Message ID: 69564
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2003-12-10 00:30:00
Subject: Some stats about this message group

Messages: 66865
Message Gone: 2778

Strong Buy: 4190
Buy: 607
Hold: 555
Sell: 805
Strong Sell: 24522

Unique Users: 2732

Top 50 Posters
3120 korbomite
3104 fuzzywzhe
2964 walterbyrd
1578 b29651
1546 freecode_99
1268 worf0
1256 martin_lvnv
1109 diogenese19348
918 darlmclied
846 hross_bjorn
706 stdsoft0
681 abacaxitoo
673 eamacnaghten
665 crunchie812
632 neilplatform1
614 ledite
605 excel_sux
598 pcstroud
595 leclite
591 backinfullforce
586 yoyotogoismyname
575 earlconsult
573 ledjte
532 xulchris
531 charles_q
527 terekhov
527 heimdal31
514 siriusisthenextdell
514 manyhats23
512 thegrendel_XX
510 pneuguin
482 fles_dnoyeb
458 whitefang9992000
429 pro_coder
390 peecee_user
353 cyzq2003
341 doughnuts_hmm
330 mcbride4prison
325 pimping_linux
324 esher72
309 stanmuffin
308 party_with_free_beer
302 subzerohen
292 hemimans_pick
282 bindicap
277 biff12586
273 arnbirdo
264 judge_rash
264 StockSentinel
262 geo1mc

Message ID: 69565
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2003-12-10 00:33:00
Subject: Re: Some stats about this message group

Damn! I'm tied with terekhov.

There. Fixed that.

Message ID: 69566
Posted By: heimdal31
Posted On: 2003-12-10 00:37:00
Subject: Re: Some stats about this message group

<< Message Gone: 2778>>

Can you get a rough number on messages gone that were later referenced in other posts?

Seems to me that when I first joined, Yahoo would dump nearly any message that had a URL and I know a bunch of good stuff disappeared into the ether.

Would be curious to know how many of those vs. the spam messages are represented in that number.

What about posts/month?

Posts/day cross-referenced with intraday high and low and/or volume?

Message ID: 69568
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2003-12-10 00:47:00
Subject: Re: Some stats about this message group

Of those 2778 missing messages,
1745 are from messages 1 - 9999.
309 are from 10000 to 19999
228 are from 20000 to 29999
282 are from 30000 to 39999
96 are from 40000 to 49999
73 are from 50000 to 59999
45 are from 60000 to present

Either Yahoo eased up on what it deleted or people began to learn how to bypass the filters.

These stats are a rough first pass at trying to extract some usefull information from my data. They are just simple command line tools piped together. Better stats will have to wait until I have a chance to write some perl to do the calculations.

Message ID: 70314
Posted By: i_am_fava
Posted On: 2003-12-11 14:18:00
Subject: Some stats for the last 30 days

Messages: 9859
Message Gone: 51

Strong Buy: 408
Buy: 71
Hold: 28
Sell: 162
Strong Sell:5338

Unique Users: 644

Top 50 Posters
494 b29651
363 stdsoft0
350 korbomite
346 walterbyrd
266 diogenese19348
247 darlmclied
243 neilplatform1
219 freecode_99
215 whitefang9992000
195 terekhov
190 party_with_free_beer
171 martin_lvnv
156 crunchie812
155 annielinux
148 fuzzywzhe
141 outtascope
136 newyen
133 cat_herder_5263
127 leclite
123 gpl_world_dominatrix
119 manyhats23
115 heimdal31
106 lordshipmayhem
98 zarathustrius
95 doughnuts_hmm
88 rkhalloran
87 hross_bjorn
84 jmccorm
83 then_call_my_bluff
81 eamacnaghten
81 abacaxitoo
79 mcbride4prison
78 stanmuffin
74 thegrendel_XX
71 chevyfanz2001
70 peecee_user
63 biff12586
62 ruidhmurphy
59 sw_bobcat
57 pcstroud
57 notmrnice
57 excel_sux
54 yogi61bear
53 go4sco
53 borg_in_sector001
49 bindicap
48 radicimo
45 geo1mc
44 bziobnic

The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "i_am_fava", "heimdal31" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

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