Message ID: 72206
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-16 22:46:00
Subject: What Scares Dan Lyons
What REALLY scares Uncle Dan, the SCO man
and paid shill to Microsoft and the rest of the status quo dinosaurs in proprietary
software is that Free/Libre Open Source Software includes the Collective Commons
What REALLY scare Dan Lyons is that PJ has more readers than he
does. He is as much a "failed business" as Microsoft and SCO. That is why he is
on their side.
Message ID: 72212
Posted By: slimshady_1901
Posted On: 2003-12-16 22:57:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
Lyons says we are all a bunch of amateurs
who are often wrong and in general make a lot of noise mostly in futility.
So? I honestly fail to see the point of the article. Is Lyons
trying to parody the SCOX board? If so we should be flattered. A professional(?)
is so jealous of a bunch of volunteer amateurs that he has to stoop this low?
Message ID: 72218
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:11:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
He lied and mis-quoted me.
I have
the emails he sent me and am looking now to find one single post where I used the
words he attributes to me.
I have not found them yet.
Lyons is so
full of fear that he has committed the same sins that got other journalists fired
at the New York Times and other papers.
I promised him I would save his threatening
emails to me "for laters." Is it "laters?'
More to come.
Message ID: 72221
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:18:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
It's not just the tech forums...or any
forums for that is the whole site.
Forbes, and print mags in
general are dying, and blogging and fora like /. and Groklaw are stealing bandwidth
from them. Forbes doesn't get it. They make it HARD to contribute and easy to read
the drivel idiots and liars like Lyons continue to write. It will be interesting
to see if any of his articles make the print version of the magazine. If this one
does, in toto, without corrections, I will be seeing my attorney. I have already
discussed with her the on-line misquotes and lies.
Magazines like Forbes
are where the networks were in 1979. We on the Internet, especially at /. and Groklaw
and here are cable.
Magazines are going the way of the dinosaur and Dan's
buddy BillG may just put Danny-boy out of a job...if his unethical 'journalism'
doesn't first, of course.
Message ID: 72228
Posted By: diogenese19348
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:25:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
It's not just the tech forums...or
any forums for that is the whole site.
Forbes, and print mags
in general are dying, and blogging and fora like /. and Groklaw are stealing bandwidth
from them. Forbes doesn't get it. They make it HARD to contribute and easy to read
the drivel idiots and liars like Lyons continue to write. It will be interesting
to see if any of his articles make the print version of the magazine. If this one
does, in toto, without corrections, I will be seeing my attorney. I have already
discussed with her the on-line misquotes and lies.
Magazines like Forbes
are where the networks were in 1979. We on the Internet, especially at /. and Groklaw
and here are cable.
Magazines are going the way of the dinosaur and Dan's
buddy BillG may just put Danny-boy out of a job...if his unethical 'journalism'
doesn't first, of course.
Frankly that appears to be true. It isn't
just that the dead tree issue will die, it is that the on-line version is subservient.
I had to go through some major manipulations, free mind you, but manipulations,
to post a damned comment. Even letters to the editor were easier. Wellllll.....
not really. I did not need to stick it in an envelope and mail it, and it was posted
10 minutes later. But you know what I mean.
Information communication is
changing. Those that don't catch on... Well, does anybody need a buggy whip?
Message ID: 72230
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:26:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
I believe he is quoting from message 65245
Long-Term Sentiment Disclosure:
Run away, run far far away.
Message ID: 72234
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:31:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
<< He lied and mis-quoted me.
have the emails he sent me and am looking now to find one single post where I used
the words he attributes to me.>>
Try 65245. It was a good post, but it also
explains to me why Lyons bothered to drag Enderle and his terrorist quote into the
Sorry if someone else has already posted this. I'm still catching
Message ID: 72240
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:40:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
I'm checking with my lawyers and other
legal staff as to my liabilities. If I do it here, I also want to inform Forbes'
Editor, as calling a journalist a liar is VERY serious and could result in Mr. Lyons
losing his job and, as he has said on the Forbes board, his livelihood. That makes
for a bit of a liability consideration, so I am confirming that I have not said
anything in the past on this or other boards that would be construed as my "single-mindedly
working for the destruction of this company" (SCO).
The only things I am
"single-minded" about anymore is the success of my company and employees and my
Message ID: 72242
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-16 23:44:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
Got it.
My apologies to Mr. Lyons.
He gets involved in an email discussion with me and uses a more recent quote
(I started my search back a bit earlier.
Count is on target too.
Message ID: 72261
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2003-12-17 00:08:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
Seems to the main point of that post was
to express your rightful outrage at being called a terrorist by McBride. Considering
your distingished military career, that comment by sleazebag mcbride was way out
of line.
Yet, Lyons completely ignored mcbride's comments, and the true subject
of that post.
Extremely selective quoting on the part of lyons, I would say.
Message ID: 72278
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-12-17 02:09:00
Subject: Re: What Scares Dan Lyons
Thank you, walter, but he did get it right,
and I spoke here before thinking and finishing the research.
Selective, yes,
but that makes me no less wrong.
The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "korbomite", "slimshady_1901", "diogenese19348", "i_am_fava", "heimdal31", "walterbyrd" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.
Copyright 2003 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.