Message ID: 55568
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-10-26 14:30:00
Subject: SCO's Sordid Mess

Just a blast from the past to remind everyone where we've been and the past of this, now that we have PJ's excellent research on in the "Futher Adventures of Linux and the GPL in Stck Scam-land":

An article in Computerworld, from a little while ago:

This is a stock scam.


Message ID: 55574
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-10-26 16:20:00
Subject: Linux Becomes More Powerful becoming more open.

Now, if we can only get the SCUMX stock scam resolved quickly, on to World Domination!!!


Message ID: 55594
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-10-26 23:39:00
Subject: SCUMX: Killing the GPL "Cancer"

From Darl-ing Darl's own lying, scum-filled, thieving mouth:

"We're fighting for a right in the industry to make a living selling software," McBride said. "The whole notion that software should be free is something SCO doesn't stand for. We have drawn the line. We're supposed to be excited about that and we're not."

This has no basis in fact, based on Red Hat's current market valuation, or that of IBM, SuSE, Turbo Linux or Monta Vista...

...but then a lying SCUMX shill, a Mr. Charles Lancaster contributes this gem to the debate on the CRN site:

The Linux camp can rant all they like, SCO have a strong case. If they didn't own the IP rights why did Sun pay them $90m and if they lost those rights under the GPL then the GPL really is a cancer.

So the GPL is a "cancer" and software "freedom" and the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of an author to publish under the license he or she wishes to is threatened because Caldera/SCUMX is too stupid to figure out how to make money from Free/Open Source Software...but they need the software the F/OSS community provides to make their software work, so they feel justified in taking THAT software (Samba, the gcc compiler suite) for free...and their VARs, Partners and ISVs agree...

...evil bastards, thieves and liars, all.

...and this case that SCOX has entered into against IBM and RHAT is just a stock scam.


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