Message ID: 10147
Posted By: martin_lvnv
Posted On: 2003-06-01 15:00:00
Subject: why does SCO need an NDA?
SCO seems pretty insistant on requiring
NDAs. Why?
There are four types of IP: patents, trademarks, copyright and
trade secrets.
Patents on Unix have mostly expired.
Copyrights on Unix
don't belong to SCO (according to Novell)
Trademarks on Unix belong to The Open
That leaves trade secrets. Interesting enough, unlike the other forms
of IP, a company loses protection of a trade secret if they publically disclose
Hmmm. Also interesting
is the fact if someone (like linux hackers) independantly figure out your trade
secret, you are out of luck.
Message ID: 10162
Posted By: martin_lvnv
Posted On: 2003-06-01 17:32:00
Subject: Confusing FUDDERS
I think SCO is being very confusing on
According to SCO, their suit is based on contract law, not
copyright. And there is some question if SCO even owns the copyrights.
The 1500 letters to Linux users and 100's of lines of copied code matters with
regard to copyright. And so far there is no copyright action.
question that needs to be answered for SCO to win their suit against IBM is what
IBM employees did that breached the contract. Lines of code don't matter unless
IBM employees are proved to have submitted them.
If IBM contributed SCO
proprietary methods and concepts to Linux, SCO could win without needing a
single "line of code" to be copied.
If June is "show and tell" month,
why doesn't SCO "show and tell" some evidence that might actually matter in the
suit they filed rather than producing copyright smoke and mirrors under NDA?
Message ID: 10241
Posted By: walterbyrd
Posted On: 2003-06-02 08:33:00
Subject: Re: why does SCO need an NDA?
If the code is out there already,
as SCOX claims; then how is SCOX protecting any trade secret?
SCOX has
stated that they don't want the offending code deleted before they have a chance
to present it in court, but that makes no sense. SCOX need only have a Linux
source code CD with the offending code.
Why an NDA - is a very good
question. I would like to a reasonable answer.
Message ID: 10373
Posted By: martin_lvnv
Posted On: 2003-06-02 15:22:00
Subject: Trade secrets for $100, please
Possibly SCO is going to claim
IBM violated SCO's trade secrets. What would it take for SCO to win?
First, trade secrets have to be secret. Unix internals have been taught as an
example in universities for 30 years. Anything that was taught anywhere is the
world isn't a trade secret.
Second, anything in Unix or BSD up to '93
doesn't count due to the settlement.
Third, anything IBM developed or
techniques developed and published by Intel or other companies doesn't count.
For instance any techniques used by Sequent when they made Unix scale up to 32
x86 cpus doesn't count.
For SCO to win it has to prove SCO and only SCO
had some technique that was added to the Unix codebase after '93 that no other
company used/discussed or published. And that IBM only found out about it from
their codebase. And they can prove that IBM itself gave it to Linux.
live in Las Vegas and occasionally have been known to make a wager. What do you
think the chances that SCO and only SCO had some unknown technique that IBM
didn't know except from the SCO license that was implemented in Linux recently?
Pretty small, I'd say.
Message ID: 10598
Posted By: martin_lvnv
Posted On: 2003-06-03 14:18:00
Subject: How long can SCO hide?
There are a bunch of articles talking
about how there *could be* someones proprietary code in Linux. Lots of things
*could be*. Even better for SCO would be articles talking about *what is*.
SCO has been asked by many to detail what Linux code they claim is theirs
without even needing to show any of their own code. They have refused.
They claim to be willing to show code to a few selected people under NDA "real
soon now". What reason could SCO have for hiding the IP at issue? Did the RIAA
refuse to specify what songs violated copyright when suing Napster? Were they
only willing to show a few music critics under NDA?
What is the first
thing that would happen if SCO publically disclosed their claimed property in
Linux? There would be immediate research by a large group of people to find the
exact creator and history of the code in question. I expect details of
authorship would be almost instantly published.
If it were SCOs code this
research wouldn't hurt and in fact would prove their case. On the other hand, if
their claims turned out to be just smoke and mirrors, it would hurt their case.
I expect SCO is going to do whatever will help their case. Interesting they
are acting like disclosing information will hurt their position.
Are they
scared of the truth? How long is that going to work?
Message ID: 20515
Posted By: martin_lvnv
Posted On: 2003-07-22 17:12:00
Subject: What is SCOs IP?
There are four generally accepted areas of IP
law. One is trademark, but SCOs IP is not the unix trademark - thats owned by
the Open Group. Its not patents - you can look up patents at the patent office;
they are public. SCO doesn't have or claim to have patents. It can't be trade
secrets. While SCO might have a case against IBM if IBM published SCOs trade
secrets or donated them to Linux, once they are published or donated they aren't
secret anymore and Linux users can use whatever methods SCO considers their
trade secrets wihout SCO being able to get damages or license payments from
Linux users. Its also impossible to believe that code that implements the
published POSIX standard could be considered to use some company's trade
That leaves copyright. Copyright protects "authors". In other
words, the actual writers of software or the companies that employ them
(depending on the contract between the programmer and the company). Under
copyright law, you can sue if someone uses *code* *you* created. However, it
only protects the exact expression of the idea - that means the exact code, not
what the code does or the methods the code implements. It also only protects the
author. So using copyright, SCO can't sue for code another company wrote and
donated to Linux or for code that implements similar features that might be in
Unix. SCO is limited to pretty much word for word copying from Unix to Linux.
Shouldn't be surprising - its called "copyright", of course it has to deal with
I don't think there is much if any code directly copied from
Unix to Linux. If so, removing it removes the copyright problem. What SCO wants
is people to leave their code in Linux and pay SCO a license for it. That
doesn't seem to be what Linux users will choose to do. SCO seems screwed.
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