
to control the timing, or the ground upon which the conflict occurs.
see momentum in the price of stock, I see momentum in the interest for Free and
Open Source software.
Sun Tzu was right, and we should become the whisper
in the wind. We must become the leaves of the trees such that they when they venture
into the forst we are always above them.
This battle was a strategic miscalculation
by the schemers. Their greed and vitriol shall only become more apparent as they
flail in the tarpit of realizing that the lottery tickets are worthless.
Expect their return to be vocal, designed to cause anger and totally lacking in
substantive argument. I would suggest that we point out where they are wrong, but
do not engage them directly. Engage their points (okay I know that will be a stretch,
because they really haven't made any points) if possible, but continue to point
out that this is a scam (and always will be).
Don't bother with their insults
(of course, BOOGA! BOOGA!, *plonk*, or any other favorite retort short of direct
repsonse ad hominem is cool). It is a waste of time and effort.
The tactic
has been run by the same service that runs asinine articles proclaiming that SCO
has a chance. It is designed to make people angry, and get a rise out of you.
It is the tactic of cowards and shills everywhere. I may not be Albert Einstein,
but I know when I see, read, smell or step in horse manure.
Have a nice evening
all. Hope your Easter was enjoyable and peaceful.
Don't worry, be happy!
The future is what you make it, so don't let people take your freedom for a promise
of security. There is no guarantee of security, but you can damn well bet that your
freedom would be long gone.
Freedom is an inalienable right. This litigation
to deny freedom is the purest exemplification of people who failed in their childhood
socialization IMHO.
Message ID: 137757
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-05-26 16:45:00
Subject: Remember: Don't generalize
In your treatment of SCO Group employees.
There should be a line of distinction between the "players" and the regular joes
and janes who don't have any stake in this travesty.
They are probably holding
on for dear life. Finding a job in the days of the jobless recovery economy is fairly
damn hard. Talking from experience, and in many ways a direct result of this scam.
At least I can look myself in the mirror and know I did the right thing. That
is something better than the players can say.
The stuff from artemis was
mirrored a long time ago. Any cleanup efforts were pointless. The backups do exist.
Have a nice day.
Don't worry, be happy!
P.S. - that seems to be
creeping into the journalistic lingo these days. :)
Message ID: 139229
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-06-01 17:18:00
Subject: It's still a scam
No matter how you look at it, it's always been
about taking the investors for their money (though they certainly don't seem to
mind taking the loss - pretty amazing huh?). No retail investor could (or should,
if they are reasonable) believe the lawsuit bullsh*t.
The real thing is that
this was always about a P&D scheme and always will be. That they get away with it
seems to border on criminal negligence in the enforcement divisions, but then so
does CA, Enron, Tyco, Worldcom/MCI, and many, many more that are the real reason
that jobs are really down (no matter how much horse-puckey they place in the media).
You know, If I had stolen billions, I doubt I could arrange sweetheart deals
for my family so my kids would have a parent around (Enron), and I doubt I would
still be out on the streets a free man. Justice looks less and less likely to be
an unpaid and impartial observer every day that scams like this continue unabated.
SCO should not be able to sneeze without blowing germs on a government agent
- but no signs of that yet. Phony profits and fat bank accounts = somebody is screwing
the US economy but good. The amusement park is nothing but a sham, and until the
perps are in jail, we're all screwed.
Oh yeah, it's still a scam and a scandal.
If this is "business" then I would say business is BS.
Have a nice day and
remember: Give them nothing and you have nothing to lose.
Message ID: 142948
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-06-10 08:52:00
Subject: BayStar was THE Short Interest
""We're a pure financial animal,"
Goldfarb said of the venture capital firm. The terms of the investment deal were
attractive, he said, with BayStar purchasing $20 million worth of preferred shares
that paid an ongoing dividend. The firm mitigates its risk by shorting the common
stock of the company it is investing in."
Yep, told ya so, but some said oh no - couldn't be. Had to be those 'bashers"
. Ledite, BIFF, etc. all were nothiing more than BS sock-puppets creating friction
to drive the pump & dump scheme in some dumb investors minds.
they were the short interest. It has always and always will be a pump and dump.
Once a scam, always a scam.
Have a nice day all, and may Justice be served.
Message ID: 158613
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-07-25 23:21:00
Subject: The questioner
Just another troll method. Attempt to sound reasonable
and hopefully cause dissent.
Hell, it's flattery. It means this is annoying
the hell out of them. If that's the case, I fell like we are sending an effective
and troublesome message that they do not like. The truth is always troubling to
those who fear it.
Let them come out with the pop psychology - it simply
means they don't know what to do in the light of day. They desperately need to stir
dissention or appear to be the innocent victim - they aren't.
Don't fall
for it - it's simply a measure of the success in getting the word out. They lost
the board as a means to pump the drivel and scam. Consider it recognition that our
work is meaningful and they are nervous. :)
Have a nice evening.
Message ID: 173396
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-08-27 17:02:00
Subject: Remember: it doesn't change the facts
The stock may rise (a little)
as a pre-earnings pump. Most stocks do. Even if they managed to pull off any profit,
it won't be an indicator of success at anything, other than holding onto customers
and squeezing under threat.
I predict that they will inflate the SCO SCam
licenses by tying them to UNIX licenses. That is the only way other than working
with a TICC-backed company that I can see them pulling off any revenue. If it is
Bizland - they're busted, cause it is a Cohen/Royce backed company and we all know
That would be an obvious wookie.
Message ID: 201832
Posted By: freecode_99
Posted On: 2004-11-01 21:10:00
Subject: This Just In
This thing is still a scam. In the absence of evidence,
no amount of hype can make this lead balloon rise.
SCO could have made this
go away more than a year ago by simply provding PROOF POSITIVE of the violation.
Instead, they have to fish for something (anything, in desperation) after they
couldn't find their missing millions of lines of code, MIT scientists, or anything
even remotely resembling a violation by IBM. It's the same as the "find the football"
legal cases that they aren't sure what they are about.
BTW: ledite - you
are the single reason I will not quit. As long as your vile presence remains, I
will stay on this trail until you, and all of your cronies are either jailed, or
put into the poor house. You are a real inspiration to keep me working against cretins
such as yourself. Isn't it nice to know that the only thing lower than amoebic dysentery
is yourself?
Have a nice day - keep your powder dry. The shadow knows, and
he shan't forget.
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